Doctor Demon

Chapter 149 - I Will Save You


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I\'ll give 10 chapter mass release on 1st October if we reach 5000 privilege unlocks this month <3



The rain was pouring hard, blurring his vision. Roads were slippery with water but he kept on driving at a very high speed. It was dangerous to drive like that but there was no other option; he must reach his brother at all costs.

"Siwan, I can\'t reach Hobin at all!" his mother had said over the phone. "I\'m scared! What if something happens to him?"

His mother\'s words were haunting him. He left behind everything and was rushing to his brother. The radio in the car was on and a news report was flashing through it.

"The infamous serial killer, Cleaver, has been executed at 6 PM today," the reporter was saying. "This is the first execution in the country in nearly 60 years and a special law has been passed to override the prohibition of death penalty for the Cleaver for her heinous crimes. The culprit was Wang Taehee, 42, and the mother of four who has been killing for the past fifteen years by-"

In frustration, he turned off the radio. He did not want to hear the news anymore but was scared of what Hobin was going through. It was the first time his brother had lost a case and Hobin never took defeats lightly.

Siwan honked at some cars, speeding past several of them. Some of the drivers cursed at him.

"WATCH IT!" One truck driver screamed when Siwan narrowly missed colliding with the truck but he did not care. He must get to Hobin.

He stopped in front of their building and rushed out, sprinting through the rain. The thunder cackled above him as if indicating that something bad was going to happen. Siwan ran towards the elevator and punched the button.

"Come on!" he yelled at the lift, feeling impatient. It was too slow for him. "Fuck!"

He ditched the elevator and ran towards the stairs. In his hurry, he dashed up, climbing almost thirty floors. His legs were aching and his heart was beating fast. Siwan ignored his tiredness as he huffed and puffed but did not give up climbing the stairs. Their penthouse was at the top floor and even though his legs were in agony, he kept on going until he reached the thirtieth floor.

Bursting into the corridor, he staggered towards their house. He fumbled for the keys and opened the door.

"Hobin!" he yelled. The whole apartment was thrust into pitch black darkness. The storm had caused a citywide blackout. He took out his phone and turned on the torch light.

"Hobin, where are you?" He called but there was no response. His heart was now beating in fear. What if Hobin did something to himself? What if he blamed himself for what happened to Taehee? He was already overwhelmed by the cursed powers he possessed. 

Hobin loathed being different from others. There were times when Hobin even contemplated killing himself and nearly succeeded a few years ago but Siwan saved him. Ever since then, Siwan had been constantly watching out for him to make sure he was alive. There was no way he could let his brother die. Not again.


Suddenly, there was a sound coming from the bathroom. Siwan quickly darted towards Hobin\'s room. As soon as he stepped inside, a sharp pain pierced his barefoot. 

"Agh!" he yelled and looked down. He had stepped on a piece of glass. Quickly taking out the sharp glass, he wrapped his foot with a handkerchief. The cut would have to wait until he found Hobin. 

Siwan scanned the room with the torch and was horrified. Everything was in tatters with glass and china scattered all over the floor. The bed sheets were torn apart and the pillows were annihilated. The laptop and computer were broken with the wires ripped off. The bed was also broken as if someone had used a large hammer to destroy it. 

"What the hell?" Siwan whispered. "Who did this?"

A rattling sound came from the bathroom and he was startled. The sound was getting louder as if someone was trying to rip off a heavy object.

Siwan held his breath as he approached the bathroom. He raised the torch over his head as he slowly opened the door.

"Hobin?" he whispered.

The light fell on someone. Siwan\'s eyes fell in shock as he stared at the person in front of him. His back was turned to him but there was a pair of large raven-like wings on the back of the stranger who was holding the sink. The man\'s muscles were larger than average and he was even taller than Siwan, almost 7 feet high. He had pale skin which was shining under the light like thousands of sparkling diamonds.

But the temperature around him was cold and icy. Siwan could see his breath as he stared at the monstrous man in shock. He was wearing the blue shirt and pants which Hobin had worn that day…

Before Siwan could say anything, the man pulled the sink with his bare hands, broke it off completely and threw it with great force across the large bathroom. It hit a far off wall and shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. Water was now wrupting from the broken pipe but the creature was not done. He punched the wall with a thunderous roar, making a large hole in the wall. In fact, there were several such holes which shocked Siwan to no end.

He instantly knew who the monster man was. No...that man was not a monster.

Siwan slowly approached the man who was creating havoc in the bathroom. He was roaring loudly like a wounded animal but Siwan did not back down. Instead, he grasped his shoulder.

The creature stopped and slowly turned around to reveal Hobin\'s handsome face. His hair was almost glowing and his face was fairer than usual. He looked exactly like Siwan\'s younger brother. The same face and features. Siwan knew it was his brother. Everything was indeed the same.

Except for the eyes. The eyes were blood red in color as if determined to bring calamity to the already rotten world.

Something in those eyes seemed to have recognized Siwan. They flickered for a second.

"Hobin…" Siwan whispered. "Come back."

The red eyes were impassive for a moment before turning angry again. Hobin let out a loud growl and was about to attack Siwan.

Siwan was too frozen to think when suddenly, Hobin paused midway. It seemed as if he was struggling with himself and something was pulling him back from Siwan. 

"AGHHHHH!" Hobin yelled as he staggered back and fought with himself. I can\'t hurt my brother! He told himself.

"Bro…" he gasped. "…"

Siwan snapped out of his fear and instantly rushed towards a cabinet outside. They kept a bunch of syringes in it and also medicines. He found a sedative and syringe before returning to the bathroom where Hobin was still struggling for control.

"NOW!" Hobin exclaimed and without wasting a second, Siwan injected the sedative into him. Hobin let out a loud cry of pain and began to lose consciousness. To Siwan\'s relief, the wings were starting to disappear and Hobin was regaining control of the monster in him. He was also returning to his normal size.

"Brother…\' Hobin whispered as he fainted. "…"

With that, he completely lost consciousness and drifted into a deep sleep. Siwan hugged his brother.

"I will," he promised. "I will save you. No matter what."

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