
Chapter 166 - : Queen’s Visit

 "Hey, Csille? You just woke up? Everyone is already busy doing their things now. Prince Fraser and Sir Farren are training outside. While Ruler Laird is preparing what he will say to her highness, Queen Amalone."

 Csille just looks at Rufus and pass by him. I don\'t know if I should pity Rufus or laugh at him. He probably didn\'t expect he would get ignored by Csille. 

 The real Csille is the one who is controlling my body today. It\'s the Queen\'s visit, and it\'s a scene I have written in the novel. It only means that the real Csille will take over my body today. 

 After ignoring Rufus, Csille went straight outside and searched for Prince Fraser. She frowns when she finds Prince Fraser training with Princess Paislee.


 "This guy. He\'s taking Prince Fraser\'s time again. He\'s starting to get into my nerves." Csille grumbled while glaring at Princess Paislee.

 She tried to walk towards the two, but she stopped when she remembered how her last conversation with Prince Fraser went. She sighs and turns her back at the two.

 "Enjoy your time with my fiancé, Sir Farren, because I will make sure you will regret taking away my Prince Fraser from me. Just so you wait."

 Csille walks back to the residence and locks herself inside the room. Planning her wicked scheme. She only went down when it was already three hours before the visit. But instead of going down, she went inside Princess Paislee\'s room.

 She smiles when she instantly notices a man\'s clothing lying on the bed. She walks towards it and takes a cutting knife. He then starts to cut some parts of the clothes. She makes sure that the cut isn\'t too visible. 

 Csille smiled to herself. "Let\'s see if you will have the face to appear in front of Queen Amalone this time." 

 After doing her wicked plan, she immediately rushed towards the room and changed to the dress she prepared. It\'s a beautiful dress that will highlight Csille\'s eyes and hair. She definitely knows what\'s her best assets. She then sits on the bed and just waits for the right time to go down. 

 I have written this scene. Princess Paislee will get embarrassed tonight because her pants will get ripped in front of her highness, Queen Amalone. And that is because of Csille. She didn\'t like how Princess Paislee was taking Prince Fraser\'s time, so she blamed him for that. 

 If I can only warn Princess Paislee, but I\'m currently trapped inside Csille\'s body. How can I even warn her? Forget it. It\'s inevitable. Things will happen even if I warn her because I have written this scene.

 The clock chimes, and it\'s a sign that we all need to go down now to welcomes Queen Amalone\'s arrival. 

 Csille smile widely and walks down the stairs like a Princess. All of them look at Csille with admiration in their eyes except for Prince Fraser, of course. This Fraser is based on the novel. It\'s the reason why he hates Csille. 

 Csille stands in front of them and enjoys the attention she is getting. That made Csille smirk. She really loves to be in the center of the attention. 

 However, Prince Fraser immediately stands up. He then walks outside to wait for Queen Amalone\'s carriage.

 "Csille, you look great tonight." Ruler Laird complimented Csille, but she just smiled at him and followed Prince Fraser outside. She couldn\'t accept how Prince Fraser didn\'t compliment how she looked tonight. 

 She spends a lot of time to look like this, but she was just ignored by Prince Fraser just like that? She couldn\'t accept that. She takes a deep breath and walks beside him. She then clings her arms to his. 

 "Fraser, won\'t you compliment how I look tonight?" Csille asked in a cute voice.

 Prince Frasef frowns and looks down at her for a few seconds before he looks up again. "Okay."

 Csille feels irritated. She spends two hours to look great, but in the end, she only receives a simple okay?

 She calms herself down and clings to Prince Fraser\'s arms. Prince Fraser frowns at her and tries to take Csille\'s arms away from him. But Csille won\'t let go. 

 I heard Prince Fraser takes a deep breath. He\'s probably controlling his temper. He then glares at Csille. "Let go."

 However, no matter how much Prince Fraser glares at her, Csille continues to cling to Prince Fraser\'s arm. "We are the host for today. Shouldn\'t we do this? Do you want her highness, Queen Amalone, to noticed you hate me?" 

 Prince Fraser sigh and just let Csille do what she wants. What the real Csille said is true. We cannot let Queen Amalone know that the we\'re not okay. It\'s probably the reason why Prince Fraser let her off.

 I heard footsteps from behind us. Csille looks back and finds the rest with Ruler Laird walking out of the residence too. 

 Ruler Laird looks at Csille and Prince Fraser. He then smile after. "You two will definitely be a great Queen and King of the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 Csille smiles widely at Ruler Laird. However, Prince Fraser\'s reaction is the opposite of Csille\'s. "No!" He snaps. 

 Everyone got silent because of what he said. While Csille looks at Prince Fraser. I could feel tears are starting to form in my eyes. Is she crying? 

 Before Csille can say something, a carriage stops in front of us. The Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom gracefully walks out of the carriage and smiles at us. 

 My body immediately moves on its own to do a curtsy. The rest do the same too. While Prince Fraser lets go of my hand and walks towards Queen Amalone. 

 "Mother, you\'re finally here." 

 The Queen lovingly looks at her son and hugs Prince Fraser. "My son. I heard a lot of things happened while you were out of the Kingdom." 

 Prince Fraser breaks from Queen Amalone\'s hug and looks at her. "Yes, mother. It\'s the same reason why the Great Ruler is here to help us explain what happened to you."

 Ruler Laird walks towards the Queen. "Queen Amalone of the Vrawyth Kingdom. It was nice meeting you again."

 Queen Amalone eyes widen for a second before she smiles politely at Rulef Laird. Even the Rulers of the Kingdom pay respect to the Great Ruler. It\'s a sign of how much influence the Illorian City has. 

 "Great Ruler, I didn\'t know you were here. If I know, I should have prepared gifts for you." She then glared at Prince Fraser. 

 Prince Fraser sighed. "I\'m sorry, Mother. I didn\'t tell you because I don\'t want the news to get leak. You know that the Kingdoms are eyeing the Illorian City these days. I\'m just worried about our Kingdom\'s safety."

 Queen Amalone sighs and looks at Ruler Laird. "Forgive my son for the inconvenience. I hope he didn\'t give you too many problems."

 Ruler Laird laughs. "Queen Amalone, you shouldn\'t worry. As his Godfather, it\'s my duty to help him when he is in need."

 The Queen looks at Prince Fraser with wide eyes. "Godfather?" She asks Prince Fraser with a trembling voice. The Queen probably didn\'t expect that Prince Fraser is now the Godson of the Great Ruler.

 Queen Amalone bows at Ruler Laird. "It\'s my son\'s honor to be your Godson, Great Ruler."

 Ruler Laird smile at the Queen. "No, it\'s my honor to have both Prince Fraser and Csille as my Godchildren."

 Queen Amalone stare at me. "My dear Csille, you look beautiful as always. Come here."

 Csille smiles shyly at the Queen and walks towards her. Queen Amalone hugs Csille. "I didn\'t know that even you become Great Ruler\'s goddaughter."

 Csille smiled politely at the Queen. However, before she can explain how she becomes the Goddaughter of Ruler Laird, Prince Fraser steps up and gestures his hand inside the residence. "Mother, I think it\'s best if we talk about this inside. We have a lot of things to say to you."

 The others, Rufus, Leander, and Princess Paislee, said their greetings to Queen Amalone too before we all went inside. 

 We all went straight to the dining room, where the dinner was already prepared. Queen Amalone sits on the right side. Beside her is Prince Fraser and beside Prince Fraser is Princess Paislee. While Ruler Laird is sitting in front of Queen Amalone. Csille and the rest are sitting beside him.

 The dinner started while from time to time we talked about things that had happened to us. 

 Queen Amalone puts her utensils down and looks at Prince Fraser. "Son, can you explain to me what really happened? In the letter you\'ve sent, you mentioned someone threatened your life. Who is the person behind this?"

 Prince Fraser is about to explain what happened, but Ruler Laird cuts him off. "Queen Amalone, allow me to explain things to you. The thing is, the assault isn\'t directed to Prince Fraser. It was for me. We all just thought that it was for him because of the direction of the arrow. As for who is the person behind this. It\'s not just a single person. It\'s a group of people."

 The Queen frowns. "Group of people? Who would dare to do something against you, Great Ruler?"

 "It\'s the Strzalka. We interrogated the henchman before, and he told us some information about this group. Behind this, Strzalka is a group of people that has unique identities. They hire people to deal with anyone they like to kill, and that includes all people who are a threat to them. The power that Illorian City has threatens the Strzalka. That\'s why they do something against me."

 The Queen stared at her son. "Thank goodness nothing happened to you, son. Why didn\'t you told me this is something huge? I should have called you, Father to deal with this. If something happened to you. I\'m sure it will be the end of the Vrawyth Kingdom." She then stares at Ruler Laird. "And I\'m glad nothing happened to you, Great Ruler. This Strzalka. Where can we find them? We need to deal with them immediately."

 Prince Fraser shakes his head. "Mother, you cannot do that! We cannot alert them."

 The Queen is about to refute, but Ruler Laird cuts her words. "This group is not an easy opponent Queen Amalone. One wrong move, and it will be the end of all of us." Ruler Laird sighed. "The people behind this are still unknown for now, and the henchman revealed that in each Kingdom, there are spies of the Strzalka. Anyone who knows about the existence of this group will be killed without mercy. And that\'s not the only problem, Queen." Ruler Laird stares at me. "They have a portrait of my Goddaughter, Csille."

 The Queen gasped. "Csille\'s portrait? But why do they have her portrait? How did you know about this?"

 "After the first assault. They ambushed us again. It\'s a good thing that everyone was out, and the only people left on the campsite were maids. They turn the camp upside down, and we found this." Prince Fraser takes a paper where a drawing of Csille can be seen. "And as you can see, Mother, there is a weird writing in here. This weird writings can also be seen on the arrow they used in the first assault."

 The Queen stared at the portrait. "It only means one thing. They are looking for Csille. However, why do they want from Csille? She is just a simple daughter of the Count."

 Ruler Laird clasps his hand. "That\'s the thing we still don\'t understand. We don\'t know why they are looking for Csille. However, there\'s one thing I am sure about. I will do everything to save my Goddaughter\'s life." He pauses and stares intently at Queen Amalone. "I am here not just to explain what happened. I am here to help you deal with the Strzalka. I cannot let someone threatens the life of my Godchildren."

 Queen Amalone nods her head. "This thing isn\'t just a simple matter. They want to harm the Illorian City despite the knowledge of how much power you have. It also means they could go against us and the other Kingdoms." She looks at Prince Fraser. "Is it the reason why you said in your letter that there\'s something urgent happening to our Kingdom?"

 "Yes, Mother. I am worried that if we don\'t move now, the Strzalka will take this chance to attack us in surprise. I was thinking that it would be good if you talked about this to the Queens of the other Kingdoms. Maybe they can help us deal with the Strzalka."

 "If you need any help Queen Amalone, the Illorian City will lend a hand. The Strzalka is not just the opponent of the Kingdoms but also the Illorian City."

 The Queen got silent for a couple of minutes and sighed. "I will talk about this with the Queen of the Kingdoms. However, I think the King of each Kingdom and you, Ruler Laird are the ones who should have a conversation regarding this matter. We only handle small affairs in the monarch and the safety of the Kingdom all depends on the King. But if we inform the Queens, they can be the one who will inform their Kings about it."

 "What you have said is a great plan. We need to set the meeting urgently, or else it can be too late for all of us."

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