
Chapter 148 The Press Conference

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As the reporter eagerly raised their hand, seeking further clarification, Alexander swiftly interjected, "Questions will be entertained once I have concluded my planned remarks." His response prompted the reporter to lower their hand, acquiescing to his request and allowing him to proceed with his speech uninterrupted.

"Moving on to the first article, which pertains to the Bill of Rights. This section encompasses the fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to all individuals, which shall be inviolable and protected from infringement by the state or any other entity. 

These rights and freedoms include but are not limited to, the following: freedom of speech, religion, and assembly; the right to a fair trial and due process of law; the right to privacy and protection against unreasonable searches and seizures; the right to own property and pursue happiness and prosperity; the right to engage in the political process and be represented in government; the right to access education, healthcare, and other essential services necessary for a decent standard of living; and the right to be free from discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other arbitrary factor.

There are limitations on the exercise of rights and freedoms, which are defined by law and outlined in this constitution. These limitations aim to protect the rights and freedoms of others and uphold the public welfare. No individual shall be permitted to misuse their rights and freedoms to cause harm to others or to disturb the peace and stability of society."

Alexander paused to catch his breath after reading through the extensive list of rights and freedoms, allowing a moment of silence to let the audience process the information he had just conveyed.

"As for the second article, which pertains to the structure of the government, it focuses on the principle of separation of powers. The powers of the government shall be divided among four distinct branches: the legislative, the executive, the judiciary, and the oversight." 

The legislative power will be entrusted to a unicameral parliament, whose members will be elected by the people through free and fair elections. The parliament will be empowered to enact laws, impose taxes, and approve the national budget.

The executive power will be held by a president, who will be elected by the people through free and fair elections and serve a single term of eight years. The president will serve as the head of state and government, responsible for executing the laws of the country and ensuring the well-being of the public.

The judicial power will be entrusted to a system of courts, with judges appointed by the president upon the advice and consent of the parliament. These courts will have the authority to interpret the laws, settle conflicts between individuals and organizations, and uphold justice within the country\'s legal framework.

The oversight branch, as its name suggests, will have the task of evaluating the laws and policies enacted by the government. Its role is to ensure that these laws and policies align with the current and future-oriented objectives of the country. By conducting thorough assessments, the oversight branch will contribute to maintaining a balanced and effective governance system.

As for the third article concerning the dissolution of the military and its institutions, it is crucial to address the issue of national security. With the abolition of the military, we recognize the need for an alternative mechanism to safeguard our nation\'s rights and prevent any exploitation. 

After an extensive and confidential evaluation process, we have made the decision to entrust this responsibility to ARES." Alexander\'s statement left the audience intrigued about the details surrounding this arrangement, as he moved on with his speech without providing further information.

His speech continued for over half an hour, delving into the plans he had for the country and outlining the path they would be taking as a nation moving forward. He discussed various aspects, including economic reforms, infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and social welfare. 

"Now, I will be taking your questions," Alexander announced, prompting a flurry of raised hands from the reporters in the room. 

After pointing to a reporter, Alexander nodded and gestured for her to speak. The reporter quickly introduced herself and wasted no time in getting to the question. "I think many people are wondering what or who is ARES, since you just mentioned the name. Could you provide some more information about it?" she inquired with curiosity in her voice.

"More details will be released when everything about them is completed and they are ready. The secrecy is necessary for national security reasons," Alexander responded, his smile unwavering. "I understand that citizens may be curious, but I kindly ask for their patience in this matter. Rest assured, transparency will be maintained as much as possible, and updates will be provided at the appropriate time."

Another reporter, who introduced himself as a CNN correspondent, asked, "What was the reason behind your decision to establish a single eight-year term for the president?"

"We opted for a single eight-year term because our evaluation of presidents in numerous developed countries revealed a pattern where many of them prioritize short-term gains to secure their chances of re-election, often at the expense of the country\'s long-term interests. 

The eight-year duration allows the president ample time to formulate and execute long-term plans for the nation, ensuring they can see them through completion within a single term. This approach helps us avoid the pitfalls observed in countries with shorter presidential terms," elaborated Alexander, shedding more light on the rationale behind their decision.

"Could you explain the rationale behind your decision to introduce a new branch of government? Additionally, could you clarify the responsibilities this new branch will undertake?" Al Jazeera\'s reporter inquired.

"This branch will have the responsibility of ensuring that the country does not pursue short-term development initiatives that could potentially harm its citizens in the long run," Alexander replied, swiftly moving on to another reporter\'s question.

"When is the first election in the country scheduled to take place?" A Russia-1 reporter inquired.

"We have not yet made a final decision on the exact date, but we anticipate that the first election will take place within the next year or two. It is essential for us to allocate sufficient time to ensure that every elected position contributes meaningfully to the nation\'s welfare and is not merely a means to squander taxpayers\' money," he answered.

A FOX News reporter asked, "What will happen to Adolf?"

"He will be subjected to a fair trial, just like any other citizen of the country, and will receive the same punishment that any citizen who has committed a similar crime would receive," Alexander answered.

"What will happen to those who were falsely accused and imprisoned by the previous government?" An NHK reporter asked.

"They have the option to apply for the reopening of their cases. If it is determined that they were falsely accused, they will be released from prison and provided with compensation for the wrongful time they spent incarcerated, as a means to compensate for the time they lost," he answered and continued choosing another reporter for them to ask their questions.

"There are international speculations suggesting that certain countries have offered various types of support, including financial assistance, in exchange for the allocation of islands to establish military bases to benefit from your country\'s positioning. Is there any truth to these speculations, and if so, have you made a decision regarding which country you will be choosing?" a China Central Television reporter asked.

"Although the allegations are true, we have made the decision to maintain neutrality and refrain from choosing any country. Our aim is to prevent the escalation of tensions in the world," Alexander replied.

The press conference continued for over an hour, covering a wide range of topics as the reporters utilized this opportunity to address the pressing questions to the new government. It served as a significant platform for obtaining detailed information, as prior to this conference, the government had only made announcements without providing further elaboration or details. The reporters made the most of this occasion to inquire about various aspects concerning the functioning and policies of the newly established government.


"He is truly adept at public speaking," Aron remarked, observing the press conference where Alexander answered each question with professionalism and poise.

Nova responded to Aron\'s statement, saying, [If Alexander had indeed memorized the documents I provided him, it\'s no surprise that someone skilled at public speaking would have no trouble appearing as a proficient speaker.]

"And how is the public reacting?" he asked, disregarding her attempt at humble bragging.

Nova summarized the public and international watcher\'s reactions to the press conference for Aron, stating, "While it is generally positive, many individuals are still curious about the identity of Ares and why they were chosen for outsourcing over well-known mercenaries like Blackwater and others who have established their combat prowess. 

Some people are focusing their attention on gathering more information about the fourth government branch and searching for similar models implemented by other nations. 

However, the prevailing impression is that Alexander is dedicated to building a nation that prioritizes long-term planning, instead of pursuing short-term gains to impress the public, which could ultimately harm the country in the long run and jeopardize chances of the nation\'s future development."

"Looks like everything went according to plan. It\'s time I return to my attempt at making of the medium" Aron said as he immediately logged off and returned to continue his attempt at making the medium for the Rune - computer integration module.

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