
Chapter 67: Meet the Little Miss

Chapter 67

Wei Wenqing was sitting inside.

Since Wei Lin had come in person, it wasn\'t realistic to pretend not to know him.

So earlier, in a place where the cameras couldn\'t capture, Wei Wenqing had silently walked to the car behind and followed all the way to the airport.

"Xiaoya, do you know who he is?" Wei Lin said, turning his head to look at Li Xiaoya, "This is your grandfather\'s biological son, your mother\'s brother."

After Wei Lin finished speaking, he observed Li Xiaoya\'s reaction.

Li Xiaoya tilted her head and looked at him, asking, "They\'re all Mom\'s brothers?"

Wei Lin laughed, "Yes, they all are. It\'s a big family, your mother has many relatives... you\'ll get to know them all one by one."

Li Xiaoya looked confused.

Besides them, were there others?

Wei Lin said gently, "See, isn\'t it nice that so many people care about you? Even your little uncle came to find you, and he can\'t even speak."

Li Xiaoya pinched her palm.

Was Wei Lin\'s remark intended to hurt her uncle?

"Alright, let\'s not talk about this anymore, let\'s hurry and check in for the flight," Wei Lin said, placing a hand on Li Xiaoya\'s back.

He was feeling relieved now.

Firstly, Wei Wenqing was after all mute, he couldn\'t freely communicate with Li Xiaoya even if he wanted to, so what waves could he make?

Secondly, Li Xiaoya was somewhat smarter than her peers, but this wasn\'t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes, the smarter one is, the clearer they see the situation. She would naturally know that her mother\'s brothers had been eliminated and weren\'t worth relying on.

"Weren\'t we supposed to discuss those details with the police uncles?" Li Xiaoya looked up at him.

Wei Lin said casually, "We can video call later."

"Video call?"

"Yes, communicate via phone. You\'ll have a phone when we get back."


Wei Lin had booked first-class tickets. He initially wanted to deliberately see Li Xiaoya look awkward. But on second thought, he felt it wasn\'t necessary. After all, those young masters had been too good to her, if he embarrassed her now, wouldn\'t he be outdone in comparison?

Now he still needed to play the role of a kind "uncle".

So after boarding, Wei Lin taught Li Xiaoya hands-on how to order food in first class, how to reasonably express her needs...

At this moment, Wei Wenqing utterly despised himself for being mute.

To the extent that he could only watch Wei Lin and Xiaoya get close...

Although it was her first time on a plane, Li Xiaoya didn\'t show any fear.

She even managed to get a good sleep on the plane.

She didn\'t know what she would encounter when she returned "home", so she might as well rest up first!


After returning to Hua Country, the Wei family temporarily settled in Jin City.

Jin City is the capital of Hua Country, where celebrities from all walks of life gather. Among them, there is a high-end residential area called Guanghua Villa, which is quite famous!

Because the vast majority of celebrities live here.

And the Wei family\'s residence was particularly extraordinary.

An artificial lake was built in the center of Guanghua Villa, and the Wei family\'s home was located by the lake. It was a five-story villa, well hidden under the trees, protecting the privacy of its owners.

The car entered Guanghua Villa and soon stopped.

Wei Lin held Li Xiaoya\'s hand as they got out of the car, then switched to a golf cart.

The cart carried them across the lawn, along winding paths, and finally along the lake, surrounded by beautiful scenery.

Wei Lin spoke up, "This is a bit of tranquility in the bustling city, a touch of green amidst the concrete jungle. That\'s why it\'s precious."

He didn\'t care whether Li Xiaoya could understand or not.

In his words, Wei Lin exuded a sense of pride as if this place was also his property.

"Sir is back," the servants were already waiting outside the door, hurrying forward to greet them.

They curiously looked at Li Xiaoya, their eyes full of unfamiliarity and surprise.

This scene made Wei Wenqing very uncomfortable.

Li Xiaoya was supposed to be a part of this family, but it seemed as if Wei Lin was the master.

Father had given him too much power.

Too much. Wei Wenqing gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

The servants naturally noticed Wei Wenqing as well, and exclaimed in panic, "Where did Young Master go? We\'ve been looking for you these past few days! Your health really isn\'t suitable for going out..."

Wei Wenqing coldly glared at the servant.

The servant\'s words trailed off awkwardly.

"Alright," Wei Lin interjected, "How has the old man\'s health been while I was away?"

"Still the same, we didn\'t dare tell the old man about the Young Master\'s disappearance," the servant said with a bitter face.

Wei Lin smiled, "Well, he\'s back now, isn\'t he?"

At this point, Wei Lin finally ended his performance.

Yes, performance.

This long dialogue was meant to let Li Xiaoya see clearly who held real power in this family now.

"Come, everyone come meet the young miss," Wei Lin finally uttered these words.

The servants were shocked, looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Young... young miss?" they exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, this is Miss Wenyu\'s orphaned child," Wei Lin sighed heavily, "For now, don\'t tell the old man about this. His health can\'t take the shock. We can\'t let him know so soon that Miss Wenyu is no longer in this world."

"Yes... yes..." The servants were still a bit dazed.

"Let\'s all go inside," Wei Lin said, affectionately patting Li Xiaoya\'s head, "You\'ll stay next door to me, okay? If you\'re scared, you can come knock on my door anytime. Your little uncles are all in poor health, so you shouldn\'t disturb them."

Li Xiaoya nodded.

Was the "old man" her grandfather?

"Poor health" seemed to have become the best excuse in Wei Lin\'s mouth...

Because grandfather was in poor health, so he couldn\'t see her. Because her little uncles were in "poor health", so she couldn\'t disturb them.

Li Xiaoya silently noted this discovery in her heart, obediently following Wei Lin as they walked further in.

It turned out that behind this five-story villa, there was another guest house hidden.

Wei Lin lived in this guest house, and now Li Xiaoya was to live here too...

"These two are Filipino maids, they will be responsible for your daily care. However, their Hua Country language isn\'t very good, so you might have some communication barriers. But they have a lot of experience in taking care of people and will take very good care of you," Wei Lin pointed to two dark-skinned female servants opposite them.

This was clearly also arranged.

Because of the communication difficulties, this way there wouldn\'t be any unexpected incidents.

"Your identity is precious, we need to arrange bodyguards for you as well..."

"I want Wei Zhen," Li Xiaoya said quickly.

Wei Lin was a bit surprised.

He had thought she would dislike Wei Zhen.

After all, the reason he had sent Wei Zhen over in the first place was because he knew Wei Zhen had a bad temper and was stubborn, perfect for teaching the little girl a lesson...

Wei Zhen was standing outside the door at this moment, and was also surprised to hear Li Xiaoya\'s words.

"I just want him, only him," Li Xiaoya said with certainty.

Wei Lin suddenly turned his head back, staring at Wei Zhen with an ambiguous smile, "Ha, looks like you\'re quite popular with the young miss, she trusts you a lot."

Wei Zhen moved his lips, but for a moment didn\'t know what to say.

Wei Lin\'s gaze darkened slightly as he said, "Alright, then Wei Zhen will continue to be your bodyguard."

"He said he\'s my death warrior."

"Yes, yes. Our family\'s traditions are a bit old-fashioned, we still keep the tradition of death warriors."

"Does that mean he can die for me?"

Wei Lin paused for a moment, glanced back at Wei Zhen, and said with a smile, "Yes, that\'s what it means."

He certainly didn\'t want Wei Zhen to become the person Li Xiaoya relied on the most in the end.

Li Xiaoya looked up at Wei Lin, smiling sweetly.

Wei Lin smiled back, satisfied.

Only Wei Zhen\'s face turned a bit pale. He felt that this little girl who grew up in a mountain village... seemed a bit difficult to deal with.

But without chores like feeding pigs and chickens, what else could she do to him?

"Oh right, come try on the clothes I prepared for you in advance. Tomorrow, you\'ll need to represent the Wei family at a banquet," Wei Lin called out.

This was a step Wei Lin had planned long ago.

No matter how clever she was, at a banquet for the upper class, she couldn\'t hide her poverty and clumsiness. That\'s when it would be his turn to come to the rescue.

He would make her trust him bit by bit, until she could only rely on him to survive in the Wei family and in this upper-class circle!

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