Doctor Demon

Chapter 229 - Baekha's Plan-Conclusion

Backstage, the assistants were staring at the screen in shock. They were whispering at each other about the recent event and they were all aghast.

"To think that these are teenagers!" One assistant remarked.

"Teenagers nowadays are spoiled brats."

"They really need discipline…"

They were all muttering to themselves. A curly haired assistant watched the TV in a wary way, thinking that in Hell, that paintball would have been replaced with spikes to their butts.

"Tch! Should have let them beat the crap outta each other!" Magrod growled. "In Hell, these two bitches would have been fish food."

He was still occupying the body of the assistant but he wanted to find Miyoo and let go of this body soon. Unlike most demons, he was not particularly fond of possessing humans. They were dirty and way beneath his noble status.

Magrod went from room to room, looking for the brat and hopefully, the Butterfly Priestess. 

"Tch!" he scowled at all the humans around him. "All of these people look the same to me! Where is the kid?"

Suddenly, two figures caught his attention. They were Siwan and Jiwoon who were holding trays in their hands, chatting.

"You have a new case?" Siwan was asking.

"Yeah," Jiwoon sighed. "Some kids are spreading this game online. It\'s really strange. Whichever kid is playing this game, they\'re killing themselves. It\'s going viral. Weird."

"Kids nowadays are exposed to really disturbing things," Siwan said in a grim tone. "Whether it\'s games or…"

He turned to the TV where the news channels were now covering the bullying incident with Dalton High School. 

"Or bullying," he finished with a sigh. "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these kids? To think that Soobin was bullied by someone she thought of as a friend!"

Jiwoon shook her head in disgust. "These kids need a lot of guidance. Neglect creates such problems. If only their parents had taken care of them."

She recalled the way Mrs. Jung was more obsessed with her image than her kids. It really was concerning.

"Let\'s go," Siwan shrugged. "Jina and Hobin must be waiting. Also, Miyoo becomes cranky whenever she\'s not fed on time."

"Ah yes!" Jiwoon chuckled. "Let\'s go."

They were still chatting with each other, unaware that Magrod was following them. He tailed them closely, making sure that they would not notice him. They entered a room and shut the door. 

"The kid and her sister must be in there," he muttered. He was about to go and knock when the door opened again and the Priestess came out. He quickly hid behind a pillar, watching her. To his slight surprise, she was talking to herself.

"You know the kids really need to be educated more," she was saying. "But I think I\'m gonna teach my brothers a lesson too! They just made two girls a national joke!"

Unbeknownst to Magrod, Hobin was with her but Magrod could not see him. Instead, he was wondering why the Priestess was talking to himself. Full fledged demons were usually able to see spirits. Was she talking to an invisible one?

"Those girls made themselves a national joke," Hobin muttered. They were passing by a large pillar when Jina paused and glanced at it.

"What happened?" Hobin asked. She was staring at the pillar but there was no one in sight. Why did she get the feeling that they were being watched?

On instinct, Jina went around the pillar but did not find anyone. Strange, she thought. She could have sworn there was someone right behind the pillar…

"Oi, Tinkerbell!" Hobin called her. "What happened? Is it a ghost?"

"No...I thought I saw someone here," she said slowly. Or rather, sensed someone here, she told herself. Aloud she said, "Let\'s go and deal with the twins."

Hobin nodded and they walked away. Magrod had left the assistant\'s body and crawled up on the ceiling\'s ventilator to hide from them. He quickly followed them, keeping enough distance so that the Priestess could not detect him. He must talk to her in private but why was she talking to herself?

Jina and Hobin walked towards the backstage and watched Minyoon addressing the crowd after they had calmed down from the outrage.

"I don\'t want you all to criticize them!" he told his fans. "But rather, I want you all to learn from them and be better people!"

The fans cheered hard for him, awed by his magnetism. They were drawn to him and wanted to support him however they could. That night\'s incident was being debated online. Some people were appreciative while others criticized the way it was brought to light but that did not matter. All that Minyoon cared about was that the people were at least talking about it.

"I\'ll take my leave for tonight!" he waved at the screaming fans. "Be good and kind to people! Don\'t let bullies hurt you!"


Minyoon gave them a flying kiss and walked off the stage where he ran into Yoonmin, Soobin, Hobin and…

"Sis!" he exclaimed. "You\'re here!"

Jina walked up to him and boxed his ear. Minyoon winced as his sister addressed him.

"Why did you do this?" She scolded him. "Those two girls are now going to become social pariahs!"

"But look at what they did to Soobin and Baekha!" he protested. "Not only was Baekha forced to walk shirtless all throughout the school but Soobin also had to cut off her hair!"

Jina glanced at Soobin, who looked very sad. She sighed and let her brother go. If there was someone who should be angry and hurt, it was Soobin.

"Are you alright?" Jina asked her in a kind tone. The girl meekly nodded her head but was not looking at her. Jina sighed and hugged her. Soobin, feeling glad to get a warm hug, almost broke down again.

"Oi, don\'t cry!" Hobin told her. "You should be glad that those bullies got caught. Besides, Sera really didn\'t deserve your kindness."

"He\'s right," Jina consoled her. "They bullied you and god knows how many others! I thought that Sera would learn a lesson after the Rachel incident but I guess some people don\'t change."

"Besides, Miho is a class A bitch who\'d do anything for popularity," Yoonmin added. Jina reproached her brother with a look but Soobin took a deep breath and let go of her. 

"I\'ll be fine," she said in a shaky tone. "I wasn\'t shocked to know that Sera did this to me. But hearing it from her mouth only made it worse. I guess she never cared about me. I shouldn\'t care about her either…"

She frowned and turned to the twins. "How did you two come up with this plan?" she asked.

"We didn\'t," Yoonmin replied.

"Baekha did!" Minyoon piped up. "Man, that girl is smart! She read these two idiots like an open book. It was all her plan. I gotta admit, she\'s smart."

"Baekha?" Jina questioned them. She never met this Baekha directly but heard a lot about her from the others. Also, she was Jiwoon\'s sister-in-law. That girl planned this?

"Yeah!" Minyoon sighed. "I invited her to the concert but she said she\'s too busy tonight and told us to go ahead. Wish she was here…"

"If you guys are done dilly dallying, you\'re blocking my way!"

All of them turned to find Baek standing there, looking a little annoyed and pale. Baekha had to take several medicines to keep her fever down but her body was still weak. Still, the Idol Baek had a show to carry and she could not let her fans down.

Jina frowned at the boy and checked her from top to bottom. She had watched Baek\'s videos before but always felt that there was a feminine vibe to him. And seeing him up close made her even more suspicious. Hobin was also raising an eyebrow.


Miyoo\'s squeaky voice came from behind. Siwan and Jiwoon also arrived at the scene with Miyoo who was overly excited to see her idol. She was dying to jump into Baekha\'s arms but the latter gave her a warning look.

Even Siwan and Jiwoon were staring at \'Baek\'. They were shocked to find Baekha dressed as a boy! 

Jiwoon was about to say something but Siwan stopped her. "Don\'t," he muttered. "Talk to her later."

Minyoon picked up his sister instead and glared at Baek.

"I see that you\'re still a rude, immature brat," he said out loud. "I guess, some people really don\'t change!"

Er...Jina only shook her head and turned away to hide her laughter while Hobin was amused. "This is interesting," he snickered. "He\'s really dense, isn\'t he?"

"He isn\'t the smartest of the lot," Jina sighed.

Baekha ignored them and headed for the stage. Minyoon frowned upon seeing Baek staggering. He looked weak and pale as if he was sick for a long time. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Soobin asked. 

"I bet he\'s just acting!" Minyoon scowled. Everyone looked at the duo in dismay.

"Please tell me that you still didn\'t figure it out!" Jina exclaimed to her brother.

"Figure out what?" Minyoon frowned. His sister sighed and smacked his head.

"You moron! That Baek is a girl!"


"She is," Jiwoon confirmed. "That\'s Baekha. Cho Baekha.. Sister of the previous Top Idol, Cho Sungki."

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