
Chapter 41 Waking Up

"Upon review of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court order, which requires GAIA Technology to provide access to their proprietary technology known as BugZapper, and having heard the arguments of both parties, I hereby ORDER that:

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ GAIA Technology shall comply with the FISA court order and provide access to BugZapper to authorized government personnel for the purposes of foreign intelligence gathering.

GAIA Technology shall provide access to BugZapper within thirty (30) days of the issuance of this order.

GAIA Technology shall take all necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of any proprietary information obtained by authorized government personnel.

Failure to comply with this order may result in legal penalties and other serious consequences.



The judge lifted his gavel and hit the wooden block ending the two week long war between the Department of Defence and GAIA Technology, which will force them to hand over the program within 30 days.

It took only two weeks because it was a case that needed to be expedited for national security purposes.



Aron woke up from his two week system induced coma with ringing in his ears.

This was caused by his consciousness trying to get used to the new brain that has finished its upgrade.

"DOCTOR DOCTOR" he heard a woman\'s voice shouting as it was getting farther and farther, it was followed by the sound of the door being opened and closed.

A short period later the door was opened and footsteps of more than one person were heard coming near him.

His eyes were held open and a light was shined on them.

"Why does he look uncomfortable?" She asked

"Don\'t worry mam, he is just getting used to being awake after sleeping for a month and a half."

\'Looks like it took two weeks to finish my brain\' Aron thought as he was finally getting used to the new feeling.

"Aron can you hear me?"

Aron turned to where the voice came from then smiled after not seeing his parents for more than a month and a half.

"Mh.." He replied while moving his head up and down as his neck was dry after not speaking for a long time.

"Thank god" replied his mother while hugging his father in relief as she was worried that he might never wake up.

\'Thank god i was alone during the theft, else i don\'t know what might have happened\' He thought in relief while making a promise to himself to make sure it never ever happens again.

"Water" He said with difficulty as he wanted to wet his throat, it was making him uncomfortable and it prevented him from speaking due to its dryness.

His mother went to the table that had a water jug and poured a little of it in the glass then handed it to him.

He took a sip then drank the entirety of it to soothe his throat. What followed was the release of a comfortable groan as the water was passing through the esophagus cooling it as it headed to the stomach.

"How are you feeling?" Asked the doctor who was waiting for him to finish drinking his water, so that he can continue with his assessment.

"I feel some pain in my abdomen," Aron replied slowly.

"It is normal since your wound is gunshot and you will need physical therapy before you can return to your normal life" Answered the doctor as he moved Arons hospital gown to look at his wound.

When he removed the bandage that was put by the nurse he saw that the wound had already healed, Although he was surprised that it healed faster than usual but since the patient himself was an anomaly he wasn\'t that much surprised.

Because who the heck sleeps a whole month and a half for a gunshot wound to the stomach.

"And since your wound has already healed, you can start physical therapy from tomorrow" The doctor added as he wrote it on his report paper.

He bade them farewell and left the room to Aron and his family.

"Where is Henry?" He asked for his younger brother.

"He is still at school" Answered his father while his mother was straightening the sheets that were covering him.

They continued to have small talks until the time to pick Henry from school came, then his father left to pick him and bring him here to meet his brother. While his mother continued to stay with him and continued spending time with him as they waited for Henry together.


Four days later Sarah visited Aron after receiving the news that he had awoken, finding him doing his physical therapy.

When he finished his walking exercise, he finally discovered her waiting for him.

"Sarah" He called her as he picked his walking stick and started coming to her, she stood and went to meet him in the middle so as to not over walk him.


"Long time no see" Sarah said to him as they sat on a table.

"Long to you, but to me it was just sleeping and waking up" Replied Aron.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Quite better than I normally thought I would if I was shot" He answered while making a joke which did not land at all, causing an awkward situation between them.

Kaw kaw kaw

After a few crows crowing, he decided to end the awkward situation by changing the topic and asking about something else.

"How is the company?" He asked, trying to change the topic.

"It is not going well" Replied Sarah while trying to hide her embarrassment.

In her eyes the release of the program was their loss and there was nothing they could gain. And she couldn\'t trust the government to keep the program secret and not leak it to someone influential.

So without beating around the bush she started explaining without leaving anything out so that Aron knew what was going on with the company.

After she finished her explanation an hour had already passed. During this time Aron did nothing but listen to her explanation.

"How did the public react to this?" He asked.

"Well nothing noteworthy from them other than a twitter trending hashtag nothing else happened from their sides, but after that order other governments are also trying to make us hand the program over to them too, which is causing us problems"

"Did it impact the move to GAIA OS heavily" he asked this to know in more details, but he could estimate what happened due to the number of sp he saw after he woke up.

"Since we managed to start the migration of user before it was known to the public, it didn\'t harm much and our user base is still increasing in bıth the PC and smartphone market"

"How did Google, Apple and Microsoft react to GAIA OS?"

"For Apple and Google they reacted by removing the app from their app stores under the pretext of violating their guidelines. They also tried to make it impossible to install it in the devices that had their OS, but it seems you have already thought about it and the OS managed to circumvent that blockade without breaking a sweat.

Still they didn\'t stop trying but our user base is still increasing. Now we have nearly two billion devices that have already moved to our OS and they are increasing in number by the millions every hour as the positive feedback continue"

"At least we have some good news," Said Aron with a smile on his face.

"When do you plan to move forward with the release of the subscription version of the OS" Sarah asked Aron wondering why didn\'t he just make it available when they moved people to their OS.

"We need at least 2 billion devices connected,that way we can be sure that more than 300 million people will at least upgrade" He answered.

He also returned the topic to the main problem

"How long do we have until we have to hand the program over to the government?" He asked as his mind was cooking sinister things.

"We were given 30 days by the court, but since four days have already passed 26 days remain from the 30"

"Okay, don\'t worry about it. Leave the handover of the program to me" He answered as his mind was overclocking from thinking.

This was because nearly all of the plans he made while he was in the systems room were messed up by these news.

\'FUCK, now I have to start again from scratch\'

The reason he needed to start from scratch is because now he needed to find a new base for his future plans.

While he was in the room, all of his plans were being made with the assumption that his base was America, but since they started coveting what was his and even ended up forcing him to hand them over, he needed to plan from the beginning by finding a new base.

When they finished talking about this and other things, Sarah bade him farewell and left the hospital as he continued sitting at the same place.

After about five minutes he stood from the table heading to his room, but something weird was that he was walking without any problems whilst forgetting his walking sticks.

When he remembered that he forgot it he immediately came back to pick it and started walking back to his room with difficulty to avoid suspicion.


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