Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 264 Why Are You Different?

Chapter 264 Why Are You Different?

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in the command center with all the other Guardians gathered together. Octavia had just informed me that Beta and his forces were now 250,000,000 lightyears away from us, and it was time to prepare for the fight of our lives. Everyone was on edge as we went over strategy and tactics for the battle ahead.

We discussed new ways of using the Guardian\'s weapons, their best positions for each type of enemy, and how we would use our clones effectively. We also had an AI created by Mox to help us plan and give us readings on the fields of energy outside our ships.

Even with all this planning and preparation, no one could quite predict what the enemy would do once they reached us. All we could do was be ready and pray that my people were stronger than they were.

"Well, I think that is everything," I said after giving each person their specific tasks. "Now it\'s up to all of you to make sure that we are successful in defeating the Gideons. Good luck, everyone."

The Guardians nodded and began to disperse to their posts. I followed them, making sure to keep an eye on the monitors in the command center. The Sisters would reach the sun in 10 hours, but Gideons would be coming straight for earth from what we could tell. Their main force was still over 30 hours away, but they had somehow jumped a smaller force of five ships within 2 hours of earth.

Since they were so close, I was tempted to just deal with them myself, but this was a perfect first run for the Guardians. Eddie was leading the first group that was in charge of the interception in space, but I knew this was going to fail. The point was to slow them so we could lock on to them with Orbital Platforms Sofia was in control of with her hound, Lycan The Lychon.

"Everything is good to go, boss! You can go kick some Space Dragon ass! Make those bitches bend a knee!" Eddie called down from hit massive fifty-foot tall Mech dubbed The Exo-Hunter.

"I will leave this all to you then," I said, and then sunk into the ground heading to where Gaia and Dawn were waiting in the grove where I first met Dawn.

When I reappeared, the two women were waiting for me, but Calishora was with them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after my body reformed. I had told her that she was not to be a part of this.

"I am just here to give you some final warnings," Calishora said as she walked over in a golden dress that looked amazing on her blue skin.

"Oh? I thought we went over everything?" I asked as I took her into my arms and kissed her passionately.

When we stopped, she stayed in my arms and laid my head on my shoulder. I could feel that she was worried about me, and that was understandable, but I was not going to be alone.

"I know that you are going to meet them in the sun, and you should be at your strongest, but we also gain strength from stars, but not as much as you. My point is that you still need to be careful," Calishora said as Dawn and Gaia gathered around us.

"Already way ahead of you. All of our main bodies are hidden deep below the planet\'s surface, and I will be taking an extra full copy of myself to store on Venus. I am almost positive that I am going to lose more than once, but I will stop them. If they reach the planet, I will use my main body, so I am not even going to be at half-strength the first time I face them. Lindemia is hiding her power, and I am certain that I will have to die at least once to get that information out of her. Considering your power and the other two, there are only so many things that it could be," I explained, and Calishora stepped back in surprise.

"Daniel will also have both of us with him, and Octavia will also be joining us. The four of us will be able to handle things, I am sure," Gaia said, and then absorbed into my body, and I sucked in a deep breath.

The feeling of her in my mind was warm, loving, and confident. \'I will have to wait until all three of us are absorbed before we can talk over your partition. I think it would rip me apart if I tried to control it,\' Gaia said in my mind.

Gaia was talking about the Red Eye that now resided in that half of my mind that I had partitioned to control the many complicated parts of my mind unconsciously operated while I consciously made the choices for it to happen. It was like I was half being and half machine; my conscious thought would give orders to make my body down just that with almost no limit but my own understanding. The girls were going to take over that while also controlling and using the stop to make me even stronger so I could use all of my minds like never before.

"Well, I guess I will let you get to it, but make sure you go see all the girls. We all love you, and we will all be working as hard as you to protect our home," Calishora said, and I nodded and gave her a kiss.

I watched her leave for a moment and then turned to Dawn, who was giving me an odd look.

"What is it?" I asked, and she sighed.

"You just are so dramatically different in your power level, but you still seem the exact same. Maybe wiser, but you said you were gone for a long time, and you took in an interdimensional being made from pure energy into your body. Why are you more confident? You are about to border on the realms of god-like beings, but your heart is unchanged? I have read all the files that Octavia held in the short time that you disappeared, and all the beings seem to be twisted by the power. Why are you different?" Dawn asked skeptically, and I shrugged.

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