Doctor Demon

Chapter 105 - Kang Shinho (4)


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Shinho came back to the present where he was standing outside the glass mansion. The couple inside seemed to be busy talking. Shinho was curious about the house so he went around the yard to explore. He had seen on TV that ghosts could pass through any object.

I should try it, he thought. Cautiously stepping towards the wall, he touched it and to his delight, his hand went right through it!

Laughing, he leaned his torso to pass through the wall. He was almost on the other side when his feet got stuck in the wall. 

"Huh?" Shinho was in dismay. He tried to pull his feet out but it was stuck. It seemed to him that his newfound abilities were still developing and he had to learn a lot more.

He pouted and pulled his feet hard until they passed through the wall with a pop! Standing up, Shinho looked around the interior.

Unlike the living room, there were no glass walls at the back. He seemed to have entered some kind of nursery which was plastered with warm colors on the wall. The room looked like a picturesque dollhouse which Shinho had only seen from afar but this was different. He looked at the ceiling above him and was surprised to see it was slanted with blue bricks just like the ones he had read about in fairy tales. 

At one corner was a fake tree made of sturdy wood attached strongly to the ground. On the top of the tree was a large treehouse. Shinho exclaimed in glee as he climbed the tree and entered the treehouse.

Inside it was a tiny make believe kitchen. The counters were decorated with colorful plastic utensils while several dolls sat around a table, ready for a tea party. Shinho never played with dolls. In fact, he never had any toys. When he lived with his mother, they were too poor. Treats like toys were rare. And after she died, his father Danny was too busy locking Shinho up in the basement.

Shinho giggled and began to line up the dolls in classroom style on the table. He was excited to be in this toy room and was lost in his own innocent little world. 

"Class!" he exclaimed, pretending to be a teacher. "Today I will teach you how to add!"

If there was something Shinho was exceptionally gifted at, it was Maths. When he was studying at elementary school, he was the brightest student and always got good grades. His mother used to be very proud of him but after he was forced to live with his father, he stopped going to school. 

Meanwhile, outside in the living room, the couple were idly having breakfast.

"When are we gonna pick up Jina from the camp?" the dark haired woman was asking. She was Jeon Gayoon, a detective and also Minho\'s lover. Together, they had a little daughter named Hwang Jina.

"The camp bus will drop her off at the city on the last day," Minho replied. Gayoon pouted a little. She had hoped that they would pick her up before they left for their main mansion at the Capital. Jina was away at camp and even though it was only for three days, Gayoon missed her daughter already.

"When are you joining work?" Minho asked. Gayoon had to take a long absence because a crazy serial killer\'s spirit had attacked and injured her over a month ago.

"Tomorrow," she sighed. For some reason Minho scowled a little.

"Will you be working with that Taemin or Taejoon or whatever the hell his name is?" 

Taejoon was Gayoon\'s partner in the force and truthfully, a very annoying man who kept on pestering Gayoon to date him. She firmly rejected him and he was even more sour when she started to date Minho.

"If he annoys you a lot, break his back," Minho nodded approvingly. 

"Who\'s gonna pay the hospital bills?" Gayoon sneered.

"Kanji will," Minho said, unashamed of making his friend pay for everything. Gayoon laughed out loud and patted his cheek.

"Good idea, money lover!" she laughed but then suddenly froze. A cold breeze rushed at her from somewhere and she paused.

"What happened?" Minho frowned. But Gayoon was quiet, listening to something intently. There was someone giggling and laughing. The noise was coming from the toy room…

"Minho, I think there\'s someone in the house," Gayoon said. "Someone not alive."

Minho was also alert now. A ghost had entered the mansion?

"Stay here," he said in a firm tone. "I\'ll go and get salt."

To his surprise, Gayoon shook her head. "No," she murmured. "This ghost doesn\'t feel dangerous. In fact, it seems to be…"

She hesitated.

"Seems to be what?" Minho pressed.

"It…It\'s the ghost of a little child!" she gasped.

"A child?" Minho asked. "But what\'s the ghost of a child doing here?"

"I don\'t know," Gayoon said. "Did a child ever die around here?"

"Hell no!" Minho exclaimed. "You\'d think that I\'d let a child die around my property? Are you sure it\'s a ghost?"

His girlfriend had a very unique ability. She inherited the powers to see ghosts from her ancestors. But Gayoon was a strange case. Usually, when the women in her family gave birth, she would lose the powers and it would pass on to all her children who were girls. However, while Gayoon could not see the ghosts anymore, she could still feel and hear them whenever they were around.

Minho also had an ability which he had recently discovered. He inherited it from his mother\'s side. It was the ability to travel between the worlds of the living and the dead. In his case, only the first born child of the family could use this power. He could not see nor talk to spirits in the living world but in the dead world, he could communicate with them as if they were alive.

And now, both their powers were passed onto their daughter, Jina.

They were not unfamiliar with spirits of the dead people. Some were good but others like the serial killer they had encountered were pure monsters. However, Gayoon seemed to think that the ghost which entered their house was harmless.

"It\'s a child," she nodded. "I\'m sure of it. What do we do?"

Minho thought for a moment. "Let\'s hear what he has to say," he finally said. "If it\'s a child\'s ghost, he might need our help."

Gayoon smiled at him. If there was one thing Hwang Minho could not ignore other than money and his family, it was a child\'s desperate plea for help.

"Let\'s do it!" she agreed. "I have a plan."

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