Starsign Lord

26 The Hunt - Part 2 - Chapter 26

Without too much time later, Fraus reached the entrance of the border mountains.

At the entrance of the border mountains, a small settlement was in place.

here were many people of all ages and different kinds of clothes stationed there, talking with each other about their experiences and making plans for the future. Considering all the things,

Fraus was no fool. He had already unsummoned Gemini clones of himself.

There are two reasons for what he did and why he was doing these kinds of things. In the end, there are many things that out there may look at themselves and find some sort of an incentive to trouble themselves.

He did not want to show his ability to many people stationed in the border camp as he did not know which ones he wanted to kill.

Fraus knew that he was never a good person. It is easy to say that he is an evil person to the core.

These kinds of things are not something that he can do and change and manifest. He, for the time being, did not have the motive to do any evil.

Not that he does not want, he does not have any reason to do so.

He should fit in for the time being as it would make him better in the eyes of others, which is his purpose in the end.

After Fraus arrived, he started looking around at small buildings and tents. Looking at the real entrance of the forest, he did not need any tools or anything in general, and he did not need friends or a group to find himself.

All of these reasons are enough for him to make something out of it.

Fraus took a deep breath and saw what he needed. He started going to the entrance of the Border Mountains, not looking back.

He is gathering some attention from other students, teachers, adventurers, Starsign Users, and soldiers.

They are not accustomed to seeing people entering the Border Mountain all alone.

At least some of the teachers know that there are people at their level who have some sort of power to protect themselves without the need for help in the outskirts of the mountains, as the monsters and creatures there are not that dangerous.

But the fact that Fraus seemed young enough made others think that he was not that strong but trusted himself too much, but in the end, nobody voiced their thoughts.

This world is not some sort of a world where everybody messes with others\' lives and always interrupts their lives or creates small problems and events because of the fact,

The forest was huge, gloomy, and ancient. Its canopy was monopolized by holly, hickory, and crab apple, and rays of light bursting through their crowns allowed for dispersed mushrooms to make use of the flat, fertile grounds below.

Bundled vines embraced most trees, and an array of flowers, which were unique to this region, stuck out against the otherwise brown and green forest grounds.

A cacophony of beastly noises, which were caused by fleeing animals, filled the air and drowned out the occasional roar of a large animal trying to scare away predators.

Fraus can easily see the huge mountain in the distance as he passes through the forest. The road was already empty and quiet; there was nobody else other than himself. Fraus takes a deep breath and feels something. He looks to his right and notices a cat-type creature. The creature was black and intimidating. Its body was not huge, about the size of an "Earth" Leopard, but its muscles were on a different kind of level. They were too defined and huge, like a bodybuilder. It is easy to get intimated by a creature like this.

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