Doctor Demon

Chapter 173 - A Lesson He Learned


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The glass vase falls to the floor, shattering to a thousand pieces. Inside the elegant room of the mansion, a girl is cowering in a corner, scared for her life. Her long dark hair is covering her face and she is peeking with her pitch black eyes, keeping her gaze on the man who is towering above her.

He is really tall, around 6 feet. His chiseled face is on the covers of every magazine. He runs his fingers through his dark blonde hair and has a seductive smile on his lips. There is no doubt he is breathtakingly handsome. His voice is the envy of many and with his sharp features, he is the nation\'s biggest celebrity. At only 28 year old, he achieved great fame. Everyone wants to be with him. The girls line up to bed him but he is known to be in love with only one mysterious girl. He wants to be with her and her only.

The man stooped down to face the love of his life. She is so beautiful in his eyes. He raises a finger and gently removes the long locks from her face. Her fair skin is paler than usual but she is still so pretty. She was like a porcelain doll, delicate and petite. His heart was racing upon her sight.

"Jisoo," he whispers but to his shock, the girl only whimpers. Her haunting eyes are filled with tears and she is crying uncontrollably. She clutches her knees together, edging away from him as if he is going to hurt her. How could he ever hurt her? That is impossible!

"Why are you crying, my sweetheart?" he asks, feeling a lot of worry. "I...I love you so much-"

"Please let me go!" she begged. "Please...let me go!"

She is now pleading for her life. All the pride, honor and dignity she once possessed is now gone. There is nothing left for her. All she wants is to live.

His finger now lightly traces her tear stained cheek. Seeing her like this is paining his heart. Why does she want to leave? He is her everything and she is his. Then why is she so scared? What can I do? He wondered.

Jisoo feels his fingers touch her face and shivers in fear. His touch disgusts her but no matter how much she protests, it only becomes worse. His fingers are trailing down, tracing her jawline to her neck.

"AGH!" she screams when his fingers tighten around her neck, choking her. His handsome smile flashes in front of her as she struggles to be free.

"Let you go?" he asks. "Why? Why Jisoo? Don\'t you love me? Don\'t you see how much I love you? You weren\'t like this when we got married! You wanted to marry me for years, did you not?"

Jisoo is coughing and wheezing, the pain in her neck only becoming worse by the minute. She is scared of him. She loves him but cannot stay with him. One day he is the sweetest person, the man she loves. And the next day he becomes a monster who will kill her.

"P-Please…" She stammers. "Please…"

"Till death does us apart, dear wife," he reminds her. "You married me. I won\'t let you escape. Not now. Not ever."

In an instant, he smashes her head against the wall. Blood flows out of her skull and she loses consciousness. As she lies in the pool of her own blood, she sees that haunting smile still taunting her. His lips are moving to tell her one last time.

"You are mine, Ming Jisoo…"


"We\'re here!" Dahoon declared. He parked the car in front of the hospital. Jiwoon, who was asleep in the car, yawned and stretched her limbs. The drive to the hospital was a long one thanks to the heavy traffic they faced on the way.

"Let\'s go and ask the pediatric surgeon on duty about the kid," she said. Getting out of the car, she felt lethargic but they had a job to do. They headed straight to the pediatric section where the boy, Yang Wook, was being treated for his injuries.

Siwan was examining the patient in question when he heard footsteps approaching the ward. Jiwoon and Dahoon entered the room to find the boy was still unconscious while Siwan checked his eyes and throat.

"How is he now?" Jiwoon asked him.

"Not good," Siwan sighed. "His throat is badly injured. Took me a long time to treat it. He\'s also in shock. Coupled with the throat injury, he\'s now completely mute."

"So we\'re not gonna get any information from him?" Dahoon sighed.

"Not until he recovers and gets his voice back," Siwan said. "And you\'ll need a guardian present to take his statement."

"We\'re reaching out to his aunt…"

Dahoon\'s phone rang and he excused himself, leaving the dup alone in the ward with the patient. Jiwoon sat next to the boy and gently patted his head. The boy was hardly six years old and had to go through a major trauma like that.

"He\'ll be scarred for life," she murmured. "After seeing his parents killed in such a brutal manner."

Siwan nodded. He heard the details from the paramedics who brought the child to the hospital and was not surprised that he fell into such a huge shock. 

"It\'ll be hard for him to recover," he agreed. "But with proper care, he will be able to live a normal life."

"Who knows…"

She trailed off as if deep in thought. Siwan was staring at her. He did not know why but he had the nagging feeling that he had seen her somewhere before. But where?

"Detective, have we ever met before?" he asked her.

Jiwoon did not look at him when she replied, "I thought I had answered that question long ago."

But Siwan was not convinced. He was sure that he had met her before but why was she not acknowledging it? Maybe I\'m wrong, he thought.

Dahoon re-entered the room and addressed Jiwoon. "Umm, second boss," he whispered in her ear. "The kid\'s aunt is at the police station. She identified the bodies of her brother and sister-in-law but she refused to allow us to question Wook. She said that she can\'t let her nephew go through the trauma of being interrogated and it\'ll scare him more."

Jiwoon sighed. "Did our Boss try to talk to her?" she asked.

"She did but the woman is adamant. I\'m even suspecting that she might be behind the murder."

"Go to the station and talk to her," she instructed. "See if she agrees. I\'ll stay here for a while. If the aunt agrees, then I can try taking a statement from the kid once he wakes up."

Dahoon nodded and headed off. Siwan, who was still treating the child, overheard them and could not help making a comment.

"You can try but she won\'t agree," he said.

"What makes you say that?" Jiwoon frowned.

"If she\'s truly concerned, she won\'t let the boy stand trial even as a witness. It\'ll traumatize him even more. He needs proper care and treatment. Police scrutiny is the last thing he wants. And I doubt the child would wanna talk either. He\'s barely six. He probably doesn\'t even know what he saw."

Jiwoon could not argue with that logic. He was right. The child was probably a lost cause but she would still have to try.

"I\'ll stay here with him for a while," she finally said. "I\'m not gonna question him. I...I just think someone should stay with him until his aunt returns."

"Suit yourself," Siwan shrugged and left the ward. He was halfway towards his office when he realized that he left his stethoscope at the ward. Siwant quickly returned to the ward to find that Jiwoon laid her head down and fell asleep near the boy. In her sleep, she looked more relaxed as if free from whatever tension it was which burdened her.

He quietly walked around the bed and picked up his stethoscope before heading towards the door.


Siwan paused and turned only to be surprised. Tears were flowing down Jiwoon\'s eyes but she was still sleeping. Her face was now contorted into deep grief, betraying her emotion for the first time since he had known her.

"Yeon…" she murmured. "Don\'t...leave…"

He stood there, wondering if he should wake her up but decided against it. Instead, he picked up a blanket from a couch and put it around her. Afterwards, he quietly left the ward, not wanting to intrude on her anymore.

If there was something Siwan had learnt in his life, was to let a person grieve in peace. Sometimes, it was the only thing they could do to move on.

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