Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 89 Villain Itch

"What\'s wrong?" I asked, watching Firaga stare down the water.

"I am mostly steel, and I will oxidize after leaving the water. I do not like to be rusty," Firaga said, and I nodded.

"Don\'t worry, I will dry all of you off after. This isn\'t really water anyways; just stick a foot in, and you will see. If you don\'t like it, I will dry your foot off," I said, and Firaga nodded, sticking her foot in.

The AI\'s eye opened wide, and she looked down at her foot and then back up at me.

"What is this? I feel better just by this little?!" Firaga asked, showing surprise as I took my clothes off.

"Take the dress off, and come all the way in. It is pretty warm in here, not like melting metal or anything, but comfortable," I said as I slid into the pool.

I was slowly spreading out over the city as Firaga slowly entered the pool. I was subconsciously preparing for the next attack, and work was being done due to the Great Trees understanding my intent.

Trees were throwing seed, and single Elf clones rode grass at each seed location and waited for the next tree to grow. Once they were ready, the Great tree would throw another seed and smaller seeds for the rest of the area.

This increased my detection range, but I could only go out about one thousand miles wide and about twenty-five hundred from outside of the two cities\' range. This seemed like a lot, but it was a pin drop in the grander scale of the world.

There was still no sign of the villains, but now I would be able to sense them coming, and I could deal with them accordingly. Truth be told, I was itching to go Mega again and test it out some more, but that could wait.

"What do you think of the pool?" I asked, and Firaga looked up from where she was running her hand through her hair, which looked wet.

"It makes me feel soft, and it fills me. It is strange, but I want to stay here for a while. I can… feel things… and… it reminds me of something. I think if I stay here, I might remember what that is," Firaga said.

"Stay as long as you want; we are in a rush now. There are no other Villains in the area," I said.

"Except me," Firaga said, and I nodded, summoning Gaia.

"Speaking of that. I am going to call someone here, Gaia, so don\'t be alarmed," I explained, and Firaga nodded.

Gaia grew up beside me, and I gave her a kiss, and she smiled up at me.

"How can I help you?" Gaia asked cutely.

"Can you try and see if you can block or shut off whatever makes the AI evil? There must be something in there that is doing it," I explained, and Gaia nodded.

"Possibly, but I will have to connect with her. We might even be able to unlock her memories," Gaia explained.

"No memories. If I wanted to remember, I would be able to. Just take the itch away. Something itches at me to do something bad, take life, but I don\'t want to. I just want to eat metal," Firaga said, looking at her hands.

"Come sit on my lap, and I will try to connect with you, but remember, if you try anything to hurt me, I will disconnect you from this body in a single heartbeat. I do this because Daniel believes we can help you, and I hope this is true, but know this. I hold no remorse for the others of your kind in cells," Gaia explained, and I kept quiet.

Firaga waded over and did as told, sitting on Gaia\'s lap, leaning back as Gaia wrapped her hands around Firaga. Vines started to wrap around Firaga, but she didn\'t move, closing her eyes.

This was between Gaia, Earth\'s Spirit, and the invading AI, and I was sure she would prefer just to eliminate them all. She was probably right, but there had to be some good ones, and I wanted to ensure the leaders got their due.

That would mean taking out the Hiveship, but no way would be easy. First of all, we didn\'t know where it was or have any way to track it or get to it.

There had to be some kind of defense of some kind, but I would have to grill Orhpus about that. He would know something about that, but there were still many other factors.

"Finished. I was able to find it, and I examined exactly what it was doing. Just as she said, it\'s only a slight pulse that can easily be ignored if they want. Because she was doing just that, I think she will become a great ally if you treat her right. Also, we found Amy\'s father, and, well, you should just come and see. After you two are done here, there is no rush," Gaia said while her vines let go of Firaga, who let out a sigh.

"Thank you for doing that for me. I feel much better without that itch. I can stay up here if you have things to do. Gaia, do you mind staying with me for a bit? You seem to know more about me than I do, right?" Firaga asked, and Gaia nodded.

"Yes, I don\'t mind relaxing with you and talking. You can get going, Daniel, and I will stay," Gaia said, and I grinned.

"If that\'s what you two want, I will leave you be, and go deal with the next problem on the never-ending list!" I said as I got out of the water.

"Thank you for not killing me," Firaga said, and I turned back, giving her a thumbs up.

"You didn\'t try to kill me, so I thought that you might be a fascinating person. Plus, you\'re a pretty girl, and I would like to get to know you better," I said as my body steamed dry.

"You are an average-looking human," Firaga said, stabbing me in the heart, and I fell off the side of the tree.

I was pretty sure I heard Gaia say, "Ouch."

I wasn\'t sure, but I was laughing; that AI was vicious. I had a funny feeling that she would develop a strong personality, but I would have to keep her out of Melody\'s clutches.

Wings burst from my back, and I flew east, gliding down to where I could sense the girls and a good portion of the animals I had transformed. A large group of humans was cornered and strapped to the ground.

I dropped down once I was over the site, landing between the two groups, turning to the girls first. They all had their arms crossed but ran over as soon as they saw me.

"You came to help my idiot father!" Amy called, and I laughed.

"Which one is he? I never really asked much about your dad," I said, and Amy grinned.

"He is the big guy in the front with a bandana. My father is an extortionist with a motorcycle," Amy explained, and I laughed.

"I am the leader of the Crimson Rose Biker Gang!" A gruff-sounding man yelled from behind me, and I turned to find a chunky white guy with a bike outfit standing up.

"Really? Good for you! I love you, daughter, so what\'s your problem, Bucko? Or Raymond would be your name? You\'re pissed cause Ziets can\'t marry Amy, right? I can\'t believe I never put this together! If I had my phone, I would have known! I was following your silly little try at pawning your daughter off to get your gang name back! If Amy asked me to, I would feed you to the tigers," I said with a disgusted look on my face once I realized just who Amy was.

Amy Rose, daughter to Ramond Rose, leader of Crimson Rose, a decrypt biker gang that was getting pushed out by Ziets, a self-named street gang. Ziets was a wealthy guy that made lots of money legally, but he also secretly rang the gang that made much more through drugs and human trafficking.

If the two had married, that would have been the end for this city. I had been so wrapped up with everything that I had forgotten to ask Amy about her father, but things made sense now.

"What does it matter now! The world is over! Ziets is dead, and most of his gang because of that creature. Do what you want, monster. That all this world is now, freaks and monsters, and now my daughters are one of them, or you were my daughter. You\'re just a monster like the rest of them, hehe, just like your old man," Raymond Rose laughed hysterically.

"I will never be anything like you. You can wander the world until there is no place left for you because the trees will never let you into our forest," Amy said as she walked up to my side, and I took her hand and nodded.

"What she said, you BDSM hippy! Now, scram!" I yelled, and the grass released everyone, and they ran from the monsters.

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