Doctor Demon

Chapter 142 - A Bride In Her Dreams


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Jina\'s eyes snapped open. For a moment, her heart was racing fast and she was confused about where she was. The walls were an unfamiliar peach color and she was on a bed larger than the one she usually slept on. Only after seeing Miyoo\'s sleeping figure snoring lightly next to her, made her realize that she was not in her flat.

Right, Jina thought. I\'m in my aunt\'s penthouse.

She slowly got off the bed, careful not to disturb Miyoo and tiptoed into the bathroom. Once inside, she took several deep breaths to calm herself down. 

"What a strange dream," she muttered. All she remembered was that she was in it, wearing bridal attire. There were a few men sitting around her and they were chanting something. One of them was cold and to some extent, cruel. She could not remember his face clearly but they left her in a forest.

There was someone else. Another person had emerged from the forest and was walking towards her but she did not see his face. All she could recall was how frightened she felt and that the person approaching her had large wings.

"I\'m going crazy!" Jina claimed. "First the ghosts and now this weird dream...ugh!"

She shook all those thoughts away and began to freshen up. Even though she was still shaken up by last night\'s incident, she would still have to go to work. There was a demon on the loose and she must find it at all costs.

Once she was dressed, she came out of the bathroom to find that Miyoo had woken up. The little girl was peering sleepily, feeling cranky. 

"Miyoo, go and brush your teeth," Jina told her. "I\'ll drop you off at playschool."

"Mmm…" Miyoo pouted. She wanted to sleep more but no one would let her miss school. 

"No pouting! Go and wash yourself."

Miyoo hopped off the bed and shuffled towards the bathroom, still cranky. Jina put out her uniform and shoes. Her phone beeped and she saw a message from Hobin.

Instantly, her face went red. She remembered how he held her after rescuing her from the ghosts and even comforted her. Jina felt a little embarrassed that he saw her crying but unlike his usual self, he did not tease her. Instead, he protected her until her grandfather arrived.

Jina hesitated before opening the message.

"Breakfast? I\'m at the hospital. Stop by here."

Jina smiled and replied with, "Ok. Gimme an hour."

Miyoo came out of the bathroom, finished with her business. She yawned as her sister dressed her up for school. 

"We\'ll have breakfast outside, okay?" Jina told her sister. Miyoo only yawned and nodded.

The twins were already gone and Junho was sleeping in his room so Jina left a note and scooped Miyoo in her arms before leaving the house. They got into Jina\'s car and sped off towards the hospital.


Jina pulled up in front of the hospital and led Miyoo towards the cafeteria. Miyoo ran towards the freshly baked croissants and drooled over them.

"Cereal and croissants for the kid," Jina ordered. "Tea and toast for me, please. Also, add an iced latte, chilly cheese croissant and danish pastry as well."

After spending so much time with Hobin, she knew his breakfast preferences by heart. Mainly due to the fact she paid for it most of the time.

"Add an Americano and another croissant."

She looked around to find Siwan standing there, smiling at her. "Your treat, right?" he grinned.

"Ugh, you two brothers are so alike!" she groaned. "I\'m gonna go broke at this rate."

"You\'re an heiress. You\'ll get by."

Jina shook her head in dismay. "You\'re on-duty right now?"

"Nah, I just got off-duty. I\'m going home to sleep. Been on night duty for three nights."

Siwan stooped down to greet Miyoo.

"Miyoo, are you still binging on candies?" he asked in a stern tone. "Too much candy isn\'t good for you, you know."

"No candy," Miyoo claimed. "Miyoo listens to Wanwan!"

A few days ago Miyoo ate too many candies and had an upset stomach. Siwan treated her that time and since then, he had been constantly badgering her about staying away from sweets. Jina suspected that Miyoo also had a tiny crush on Siwan because she would blush whenever he was around.

Hobin arrived to see them together and heard Miyoo\'s words.

"If only you\'d listen to me," he said loudly to Miyoo. The girl pouted and stuck out her tongue at him.

"You keep bullying her!" Jina laughed. "And I think she has a crush on Siwan."

Miyoo was starry eyed, staring at Siwan, making the latter laugh. "Let\'s grab a table," he suggested. "Otherwise, this one will have another cranky mood."

They picked up the trays and headed towards an empty table. Miyoo instantly dug into her cereal while the adults talked.

"Any progress on the case of the murdered student?" Siwan inquired. "I attended a parents\' meeting yesterday as Soobin\'s guardian. The parents are not pleased with the school and many of them are thinking of transferring their students elsewhere."

"We\'re trying to find the culprit," Jina sighed. "It seems that some things are missing as well. We\'re hoping that we\'ll find the criminal and the stolen goods."

"Speaking of Soobin," Hobin began. "Is everything alright with her? She called me in the morning and asked if she could work the whole week at my office until her school re-opens. Apparently, she took a few days off from the cafe."

"Really?" Siwan was surprised. She did not say anything about it to him. 

"I\'ll call her manager and ask what\'s wrong," Siwan stated. "She was doing so fine. I wonder if something is going on and she\'s not telling us..."

Jina was also frowning. Soobin had a bad habit of not telling people what was bothering her. She would have to talk to the girl about it as well.

Hobin was glancing at her. He wanted to ask if she was alright but did not ask anything in front of Siwan. His brother was still in the dark about Jina\'s powers and he did not want to expose her secret to him until Jina was ready to reveal it herself.

"The school will reopen by next week," Jina said. "The CSI will need five more days to gather all the necessary evidence. After that, the area will be sealed off. The school decided to throw away all the useless goods in the store room and fill the whole place with cement and bricks. They\'ll also sweep the grounds for possibly dangerous animals to ensure the students are safe. This incident had rattled them up. They were just recovering from the bullying issue and now this…"

Siwan nodded. At least the school was willing to do something. They had just finished their breakfast when Jina\'s phone rang.

"Hello, Detective Hwang here," she greeted someone over the phone. Hobin and Siwan watched as the color was sapped out of her face and Jina stood up in shock.

"What?" she hissed. "Where? How did this happen?"

She listened carefully to the person on the other end and replied, "I\'ll be right there!"

"What happened?" Hobin demanded once she hung up.

"The student, Minkyu," Jina began. "You know the one who brought in the stolen painting to the summer festival?"


"He and his family were found dead," she revealed.

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