
Chapter 49

He still felt it wasn\'t enough, so he pushed Chen Meilan against the wall. There was a snap - it was the light cord again. This time, as she reached back, she accidentally pulled the cord right off the small bedroom light.

It wasn\'t dark yet, but the light suddenly came on with a click.

The darkness in the room was better, but when the light snapped on, she could see his face. This wasn\'t a pleasant experience; the older woman didn\'t like seeing the impetuous face of a young man.

"The children are watching," Chen Meilan said, pushing Yan Zhao\'s face away.

"Look at me," Yan Zhao said.

Chen Meilan refused, choosing to close her eyes instead.

But as soon as she closed them, he tried to kiss her again. Chen Meilan\'s hand was nearly crushed in his grip.

Yuanyuan and Little Lang were used to sleeping on a spring mattress. Although Chen Meilan had laid out two quilts to make it softer, the two little ones were still unhappy, constantly whining and attempting to reclaim the bed their father had taken over.

Little Wang, with a belly full of dumplings, was practicing horse stance in the yard, occasionally turning his head to look back.

The little fellow, for some reason, had repeated to Chen Meilan many times that he had eaten 20 dumplings.

"I\'m not feeling well today, wait until I\'m better," Chen Meilan surrendered, worried that Little Wang might come in again.

Yan Zhao, sensing that Meilan was uncomfortable, loosened his grip: "Tomorrow, shall I accompany you to Xishan to transfer the shares?"

Chen Meilan nodded, sitting on the spring mattress, oddly feeling that it seemed lower than before.

Yan Zhao, having broken the light cord, had to reattach it: "Go ahead and transfer them, I\'ll go with you."

"Aren\'t you busy with work?" Chen Meilan asked curiously.

Yan Zhao had already fixed the light cord and turned off the light with a click, plunging the room into darkness: "Accompanying Xishan is part of my job too."

Chen Meilan hadn\'t consulted with Yan Zhao when she asked for the coal mine, so she needed to test if he opposed this matter. She was about to speak when she asked, "You won\'t be angry that I helped Yuanyuan get the coal mine, will you?"

"I\'m not angry," Yan Zhao turned on the light again and walked out of the room.

He shouldn\'t be angry, right? She was about to become the largest shareholder of Yan Xishan\'s coal company, even though she was just managing it for Yuanyuan.

However, the next day, Yan Xishan didn\'t show up as promised, and Yan Zhao didn\'t take a day off either. He had guessed that Xishan wouldn\'t come.

Chen Meilan heard about it when she was dropping off the children.

Apparently, after Yan Xishan was released from detention, to celebrate his release and the news that he was about to become a father, he had notified many people to prepare for a grand feast he was planning to host.

The news spread yesterday, and today many people had already come to congratulate him, trapping him at home.

Not to mention how he must have felt, having just learned he was going to be a father and now facing congratulations from the entire city.

After all, as a public figure, buying cigarettes and alcohol to entertain guests, chatting with everyone, letting people know that the smiling King Yan was still alive and well - these were the most important things.

In a moment of free time, he met Song Huaihua and asked her to send a message to Chen Meilan, telling her to prepare her ID card.

To transfer the shares, an ID card would definitely be needed. Once transferred, although the company\'s criminal liability would be borne by the legal representative, as the major shareholder, the responsibility for those miners working underground would actually fall on her.

With great power comes great responsibility; from now on, Chen Meilan would have to shoulder this responsibility.

In this era, they had just started issuing ID cards. The first generation of plastic-laminated ID cards was quite troublesome to obtain. One had to go to the police station to have a photo taken, and it was said that it would take three months to receive the card.

Song Huaihua didn\'t have an ID card either, so she accompanied Chen Meilan to apply for one.

"The photo has been taken, come back in three months to collect it," the police officer said.

Chen Meilan was in a hurry to get her ID card, so she asked, "If I pay extra, could it be done faster?"

The officer looked up at Chen Meilan: "I\'m sorry, our police station doesn\'t engage in profit-making activities."

Song Huaihua also said, "Getting an ID card is quite troublesome, we\'ll just have to wait patiently."

As the two were about to leave the service hall, they suddenly ran into Yan Zhao, wearing the same police uniform. The difference in demeanor between those who graduated from police school and those who came down from the military was striking.

Chen Meilan was afraid he might greet her outside, especially in this service hall where there were many nouveau riche and coal bosses coming and going. She didn\'t want those people to know she was his wife.

However, Yan Zhao didn\'t greet them, he just brushed past them and walked away with big strides.

The two were about to take the bus home. On the bus, Song Huaihua said again, "Meilan, your second brother has been unusually diligent at home lately, sigh!"

Chen Meilan suddenly gave Song Huaihua a nudge: "Did you sleep with him?"

Women are afraid of becoming soft-hearted. Song Huaihua didn\'t want to divorce for the sake of the children, which was fine. But if she dared to give in in bed, Yan Bin would become even more reckless in the future, and she might contract a sexually transmitted disease.

"How could that be possible? You\'ve already said it, how could I let him into my bed?" Song Huaihua said this, but she seemed hesitant. She asked Chen Meilan for her home phone number and carefully wrote it down in her notebook.

"If my second brother dares to bully you, or forcibly breaks in, call me. If you really feel ashamed, think of me, think of Yan Xishan," Chen Meilan said.

Song Huaihua nodded deeply.

Meilan wasn\'t afraid of being gossiped about by the whole village. Compared to Meilan, she was indeed a bit too concerned about saving face.

Although the police station said it would take three months for the ID card to be ready, Chen Meilan received hers that very evening - a brand new, first-generation laminated ID card.

This must have been Yan Zhao pulling strings for her. She never expected that someone who appeared so cold and heartless would do such a favor.

"I\'m still not well, at least wait until tomorrow," Chen Meilan said, raising both hands in a pleading gesture as she accepted the ID card.

Men, of course, are eager when they haven\'t gotten what they want.

Chen Meilan just didn\'t expect that Yan Zhao, who seemed so quiet and reserved, would be this eager.

But it was no big deal. Once men get what they want, they tend to lose interest in that matter.

Lu Jingyu was busy making money, Yan Xishan enjoyed conquering young women, while Officer Yan\'s interests lay in work and housework. Hearing Chen Meilan say she still wasn\'t feeling well, he went to pick up Yuanyuan and Little Wang.

Now Yuanyuan was practicing piano with Song Lin, who lived in the Dongfang Group. Every day after school, she stayed an hour later than other children, and Little Wang would accompany Yuanyuan to finish their homework at Song Lin\'s house.

He picked up the children while she cooked. By the time the two older ones were brought back, it was just in time for dinner.

Yan Xishan was not only not stupid, but he was also an extremely shrewd man. After wasting a day, Chen Meilan thought he was really entertaining guests who had come to congratulate him.

In fact, that wasn\'t the case. He had found a lawyer, consulted in great detail, had a discussion, and after talking with the lawyer, drafted a contract according to the "Interim Regulations on Notarization," which was even printed out by a printer. He brought the lawyer to Chen Meilan\'s home and had her sign the contract under the lawyer\'s witness.

Of course, Chen Meilan had to guarantee that in the future, these shares could only be inherited by Yan Zhaodi, and that the money under Zhaodi\'s name couldn\'t be used by Chen Meilan without consulting Yan Xishan.

He could give her the money, but Chen Meilan shouldn\'t think about spending it. He was just storing it with her.

Yan Zhao was there too, tapping on the table saying, "Change the name, she\'s called Shengnan now."

Yan Xishan threw down his pen with a clatter: "Chen Meilan, do you still want the shares or not?"

Whether she wanted them or not, at this moment she had to stand firm. Chen Meilan immediately said, "I don\'t want them. If there\'s a cave-in or flooding accident in the coal mine, the owner has to take responsibility. You think I want to be responsible for your mess?"

Yan Xishan didn\'t actually want Chen Meilan to be responsible for his mess. The reason he wanted Meilan to hold the majority of shares was that he didn\'t want to end up in the same situation as this time if he was thrown in jail again or lost his life. He didn\'t want Chen Meilan to have no control and let the family assets fall into someone else\'s hands.

He stared at Yan Zhao, who stared back, not giving an inch.

Finally, Yan Xishan took a deep breath, picked up the pen, crossed out Yan Zhaodi, and changed it to Yan Shengnan.

Originally, the transfer was just a matter between adults, but Chen Meilan still asked for a day off for Yuanyuan and chose to bring her along.

She couldn\'t tell her daughter why at the moment, but at least now that she owned the shares, in the future when she had to take care of Yan Xishan until his death, she wouldn\'t feel so stifled, sad, and powerless.

Going to pick up Yuanyuan in Yan Xishan\'s red Xiali car, the little girl had been given temporary leave from school. When she came out and saw her father\'s car, she hesitated and refused to move forward.

"Come on, Yuanyuan, it\'s Dad," Yan Xishan said, waving his hand.

Yuanyuan took two steps back.

Yan Zhao got out of the car and whispered in the little girl\'s ear: "Don\'t be afraid, I\'m here." Only then did Yuanyuan agree to get in the car.

It was just a matter of transferring equity ownership, an internal company affair, but they had to go to the Coal Mining Bureau to file a case, then to the industrial and commercial office to change the equity document. This way, the coal mine could be fully transferred.

This man just couldn\'t keep his mouth shut. While driving, he had to say: "Zhaodi, from now on, all the money Dad earns will be yours. Tell me, which little girl has it as good as you?"

Yuanyuan didn\'t know what had happened. Sitting on Chen Meilan\'s lap, she whispered, "Mom, I don\'t want his things."

"It\'s okay, Mom will keep them for you," Chen Meilan said.

Yuanyuan looked at Yan Xishan driving in front again: "I still don\'t want them."

If the child really didn\'t want it, it would be forcing her. Chen Meilan suddenly hesitated and even didn\'t want to transfer the ownership anymore. She had to ask her daughter why.

Afraid that Yan Xishan would hear, Yuanyuan leaned close to Chen Meilan\'s ear and whispered: "Unless my original dad promises not to hit me anymore."

So how simple a child\'s world is - all she wanted was for her dad not to hit her.

"Yan Xishan, do you dare to hit my daughter again?" Chen Meilan asked loudly.

Yan Xishan was parking the car and wanted to look in the rearview mirror, but he saw Yan Zhao\'s eyes in the mirror, looking like a wolf\'s.

He subconsciously said: "How would I dare?"

This was of course due to the pressure of Yan Zhao\'s intimidating presence. But after getting out of the car, seeing Yuanyuan timidly following behind Chen Meilan, Yan Xishan actually felt some genuine emotion.

He was currently still coaxing Hu Xiaomei and hadn\'t exposed her fake pregnancy, after all, it was difficult to get coal mining rights, and it would be easier through Fan Xianghui.

After Hu Xiaomei fell, he said he wanted to take her to the hospital, but how could she dare? Usually, she would cry about stomach pain, but after falling, she was suddenly fine, full of energy.

When they got home, Yan Xishan deliberately tried to trip her again, but Hu Xiaomei didn\'t make a sound, just urging him to get married quickly and start mining coal.

"Xiaomei, what if I open the mine and something goes wrong and I end up in jail?"

"You\'re about to have a son, what are you afraid of?" Hu Xiaomei retorted.

So Hu Xiaomei endured silently, but actually wished for his death, while all Yuanyuan asked of him was not to hit her.

Taking a few steps forward, Yan Xishan touched his newly grown crew cut, suddenly turned back, and knelt on one knee in front of his daughter: "Sweetie, Dad was wrong before. Please don\'t hate Daddy, okay?"

Just such a simple sentence.

Yuanyuan suddenly smiled, because she saw that Yan Xishan\'s eyes were wet. She actually took out her little handkerchief to wipe his eyes: "Daddy, don\'t cry. It\'s okay, I forgave you long ago."

How could Yan Xishan not cry? He had driven himself into a corner. He was simply a bastard!

But he still had a chance. From now on, he should learn to be a decent person.

The transfer only required submitting documents and filing a case.

After filing at the Coal Mining Bureau, they also had to go to the industrial and commercial office to get a stamp.

There were many people handling business at the industrial and commercial office, so they had to wait. Conveniently, there was a shopping mall across the street. Yuanyuan held Chen Meilan\'s hand and pointed at the mall, saying: "Mom, I want to go buy something."

"Let\'s go, Mom will go with you," Chen Meilan said.

It was good to go out for a walk, otherwise just watching the smiling Yan Xishan and the cold-faced Yan Zhao standing together was making her sick.

"I want to buy gifts for Mom and Dad. I\'ll buy them myself," Yuanyuan said, taking out a small wool coin purse from her backpack and waving it: "I saved money myself."

Yuanyuan, only six years old, had knitted various pouches vividly with wool.

It had been about two months since they started giving the children pocket money, and Yuanyuan had actually saved up eight yuan, which was a huge sum in the mall.

After browsing for a while, she chose a silk scarf for Chen Meilan, and it was pink.

"How about this, Mom chooses this dark green one, okay?" Chen Meilan switched to another one.

Yuanyuan immediately said: "No, that one looks old-fashioned. I want the pink one."

Actually, it was Chen Meilan\'s own mentality that had aged, always preferring darker colors. She tried wrapping the pink silk scarf around her neck. The bright color needed young skin to complement it. Looking in the mirror, it actually looked quite pretty.

Youth is wonderful.

The gifts for Yan Zhao and Yan Xishan were chosen by Yuanyuan herself, and she didn\'t let Chen Meilan give advice. She bought them all by herself.

Nowadays, official business is done in a small room, with one person slowly stamping documents. The queue was very long. While waiting in line, Yuanyuan didn\'t take out the gifts.

She didn\'t take out the gifts in the car either.

It wasn\'t until they were about to part ways at the entrance of Yanguan Village that she mustered up the courage to hand Yan Xishan his gift: "Dad, this is for you."

Yan Xishan took it, and it turned out to be a hat, one that didn\'t quite suit his head. It was military green and soft. Yuanyuan touched Yan Xishan\'s head and said, "A shaved head will get cold. Wearing this hat will prevent that."

Even though the hat was green, even though it was the cheapest hat on the market, costing only 80 cents, Yan Xishan was incredibly moved.

Hu Xiaomei would only conspire with others to cheat money from him, but Zhaodi knew to buy a hat to cover his ugly bald head.

"Dad will wear it now," Yan Xishan immediately put the hat on his head.

He was quite proud because Yuanyuan hadn\'t bought anything for Yan Zhao. It seemed his daughter still loved him more.

"How about that, Yan Zhao? You don\'t get this treatment, do you?" Yan Xishan said, tilting the brim of his hat and even saluting Yan Zhao: "Goodbye, Captain Yan."

He regretted not having joined the army before. Wearing the green hat, he looked a million times more spirited than Yan Zhao.

"Take care with the coal mine, Xishan. The demand for coal is very high, and it\'s not just for the short term. Don\'t rush to open the mine," Yan Zhao said.

Since he was in this business, he should be prepared for it. Yan Xishan said, "I\'m the legal representative. If anything goes wrong, I\'ll bear the criminal responsibility. Don\'t worry, this time I\'ll buy two big pig heads to sacrifice to the heavens, guaranteeing nothing will go wrong."

Safety work relies entirely on quantum mechanics.

He stepped on the gas, but felt the car wasn\'t moving. It turned out Yan Zhao had reached out and directly shifted it into neutral.

"If safety isn\'t properly addressed, don\'t let the workers go down the shaft. Otherwise, Meilan, as the major shareholder, will replace you and let someone else manage the coal mine," Yan Zhao said as he put the car in first gear and sent him off.

Yesterday, Yan Xishan had found a lawyer and talked for half a day, mainly about money, because that was what he cared about most. The profits earned could be deposited in Yuanyuan\'s account, and he could use them for operations at any time, but he needed to consult with Chen Meilan.

Regarding equity, he hadn\'t seriously considered it. At that time, he was mainly badly hurt. Despite appearing very arrogant, he was also very insecure. He feared that maybe his seed really wasn\'t good, and he could only have daughters.

Especially since he had just gotten out of detention, he was afraid of dying, afraid of going back in.

But this also meant that if Meilan didn\'t speak up, it was fine, but if she did speak up, if she wanted to intervene, he might really be kicked out by her.

Because of Hu Xiaomei\'s cunning, he had forgotten one thing: Meilan\'s stubbornness, and the fact that what Meilan hated most was his superstitious practices in the coal mine.

If he didn\'t ensure good safety measures before going down the shaft, given Chen Meilan\'s personality, would she really replace him?

Maybe what she wanted from the beginning wasn\'t two small coal mines, but control?

Otherwise, she had known about Hu Xiaomei\'s fake pregnancy early on. Why didn\'t she say anything during the prison visit, instead letting him lose face in the village?

Damn it, he had been played!

He had now become Chen Meilan\'s working dog.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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