
Chapter 155 Visiting John

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"However, there is a possibility that Esparia might view your mass recruitment as a provocation," Alexander mentioned, deliberately avoiding further discussion on the excessive number of soldiers he intended to acquire. 

This implied a shift in his stance, indicating that he would now support this course of action.

"We don\'t need to concern ourselves with their opinion," Aron replied with a smile. "In fact, you should  be reciprocating by isolating them as well," he added, further emphasizing his disregard for Esparia\'s thoughts and intentions.

"I share the same sentiment of not caring about their thoughts. However, their disruptive actions could pose challenges in our procurement of weapons from the international market," Alexander responded, indicating that his concern lay in the potential consequences of Esparia using their action of expanding their forces as an act of escalation of tensions.

"If you approve the plans in the folder, you won\'t have to worry about any of these issues. I have a solution that will resolve all our problems," Aron assured confidently.

"I will make sure they are approved by tomorrow. While I would prefer to do it immediately, I must consider the thoughts of the parliament. 

If I act without their consent, people may accuse me of overstepping my authority and claim that we haven\'t truly changed, merely putting on a different facade," Alexander explained, providing his rationale for the one-day delay.

"Don\'t worry about that. But always remember, if they give you any trouble, I\'ll be there to help you solve those problems," Aron replied playfully.

"Indeed, I\'ll keep that option in mind," Alexander responded, attempting to maintain a composed demeanor despite the impact of Aron\'s statement..

Despite the playful nature of Aron\'s response, Alexander never perceived it that way. He remained convinced that Aron\'s arduous efforts, such as navigating the approval process and other obstacles, were driven by a desire to uphold the status quo and peacefully pursue his plans, since if he were to resort to forceful actions, it would only amplify the complexities involved in accomplishing his objectives.

In Alexander\'s mind, Aron was believed to be capable of committing despicable acts if pushed to the extreme. An illustrative example of this was Adolf, whose encounter with Aron left an indelible mark on him. 

The transformation in Adolf\'s demeanor before the press conference was unforgettable to him, as if he had encountered the angel of death and miraculously lived to recount the harrowing tale.

Despite the unsettling topic that came up, they managed to move on and engage in small talk about other subjects. Aron seemingly brushed off the somber atmosphere, while Alexander tried to maintain a facade of being unaffected. They continued their conversation for another ten minutes before finally saying their goodbyes, and Aron left the room.

"Have a nice day," Zoe said to Aron as she accompanied him to his car, bidding him farewell as he opened the door himself, instructing the driver to stay in the car.

"You too," Aron replied as he closed the car door. The vehicle gradually began its departure, making its way towards the external gate of the presidential palace.

"Where would you like to go, sir?" the driver, a member of ARES, asked respectfully.

"Let\'s go to John. I want to talk to him," Aron answered, settling into a more comfortable position in the car.

"Yes, sir," the driver responded as he drove through the gate, once again bypassing any inspection, just as they had done when they arrived. The car then proceeded towards the road that led to the former Military headquarters, as directed by Aron.


"Welcome, sir," John greeted Aron as he stepped out of the car upon arriving at the headquarters.

"Thanks, how are you doing?" Aron asked, shaking hands with John.

"Thanks to you, I\'m always doing alright," John replied with a genuine smile. His words conveyed sincerity, indicating that he truly meant what he said and was not simply trying to please Aron.

"Thanks to you too, I\'m able to have peace of mind,"

Aron replied, expressing his acknowledgment and appreciation for John\'s dedication in ensuring Aron\'s comfort at the base.

Despite instructing John to leave behind only a few security personnel, John had exceeded expectations by arranging a significantly larger team capable of conducting even building raids, ensuring that Aron would not face any disruptions during that period.

It\'s not uncommon for individuals who go to great lengths to prioritize someone\'s comfort to inadvertently make mistakes or compromise other aspects in the process. However, what set John apart was his remarkable ability to prioritize Aron\'s comfort without compromising other vital considerations.

John\'s exceptional skills in balancing multiple aspects demonstrated his professionalism and unwavering commitment to his role.

"Let\'s continue this meeting inside, sir," John suggested, stepping aside to allow Aron to walk alongside him into the building.I think you should take a look at

"Tell me about the progress," Aron requested, after taking a seat in the head chair.

"With us taking control over the previous military, the construction of fifteen new military bases has started and is ongoing as fast as it can be done while maintaining the highest level of quality. They are expected to be completed within four months," John reported.

"Are any of the former soldiers causing any problems?" Aron asked, curious about how the soldiers were behaving under the new leadership.

"Yes, quite a few of them caused troubles at first. However, after they were thrown into military prison, the rest of them have been controlling themselves. But I\'m afraid it won\'t hold them back for too long," John answered, indicating that due to a lack of discipline in their previous army, some of them have no respect for higher-ups at all.

"Keep them in control for three months. After that, I will help you teach them discipline and how to act respectfully," Aron said with a sinister smile on his face.

"I will do my best to ensure they behave until that time, sir," John said, acknowledging Aron\'s plan.

"How many recruits did you manage to enlist?" Aron then asked.

"At the moment, we have gained 20,000 recruits who are still undergoing training in different military bases," John answered.

"Only twenty thousand people applied for the military?" Aron asked, surprised by the lower recruitment turnout.

"We could have recruited and increased our numbers even more due to the increase in people\'s patriotism. However, we don\'t have the capacity to accommodate them at the moment, so we are trying to accelerate the construction of new training bases," John explained.

"And what about the intelligence department?" Aron inquired.

"As for the intelligence department, although we have started recruiting based on the information you provided, we are facing difficulties in training them at the moment. Most of us have extensive expertise in combat fields, but we lack proficiency in the intelligence department. Therefore, we are still searching for trainers from that specific field without drawing too much attention," John replied.

"How many people have you recruited for the intelligence department?" Aron asked, curious about the progress of finding individuals for that role.

"We have recruited about 1500 individuals for the intelligence department at the moment, and they are currently undergoing physical training," John answered.

"How long will their physical training take?" Aron asked.

"It will take about six months before they are ready to begin their next phase of training," John replied.

"I will take care of the trainer problem, so there\'s no need to continue searching," Aron stated, a smile on his face.

"Yes, sir. I will stop the search," John agreed immediately, placing his trust in Aron\'s words as he always did.

Aron continued the conversation, discussing various topics with John for the next two hours before leaving and starting his drive back home.


"How have you been doing?" Aron asked Felix, who was on the other end of the phone as he was being driven home.

"I\'m doing good, but I swear, do you have selective memory or something?" Felix replied, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "I mean, seriously, did you misplace your brain cells or did they go on vacation without telling you? How on earth did you forget to contact your friend for more than two weeks?"

"You should consider yourself lucky that I\'m taking the time to reach out to you, even in the midst of my hectic schedule. I\'m a person of great importance, you know." Aron retorted with a playful tone. 

"Oh, have a little shame, Aron. You, who\'s practically jobless, trying to compare yourself to me? You seem to have conveniently forgotten that you left me in charge of one of your precious companies, Aron. Maybe I should just sell it off, that\'ll surely bring you back to reality!" He chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter and not willing to back down.

"Oh, I see how it is!" Aron replied, his voice brimming with playful self-importance. "Someone like me, with an abundance of options at my fingertips, has it much harder than you, who already knows their designated job. It\'s a burden, my friend, a curse of the privileged!" 

He then switched to a mock ancient wise man\'s voice, adding, "The abundance of choice is nothing but a curse," before erupting into laughter. 

"But seriously, what have you actually been up to for the past month?" Felix asked, his tone shifting to a more serious note as he brushed aside the previous banter.

"Well, it seems the moment of truth has arrived for both of you," Aron replied, his voice and expression now serious, devoid of the earlier lightheartedness. "If you\'re truly eager to know what I\'ve been working on, then I suggest you pray for Sarah\'s swift arrival."

"Well, it looks like the suspense will finally come to an end next week," Felix replied, his voice carrying a hint of excitement and anticipation.

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