Doctor Demon

Chapter 159 - Girl With The Grey Eyes


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"Let\'s find you a seat…" the teacher murmured. "Aha!" 

To Minyoon\'s chagrin, the teacher pointed at the seat next to his. "You can sit there, Baekha."

Baekha\'s nostrils flared but she did not argue. Everyone was watching her curiously as she slowly approached Minyoon\'s bench.

"I bet she\'s gonna get rejected too," one girl whispered. "Did she really think that Minyoon would care for her money?"

"Minmin likes girls who are talented," another girl claimed. "And work hard! He\'ll never pay any attention to her!"

Baekha sat next to Minyoon, not looking his way. She had no intention of being friendly to her rival. Minyoon was a little wary by her cold attitude but did not say anything. Yoonmin, however, was studying this new girl very carefully. He finally came to a conclusion but did not say anything. Soobin, on the other hand, leaned over to talk to Baekha.

"Pssst!" she hissed at Baekha. "I\'m Soobin! Nice to meet you!"

She reached out her hand for Baekha. The latter glanced at her and stiffly nodded but turned away, not accepting the handshake. Soobin was a little disappointed because she had hoped to make a new friend but Baekha was probably not interested.

"Don\'t bother," Yoonmin advised her. "She\'s not gonna respond to friendly gestures."

Baekha overheard him and stated, "I\'m not here to make friends. People here can go to hell for all I care."

Her venomous tongue was starting to irritate even the normally affable Minyoon. He frowned at her and said, "Good. None of us are interested in being your friend either."

Before Baekha could reply, the teacher shushed them and began the lecture. After an hour, the bell rang and recess began. The students were beginning to get up from the seats and eyed Baekha who was not moving from her bench. Instead, she was focused on something in her notebook.

"Do you wanna join us for lunch?" Soobin asked her. Baekha let out a frustrated sigh and looked at her.

"Don\'t you get it?" She snapped. "I\'m not interested in making friends here! I ignored you back then and you\'re still pestering me? Are you that interested in money?"

Soobin was taken aback by her words. Yoonmin was about to put the girl to her place but Minyoon stopped him. Instead, he faced the rude girl himself.

"Money? You mean the alms your father gets from my agency?" he asked with a smile. "I remember Cho Youngjun. Very desperate guy. He was so happy to sign an endorsement with me. He told me he had a daughter whom he\'s not very proud of because she lacks his business acumen. Now I see why."

Baekha was unabashed. She stood up and faced him.

"That\'s rich coming from a guy who lives on his daddy\'s money," she smirked. "Besides, unlike you, I don\'t wear a mask of friendliness. I am what I am."

"You mean a rude, crazy and stupid brat?"

"As opposed to a fake idol who has no talent," she coolly shot back. "Tell me, \'top idol\'. When was the last time you wrote a song? Or composed something on your own? You claim that you\'re the best idol in the country, right? Then why are other people making the songs for you?"

Minyoon raised an eyebrow. 

"Shouldn\'t we stop them?" Soobin hissed to Yoonmin but the latter shook his head.

"She just attacked his jugular vein," he sighed. "This is gonna turn nasty."

The whole class was now watching but they did not dare to intervene because the Hwang twins were not people to be messed with. They held their breaths, witnessing the new girl threaten Minyoon. Why was he not retaliating?

Baekha knew her rival very well. Hwang Minyoon might be handsome and charismatic but he had an entire team of musicians who wrote the songs for him. He was not a genuine artist and she was sure that he could not string a tune even to save his life. Beating him was going to be a piece of cake for her.

Whatcha gonna do, Top Idol? She thought, silently challenging him. 

"I guess as someone who has everything handed to him on a golden platter, it\'s hard to compose your own song," she said with spite. How was he even Top Idol? What did people see in him? Looks? The manufactured songs?

"Hey, you\'re going too far!" Soobin scolded her. "Minyoon-"

Minyoon held up his hand to stop her. Baekha gave him a spiteful glare and was about to walk away. The other students threw her hateful gazes, angry that some puny brat was terrorizing their beloved idol.

"She\'s so rude!" Soobin frowned. "I wonder what\'s wrong with her."

"A lot of things," Yoonmin said in a cryptic tone. But he was surprised that Minyoon was letting her go so easily. Where was his witty older brother who would throw insults with a smile?

Minyoon merely grinned and stood on top of a table. Baekha was almost at the door when she heard him speak up.

"Yo, Cho Baekha!" he exclaimed gleefully. "This song is dedicated to you!"

She turned around and crossed her arms on her chest, waiting for him to start the show. The rest of the class watched as Minyoon picked up a pair of pencils and sat on the table. He took a deep breath and began to use the pencils as drumsticks, beating them in a rhythm on the wood.

"Hey girl with the Gucci purse

You wear your heart on your sleeves

Behind your angry grey eyes,

What are the dreams you\'re hiding?"

His melodious voice rang through the room, making everyone move to his slow tune. Soobin was also surprised and turned to Yoonmin.

"Did he make up the song on the spot?" she gasped.

"The girl was right when she said that Minyoon has his own team of composers," Yoonmin shrugged. "But she\'s wrong about his music. He makes them himself. The composers are young, independent artists who are passionate about their music. He\'s giving them credit on his album and giving them exposure so that they can work with other artists and showcase their talent. It\'s the only reason he doesn\'t list himself as the composer of his songs so that his team can get the limelight too. Plus, he anonymously wrote songs for other artists. He just doesn\'t take the credit."


Minyoon\'s voice was still singing in the background. Baekha was momentarily stunned to hear him make up an entire verse on the spot.

"Wearing a shield of rudeness,

You see everything as fake

Who hurt you, daddy\'s girl?

Tell me your pain too.

Behind you grey eyes, 

You\'re hiding years of tears

Do you not love yourself?

Or did you forget how to?

Can you let us know"

Or will you once again 

Bear the sadness and sorrow?

Show me those beautiful eyes

And let the pain go away…"

The entire class erupted in applause. Many of the students went to hug and congratulate Minyoon for teaching the rude girl a lesson. He tried to find her in the crowd, but Baekha was gone. Even though she was rude, for some reason he felt something tugging in his mind. 

Where did I see that girl before? He wondered.

"Minmin, that was awesome!" Soobin beamed. "Can I post the video I took on fansites?"

"Go ahead!" Minyoo shrugged. "I hope they\'ll pay to see me perform it live in my next concert!"

"You\'re gonna include it in an album?" Yoonmin frowned.

"It\'s a good song. Might as well earn money from it!"

Then a thought hit Minyoon and he had a really good idea. "Hey, why don\'t we do one thing?" he asked Yoonmin. "Can we collaborate with that new artist? Ahn Baek? His voice is perfect for this song!"

"Ahn Baek?" Yoonmin frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! He\'s really good!"

Yoonmin blinked at his brother. Did he not realize it already? 

My brother is clueless, he sighed inwardly. Soobin was also excited by the idea.

"He is good!" she claimed. "And it might start a new ship between the fans! MinBaek!"

Yoonmin gave her an \'are-you-kidding-me\' look. "Birds of a feather flock together," he muttered.


"I said we should totally do this collaboration!" Yoonmin replied. "Good idea, Minyoon. I\'ll contact his agency right now. Gimme a sec."

With that, he went outside, leaving the two idiots alone as they talked about the song.

Meanwhile, Baekha was leaning against a wall, contemplating her next action. It seemed that Hwang Minyoon was not simply a pretty boy.

He made that composition on the spot? She thought. Why was he hiding this talent?

"Ugh!" she scowled. "I\'ll have to get the top idol spot, somehow!"

It\'s the only way I can make my parents realize that I exist too, she added in her head.

"Nice show back there."

She jumped and turned to see Yoonmin standing there. Baekha ignored him and turned away.

"I thought your song was very good," Yoonmin said.. "Ahn Baek."

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