
Chapter 45

Dust clouds soared high into the sky.

Theo approached Axion, who had collapsed in a bloody mess.

His breathing was faint.

The whites of Axion’s eyes had rolled back, and it seemed like he could die at the slightest touch.

Wooong, wooong—

The Moon-White Sword hummed, as if urging him to cut Axion down.

It whined, as though it were hungry.

Theo narrowed his eyes.

In both his previous and current lives, there were many things he wanted to ask Axion.

Was it really you who harmed my mother?

Were you involved with those who attacked me in my past life?

But all those questions were pointless to ask here, so he quietly raised the Moon-White Sword.

Just as he was about to strike down—

“Stop your hand—!”

A sharp voice rang out from the sky, and four shadows suddenly descended.

Clang, clang, clang!

Two of them drew their swords and blocked Theo’s path, while the other two checked Axion’s condition.

‘They’re examiners from the Central Intelligence Bureau faction.’

Theo glanced over the group, a glint of interest briefly flickering in his eyes.

At that moment—


[A quest has arrived.]


[Tutorial Quest #16]

Eliminate ‘Axion Ragnar,’ who is currently being protected by the enemies blocking your path.

· Difficulty: B

· Reward: 1 Coin

· Failure Penalty: ■■


‘Another quest with a coin reward? And this time, the objective is to kill Axion Ragnar… It means I must see it through.’

The difficulty was B-rank, no small feat.

But Theo actually found it quite convenient.

He had no intention of letting Axion go anyway.

“What is the condition of Applicant Axion Ragnar?”

“His condition is critical. We’ve detected signs of magic power backflow. He needs to be transported to the medical room immediately.”

The examiner checking Axion’s pulse spoke with a shaky voice.

Axion’s condition was clearly dire.

If left unattended for a few more minutes, he would certainly die.

The fact that Axion Ragnar, known as one of the strongest among the Four Lords of the North, was gravely injured would surely cause an uproar if word got out.

“Do you plan to continue blocking my path? As far as I know, the test is not yet over.”

Theo’s indifferent tone cut through the air as he addressed the two examiners still standing in his way.

The faces of the examiners hardened immediately at his words.

“The purpose of this test is to assess how well applicants cooperate, strategize, and plan while hunting monsters. I don’t recall anything about having applicants kill each other.”


Theo let out a brief laugh.

He could see right through their intentions.

“There wasn’t anything about not fighting either, was there?”


“And, if I recall correctly, one of the evaluation criteria of this test is not just the teamwork among members, but also how teams gain an advantage over others through competition.”

“So, you tried to harm Applicant Axion for that?”

“It’s just a conflict that occurred in the midst of team competition.”

“That doesn’t justify murder.”

“I’m simply the type to avoid leaving anything behind that could someday hold me back. This was merely a way to confirm that.”

“But the conflict between you and Applicant Axion has already ended in your favor. With the test still ongoing, there’s no way Applicant Axion could cause any further harm to you.”

“Isn’t that for me to judge, not you?”


The examiner furrowed his brow.

It was infuriating enough that a mere illegitimate child dared to talk back without backing down, but now he was even challenging the examiner’s authority.


At that moment, a subordinate holding Axion sent a telepathic message that snapped the examiner back to his senses.

His only priority now was saving the nephew of his lord.

“Immediately transport Applicant Axion Ragnar to the medical room!”

“Yes, sir—!”

Just as the subordinate began to stand up, carrying Axion—


He froze mid-step, stumbling back in shock.

A sharp claw from the Moon-White Sword had grazed right in front of him, blocking his path.

“The final decision regarding this incident has yet to be made. No one is allowed to leave until a conclusion is reached.”

Swish, swish—

Theo lowered the Moon-White Sword, from which steam was rising, and glared menacingly.

The examiner’s face flushed bright red with rage.

“The right to make judgments about unforeseen incidents during the test lies solely with the examiners. If you wish to contest this, follow the proper procedures after the exam has concluded. But if you continue to interfere, I will disqualify you for obstructing official duties and transfer you to the Judgment Hall.”

‘That should shut him up for good.’ Disqualification would be a crushing blow for any Blossoming Ceremony applicant, after all.

The examiner shot a look at his subordinate, signaling him to move Axion.


[‘Skill: Lesser Drake’s Fear’ is confronting those with hostile intent.]

“You dare—!”

Theo’s murderous intent, sharp enough to make their skin tingle, froze them in place.


In the end, all four examiners drew their swords, determined to leave despite Theo’s presence.

“Calling your interference ‘official duties’ in the sacred Blossoming Ceremony, where external involvement is supposed to be minimized? You lot have certainly overstepped your bounds.”

But Theo, refusing to back down, unleashed even more killing intent.

At that moment, he wasn’t just a mere applicant but a successor facing them with full authority.

And then—

“Well said.”

That was the signal. Three new shadows appeared behind Theo.

There were only three, but their aura was far more imposing than that of the Central Intelligence Bureau’s examiners.

‘The White Armored Dragon Cavalry…!’

Theo immediately recognized their affiliation by their presence.

They exuded a similar air to Julius—calm and lofty, like the vast skies, yet sharp and formidable, much like the aura of a dragon.

“Selperd! Are you seriously going to cross swords with us?”

A man with white hair, Selperd, an examiner from the White Armored Dragon Cavalry, sneered coldly.

“Why not? Didn’t you just say with your own mouth that the judgment of incidents is the legitimate right of an examiner?”


“I judge that your involvement has exceeded the allowable limit of examiner authority and has become an abuse of power. So, put him down and step back. If you have objections, follow the proper procedures after the test concludes.”

Tyrone, the examiner from the Central Intelligence Bureau, flushed even redder.

Having his own words thrown back at him infuriated him.

The problem was that Selperd wasn’t the only one challenging his decision.

“We agree with Examiner Selperd.”

More figures descended quietly, like falling petals.

This time, it was the examiners from the Plum Blossom Palace.

There were four of them in total.

“When there’s a disagreement between examiners, the protocol is to determine the situation through a majority vote from the examiners in the vicinity.”

Natasha, an examiner from Plum Blossom Palace, cast a cold gaze over Tyrone and his group.

“It seems that Examiner Selperd’s argument holds more credibility. I advise you, Examiner Tyrone, to put down Applicant Axion and step back. That is, if you wish to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings.”

Though it was framed as advice, it was nothing short of a threat, implying that force would be used if he refused.

Even if few adhered to it strictly, examiners were still bound by a duty of neutrality.


Tyrone clenched his teeth, weighing his options.

He couldn’t simply leave Axion and retreat as Selperd and Natasha suggested. Doing so would almost certainly lead to Axion’s death, and they would bear the full responsibility.

But fighting the seven of them head-on would be just as reckless.

They might as well kill everyone to silence them if they wanted to succeed, but realistically, they were no match for the combined strength of Selperd and his group.

So what could they do?

‘Damn it! Is death the only way out?’

Tyrone made his decision—they would sacrifice themselves. Their goal was to somehow let Axion and the subordinate carrying him escape.

Even if they died here, their lord would protect their remaining families. And one day, they would avenge this loss.

They had unwavering faith in Ed Troyban.

The three exchanged quick glances.



Tyrone and the other two rushed at Selperd and Natasha with all their might, while the subordinate carrying Axion bolted in the opposite direction.

“Do they seriously think they can take us on?!”

Selperd’s face twisted in a sneer before hardening, realizing something was off about Tyrone’s desperate charge.

“Examiner Selperd! Activate your Aura Shield, now!”

Natasha, sensing Tyrone’s true intent, shouted urgently.

Her face had gone pale, veins bulging beneath her skin.

The signs were unmistakable.

It was the precursor to Reverse Blood Explosion, a suicidal technique where one forcibly reverses their magic flow, pushing their strength several levels beyond its limit.

“For the eternal Troyban!”

Selperd gritted his teeth, expanding his aura into a wide shield in front of him, while Natasha and the other Plum Blossom Palace examiners unleashed sword energy at Tyrone and his group.

They tried to stop their advance at all costs.

But Tyrone and his comrades, already prepared to die, paid no heed to their injuries and closed the distance rapidly.


Sharp gusts of wind swirled violently, cutting through the air and scattering snow in all directions.

Boom, boom, boom!



Suddenly, Tyrone, just moments from colliding with Selperd, abruptly shifted his trajectory, veering to the side.

It was only then that Selperd realized Tyrone’s true target, and he let out a scream.

– Tyrone was charging directly toward Theo at full speed.

“Damn it! Protect Theo Ragnar!”

Natasha and the others quickly turned their attention toward Theo, hurling sword energy in his direction. But it was too late.

‘No matter what, I must take him down! If I let him live, he’ll surely become an obstacle to Troyban’s grand ambitions…!’

Tyrone’s eyes were bloodshot with rage.

“Die, Theo Ragnar!”

Tyrone’s sharp blade closed in on Theo in an instant.

Despite suffering multiple injuries from the sword energy that Selperd and Natasha had frantically sent his way, nothing could stop his charge.

And yet, even with death looming before him, Theo showed no sign of fear. It was as if he didn’t consider the situation to be his problem at all.

Instead, he calmly reached out his empty hand in front of him.

What’s this?

Tyrone had that fleeting thought just moments before he realized why.

– Theo wasn’t looking at him.

Theo was pulling at the empty air, as if grasping something invisible.

Almost like there was an unseen hook in his hand.

[‘Skill: Hatchling Synchronization’ has fiercely pulled the target marked by telekinesis!]

At that moment, Theo visualized his telekinetic power as the hand of a giant, invisible to all.

Just as Tyrone’s blade was about to strike, Theo imagined that giant hand reaching far into the distance, grabbing the necks of Axion and the Central Intelligence Bureau’s examiner who was carrying him.

With immense force, the two were violently yanked backward, tumbling across the cold snowy ground.


Using the momentum from that powerful telekinetic pull, Theo soared into the sky, swiftly passing over Tyrone and the others.


Tyrone’s sword narrowly missed the spot where Theo had just been standing.

It was a miraculous maneuver, so extraordinary that even those watching—including Tyrone and the other examiners—were momentarily dumbfounded.

“Noooo!” Tyrone’s anguished cry echoed through the air.

As Theo descended in an arc, he landed precisely where Axion and his subordinate had fallen.

The Moon-White Sword gleamed once more, radiating light as it unleashed another brilliant strike.


* * *

‘Captain…! I will never forget your sacrifice!’

The subordinate, carrying Axion on his back, gritted his teeth, holding back the tears threatening to fall.

One day, he would repay this humiliation.

With that vow in mind, he continued running when—

“Huh? Wh-what…?”

Suddenly, it felt as though an invisible force had seized him, pulling him violently backward.

Before he could even react, he and Axion were tumbling through the cold snow, unable to resist the overwhelming force.

‘What on earth…!’

His thoughts were cut short.

Even before he could comprehend the situation, the sky above was already filled with blinding white light.

The Dragon’s Claw didn’t just aim for the heads of Axion and his subordinate—it tore through the snowy ground as well, sweeping it with terrifying force.

Steam rose from the intense heat of the impact, billowing into the air.


Theo landed gracefully on the now bloodstained snow, his feet touching the ground without a sound.



“No, no, no! Axion, nooooooo!”

The scene of Theo standing on the white and red-streaked earth was so chilling and alien, yet, at the same time, mesmerizingly beautiful.

People were left in a daze, staring at him for what felt like an eternity.

As Selperd and Natasha stood frozen, speechless, Tyrone was overwhelmed with shock and despair, letting out a desperate scream.

In that moment, the effects of Reverse Blood Explosion began to wear off, and Tyrone’s body rapidly aged, his face becoming withered.

“This can’t… be… happening…”

Meanwhile, Theo was calmly checking his new rewards.



[Congratulations! You have successfully completed Tutorial Quest #16 by overcoming overwhelmingly unfavorable odds.]

[Evaluation: A+]

[Your level has increased.]

[You have surpassed Level 20.]

[You have earned 1 Coin as a reward.]

[As an additional reward based on your evaluation, you have unlocked access to the .]

‘The shop?’

Theo’s thoughts lingered on the connection between the coin and the shop. It seemed the two were linked in some way.

Curious, Theo reached out to open the shop menu.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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