Doctor Demon

Chapter 103 - Kang Shinho (2)


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Is this heaven?

The little boy\'s eyes only saw white. He was not sure where he was nor what he was doing but everything around him was white. Shinho slowly sat up, trying to remember what happened.

Dad hit me with a bottle, he recalled. And…

Suddenly, it all came back to him. His father had hit him hard and he fainted. There was crimson blood everywhere around him but he was in the basement. The basement was a dark and scary place for him. Then how did he get to this place?

It took him a while to realize that he was no longer in the basement. There were tall trees around him, looking down at like silent green monsters dabbed with a shade of white. The ground beneath him was snowy and soft while the world around him was silent as if dead.


Shinho was startled by the sudden cracking of twigs. There was a small clearing and he could see a shadow passing. Curious, he stood up and followed the shadow. It was of a tall, bespectacled man whom he instantly recognized as his father. 


Danny was dragging something in a sack in the middle of the night. The brown sack was tied up as if something was inside. Red stains were seeping through it and he was visibly nervous. His long, dark hair was tied into a ponytail while his sharp, smooth skin was becoming paler by the minute.

Shinho was scared and confused. He did not want to go in front of his father again. What if he tortured him again?

But he was curious about the sack. For some reason, he could not help but wonder what was in it. He gulped and decided to follow his father.

"The brat is a curse to me even in death!" Danny muttered. Curse? Who was the curse?

He followed Danny until the latter reached a secluded spot. Danny picked up a shovel which he brought with him and hit the sack a few more times. Shinho was not sure but he was now feeling very sad. Usually, he was scared of his father but why did Shinho feel like crying?

Shinho now ran towards his father, scared of what he was going to do.

"Dad!" he shouted. "Dad!"

But to his shock, Danny was completely ignoring him. Instead, the man was digging the ground in a hurry. 

"Dad, listen to me!" Shinho tried his best to catch his father\'s attention but it was as if Danny could not see him at all. What was going on?

His eyes fell on the sack which was now completely scarlet. Blood was still dripping from it, scaring Shinho. He slowly reached down to take a peek into what was inside…

"AHHHHHHHH!" he yelled and jumped back. He was panting and his heart raced in fright. The face...those was him! The person in the sack was him!

"B-but I\'m here!" Shinho whimpered. "I\'m alive! I\'m here! No! What\'s going on?"

He turned to his father who had now finished digging a shallow grave and scrambled towards Danny.

"Dad, that\'s not me!" he shrieked. "I\'m here! I\'m alive! That\'s not me-"

"Finally, he\'s gone," Danny said, feeling triumphant. He smirked and kicked the sack into the hole he dug. Shinho was watching it all in shock.

"…" he whispered but Danny did not hear him. The man was gloating at his death.

Death. I\'m really dead, Shinho realized. This is not me…

He looked down at his body. It was now shining a little like a small pearl. He was alive and yet, he was not. 

Danny was now standing over the grave, triumphant at himself. The secret he hid for so long was now buried underneath the ground for eternity. Shinho watched in dismay as Danny spat on his grave.

"Serves you right for being so nosy," he said scathingly. 

He pulled up his coat to protect himself from the cold and walked away, leaving the pale young boy behind. Shinho\'s eyes were on his father, hoping that he would turn around and look at him one last time. But Danny kept on walking, leaving his son\'s grave behind him, content with keeping his image intact.

The pale boy watched his father leave without him. Tears streamed down his face as he looked at the grave his father had buried him in. It was cold and scary down there. The boy was scared of the dark and the grave was hellish for him. The innocent looking boy was silently crying in the cold and desolate place, trying to call his father who was not even looking back.

"Was I a bad boy, daddy?" he sobbed. "I\'ll be a good boy. I\'ll never complain! I\'ll always stay away from you! I \'ll not even tell anyone that you\'re my dad! But please don\'t go! I\'ll be good! I promise!"

He was now sprinting after Danny but his father was going further away, leaving him to rot alone in that cold grave. The child ran and ran, calling for his father but his cries fell on deaf ears.

"Dad!" Shinho cried as he followed Danny to the latter\'s car. But Danny got into the car and drove off, not listening to his son\'s cries.

"Dad…" Shinho whispered in dismay, losing all hope. He was truly alone now.


The child walked all night in the hopes of going back home but he was not sure where he was. There was not a soul in sight and he was already losing all hope. Snow had stopped falling and had covered the ground around him but surprisingly he did not feel cold. Moreover, he had been walking all night but he was not tired either.

Shinho reached a clearing where he suddenly spotted a large mansion made of glass. He watched the winter wonderland in awe because it was unlike any house he had ever seen before. In the midst of the forest, it stood tall and dignified with chilled windows. The snow surrounding it made the house look like a beautiful palace.

But the most striking thing was that it was warm. Not literally though. There was something about the mansion which felt different from the one Danny had kept him in. 

The little boy looked in through the glass. Everything seemed to be bright in there. Even the furniture were of light colors soothing to the eyes. He could hear someone laughing freely in there and a couple came into view who were smiling at each other. They put down trays on the ground, both of them happy and deeply in love.

One of them was a pretty woman in her mid twenties with long dark hair and doe-like eyes. She had soft, innocent features but there was an underlying toughness about her which made her unique. Next to her was a man with chocolate colored hair. Even his almond shaped eyes matched his hair color and even though there was a slight arrogance in his vibe, there was something strangely familiar about him…

"Bunny uncle!" Shinho recognized. 

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