Doctor Demon

Chapter 42 - Smiling Sun (15)


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Hobin followed Minki/Aera towards the kitchen. To his surprise, there was a large trapdoor on the floor.

"This is where Jina sis and the other detective went," Minki claimed. 

"And the man?" Hobin asked. "Is he alone?"

Minki nodded. Hobin was still bewildered by the turn of events. The so-called ghost of Minki was talking to him through a murderer. If Hobin did not possess the powers of Psychometry, he would have thought the woman had gone mad. 

"Let\'s go," he said. He climbed down the stairs while Minki followed. They entered the dark tunnel and walked along the path.

"That\'s the door!" Minki exclaimed, pointing at a door in front of them. He was about to run forward but Hobin stopped him.

"Not now," he hissed. 


"If we barge in like that, the man might get flustered and end up hurting someone," Hobin explained. "Listen to me carefully. You\'ll need to do something to distract the guy."


Jina was still trying to stall the masked man long enough for backup to arrive. She hoped that Siwan had heard everything and had asked for help.

""Cops!" the man snarled. "I can\'t believe you guys would find us."

"Now that you know who we are," Jina said. "I guess, there\'s no point in hiding our identities. But you do realize that we already have evidence against you. The police are on your trail and you can\'t escape."

"You have nothing!" the man sneered. "I know that your partner sent copies of the fake adoption papers but it\'s easy to bypass that evidence! The blame will be put on the matron for her carelessness. She\'ll suffer in jail while we will be free. You see, there\'s no proof of our crimes!"

"My team recreated Wonho\'s files," Jina revealed in an attempt to scare him. "You really can\'t escape."

But the man only laughed hard. "You think that file is enough to convict us?" he scoffed. "Even if we stole money, we\'ll be jailed for at most five years! It\'ll be over in no time. But if I kill you and your partner here…"

He pressed the knife against Jiwoon\'s throat so hard that a little bit of blood trickled down her throat. 

"No one will find you," he grinned. "Just like how they won\'t be able to find Wonho and Haeji."

"H-Haeji?" Jina whispered in alarm. "Where\'s Haeji?"

"Very close to where you\'re standing!" the man chuckled. "She\'ll die in a while so you don\'t have to worry. Besides, you\'ll be following her to the grave."

"You\'re an experienced crook, aren\'t you?" Jina gritted. "That boy, Minki. Did you kill him too?"

"That was the boss\' doing!" he revealed. "If only she was careful. But she killed him elsewhere and panicked. So she dumped him in that trash can, hoping no one would find her! She stole a car from her husband\'s garage to get rid of the body so the suspicions wouldn\'t fall on her."


"Aera," Jina realized. "Aera is behind all this?"

"Enough talk!" the man exclaimed. "I\'m killing her off-"

"What the hell are you doing now?" 

Both of them looked at the door where Aera was standing with a seemingly angry expression on her face. But Jina hid her frown, noticing the nervous look on \'Aera\'. 

"Boss!" the man said. "These two are cops!"

"I-I know!" Minki stammered. "B-but where is that girl? Haeji?"

"Boss I did as you instructed me!" the man replied. "Drugged her and buried her alive in that spot."

He momentarily pointed the knife at a spot a little west to Jina to show where he buried Haeji. Taking advantage of his distraction, Jina jumped forward and grabbed his arm. The man yelped and let go of Jiwoon before trying to grab Jina\'s hair but the latter was faster. She twisted his hand, disarming the knife and threw him against the wall.

The man elbowed her on the abdomen.

"UGH!" she cried in pain but punched him on the face, making him stagger backwards. 

Suddenly, Hobin barged in to find Jina and the masked man engaged in a fist fight. The man was about to hit Jina but Hobin landed a kick to his groin.


The man yelled in agony, falling backwards as he clutched his groin, writhing in pain. Hobin however, put a foot on his neck, stepping hard on it until the man begged for mercy. 

"Oi tinkerbell, hold him down," Hobin said. "I\'ll go and get a shovel! Minki, stay here with the detective!"

Minki? Jina thought for a moment but she had no time to dwell on it. She immediately grabbed the man\'s hands to keep him captive while Hobin ran out to find a shovel. Minki stepped forward to take off the man\'s mask.

Beneath the mask was a horse faced man with lopsided eyes and thick, greying hair. Minki immediately recognized who it was.

"That\'s our owner\'s gardener!" he revealed.

"Minki, I think it\'s time you should leave this woman\'s body!" Jina told him. "The police will come to arrest her. Don\'t worry, she\'ll faint the moment you leave."

Minki nodded and instantly left Aera\'s body. Just as Jina said, Aera fell on the ground, unconscious. Hobin re-entered the tunnel this time, with Jaebum and Siwan.

"I called your precinct!" Siwan told Jina. He stooped down to help her keep the man from struggling while Hobin and Jaebum dug the ground to rescue Haeji. They kept on digging until they hit something solid.

"It\'s a box!" Jaebum announced. They quickly dug out the shallow grave and opened the box. 

Haeji lay in it, completely unconscious. Hobin checked her pulse.

"She\'s alive," he said. "Brother, take her to the hospital! We\'ll take care of everything here."

Siwan nodded while Jaebum grabbed the gardener and shoved him out of the tunnel. Jina held Jiwoon while Siwan and Hobin carried Haeji and Aera out of the trapdoor respectively. As soon as they came out, Siwan rushed towards the exit with Haeji while Hobin went on to tie up Aera with a rope. He took her to an empty classroom to keep an eye on her. 

Meanwhile, Jina placed Jiwoon on one of the beds at the dorm. She stirred and opened her eyes.

"Jina," she whimpered. "What-"

"We caught the murderer," Jina told her. "But you need to lie down. The paramedics are on their way."


"Just listen to me!" Jina scolded her. "I\'ll be back. But stay here!"

Without another word, she dashed towards the place where Hobin had kept Aera tied up. She barged into the room, her head filled with questions. To her surprise, Hobin was touching Aera\'s face and his eyes were closed in concentration.

"Why did you call this woman Minki back in the tunnel?" she demanded. 

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