Doctor Demon

Chapter 297 - The Demon He Fears (3)

Chapter 297 – The Demon He Fears (3)


One by one the glass objects exploded to bits, scaring the teenagers. Yoonmin and Minyoon shielded the girls, pulling them under furniture for cover while Magrod took charge.

"Stay there!" he ordered.

Magrod instantly left the body of the stuffed toy and rushed towards Miyoo\'s room in his demon form. He had morphed into the monstrous dog, growling loudly.

He barged into the bedroom to find that the window was open and everything in the room was a mess. A strong scent of sulphur hung in the air but thankfully, he sniffed Miyoo\'s presence in the room. He found her hiding under a dresser, shaking in fear. Her face was white as chalk as if she had seen something scary.

"Oi kid-" Magro began but she burst into loud tears. 

"M-MOMMYYYYY!" She screamed. "MOMMYYYYY!"

Miyoo was so scared that she was crying for her mother. Her tiny eyes were red with tears and she was crying uncontrollably. She was a complete mess, unsure of what to do or think. Magrod immediately levitated her on to his back and took her to safety.


The twins and the girls shouted as soon as Magrod brought her downstairs. She was crying hard as her brothers hugged her, trying to console the child. It was impossible to comfort her and she kept on crying for her mother who was far away at that time. 

The demon went back into the stuffed toy to address the kids.

"What the hell happened?" Yoonmin demanded from him. 

"How did the glass object explode on their own?" Minyoon whispered. Miyoo was in his arms, still wailing. 

"Is it another demon?" Baekha asked.

"It must have been," Magrod muttered. "There\'s sulphur all around the kid\'s room."

"How come you couldn\'t sense the demon?" Soobin asked. "You always sense nearby demons!"

"Not this one," Magrod said in a grim tone. So this is what the Brethren is up to, he realized. But why did they attack the kid?

Yoonmin had enough of the abrupt answers. "Tell us what the hell it was!" He ordered angrily. "Why did it attack us? Was it after Miyoo?"

"It must be related to the Priestess\' accident," Magrod concluded. "Both her and the kid were attacked that night. I\'m sure that this is no coincidence."

"Can you stop beating around the bush and tell us the truth?" Baekha snapped at him. "Why is a demon attacking her?"

"Okay, listen up!" Magrod said in a serious tone. "What we\'re dealing with is now a high level threat. This is not an ordinary demon like a Vurthramis or Kistris. This…this is an Aken."

"The third demon class?" Yoonmin recalled. Magrod nodded.

"Let\'s calm down the kid first," he suggested. "I don\'t think she should be hearing about this."

It was a herculean task to calm Miyoo down. She was demanding for her mother but the twins could not take the risk of calling her because if they did, Jeon Gayoon would not only take the first flight back to the country but also shove her fist right up the faces of all demons. Aiding her would be their father, Hwang Minho, whose anger was worse than the hellfire Magrod tried to scare them with. 

"What do we do?" Minyoon exclaimed over Miyoo\'s cries. "She won\'t stop at all and sis is out of reach!"

"We can\'t call mom at all!" Yoonmin yelled back. That only made Miyoo cry harder.

"MOMMYYYYYY!" She screamed.

"Can\'t we just call her?" Soobin suggested. "We\'ll just tell her Miyoo had a nightmare!"

"Make her stop!" Baekha pleaded. She did not want to say it bluntly but the kid was a loud cryer. It was nearly impossible to keep her quiet.

"Fine!" Yoonmin finally said. He winced and took out his phone. Dialling his mother\'s number, he put the phone on speaker mode.

"Hello?" A soft voice came from the other end. "Yoon?"

Miyoo instantly stopped crying upon hearing her mother\'s voice.

"Mommy!" She squealed. 

"Miyoo?" Gayoon\' gasped from the other end. "Are you crying, honey? What happened?"

There was a loud crash on the other end which made everyone jump in shock.

"Crying? Why is my princess crying?" Minho\'s panicked voice came from the other end.

"Daddy!" Miyoo squeaked while the twins groaned. They were screwed.

"Is that your dad?" Soobin whispered. 

"Are those two brats giving you a hard time, princess?" Minho demanded. "Oi, Hwang Minyoon and Hwang Yoonmin! What the hell did you two do?"

"Nothing!" Minyoon claimed. "Nothing happened! She had a nightmare and was crying for mom!"

"I\'ll cut your allowances if you upset your sisters!" Minho threatened them. 

"We don\'t take allowances from you, old man!" Yoonmin groaned. 

"Oh stop it you three idiots!" Gayoon scolded them. "Where\'s my little angel? Lemme talk to her."

"Mommy, Miyoo is scared!" Miyoo whimpered. "Miyoo wants mommy!"

"Why are you scared?" Gayoon asked in a gentle tone.

Uh oh, the twins thought in dismay. Please don\'t say it, sis!

"Maggie\'s demon friend scared Miyoo today!" Miyoo blurted. "It looks like a giant birdie! Birdie said it will come for Miyoo. Miyoo is scared!"

There was a long silence on the other end. The twins could feel their parents were about to explode on them.

"Yoon," Gayoon began. "Who else is there with you guys?"

"Er…" Soobin and Baekha looked at each other. "Baekha and I are here, Mrs. Hwang," Soobin said. "I\'m Kim Soobin."

"A-And I am Choi Baekha," Baekha replied. 

"Girls, can you take Miyoo upstairs and stay there?" Gayoon said. "We want to talk to our sons."

The girls were hesitant but seeing Miyoo\'s state, they agreed. Soobin took Miyoo in her arms and they scurried to another room, shutting the door behind them. 

"First thing first," Gayoon said. "Who the hell is Maggie?"

"Uhh…I\'m Maggie," Magrod replied. "I mean, Magrod! I\'m Magrod! An elite demon from Hell."

"Well, mom and dad," Yoonmin began. "You see…"

They reluctantly told their parents everything about what happened and also what happened over the past few months. Their parents were quiet but the twins whimpered in fear. Demons did not scare them but the collective anger of Hwang Minho and Jeon Gayoon was something not even the twins would dare to provoke. 

And this time, they were both about to explode.

"Jina is dating a half demon," Gayoon said. "She was in a deadly accident which was glossed over as a minor injury to us. And Miyoo was also attacked that night."

"You guys were nearly killed by a cheap poltergeist," Minho added in a seemingly calm tone. "My future daughter-in-law was also attacked. And you guys even played an online video game against a person whose hobby is to make a demon kill others."

"We solved all those problems!" Yoonmin said at once. 

"I swear, we are all safe!" Minyon claimed but his parents were already bubbling.

"Jina almost died, Yoonmin fought off a poltergeist, Minyoon was attacked by a demon and Miyoo is being scared by other demons," Gayoon said. "And she\'s also keeping one as a pet."

"I am not a pet!" Magrod claimed. The twins tried to stop him from talking but the demon was blowing his own trumpet.

"I am an elite Vozakel Lord of Hell who is among the high class demons!" He went on, not reading the atmosphere. "I have lived for over 5000 years and am extremely powerful! I bathe in water which is boiled to exactly 100 degree celsius and I like to have my afternoon tea with chocolate chip cookies. My favorite dramas air between 8 PM and 10 PM and I watch the repeat telecasts at noon. I have an extremely busy routine all day long because I am an elite Vozakel Lord. I am not a pet but rather chose your daughter to let me grace her with my presence by living in this house!"

"Oi!" Yoonmin hissed. "You just opened the Pandora\'s Box, moron!"

"Now we\'re truly dead!" Minyoon whimpered.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Magrod asked, not knowing that he just put the final nail in the coffin.

"THERE\'S A DAMN DEMON LIVING IN MY HOUSE FOR FREE?" Minho\'s voice echoed all throughout the condo, scaring the demon so much that he jumped right into Yoonmin\'s lap.

"And now we\'re dead," the twins said.

Jina, Jiwoon and Hobin were in the briefing room with the Commissioner, Shun Bodung, and their department head, Taejoon. The pictures of the crime scene were hung on a board in front of them.

Taejoon was wary of the heavy atmosphere in the room and cleared his throat.

"Sir," he began. "May I ask why you are so interested in this case?" 

Shun did not reply but was staring at Hobin. He was unwilling to reopen this case but the situation is grave.

"Doctor Ohm," he said, ignoring Taejoon. "Are you sure you want to investigate this case again? Last time, Wang Taehee was declared as the murderer. This one might be a copycat."

"Do you think it\'s a copycat, Shun?" Hobin asked in a flat tone. He was the only one standing, his eyes fixated on the pictures. Shun sighed.

"No," he admitted. "It\'s the real deal. I\'m sure of it as well."

"You mean Wang Taehee was not the culprit?" Jiwoon asked. She had gone through the file of the Cleaver case and was confused.

"No," Jina muttered. "She was probably framed. Right, Hobin?"

Hobin nodded. "She was framed by the real murderer," he stated in a bitter tone.

Jina stood up and touched his shoulder. "Tell us everything," she told him.. "Now." 

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