500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 589 The Beast Unleashed: The Showdown with the Demon Storm Hydra

Chapter 589  The Beast Unleashed: The Showdown with the Demon Storm Hydra

"Yes, I never thought that Xieus wasn\'t a Demon," Lexi said, but I shook my head.

"No, No, No. About Bellazibub," I said and made an \'Ahh\' noise.

"Yes, I really didn\'t think that you had slept with her. Very strange indeed," She said, and I groaned.

"No, the way she was acting and asking to go to our world. She even kissed my hands, and she might as well put her head into the dirt if another Demon saw that she did that. Things are getting stranger than fiction down here," I said, shaking my head.

"I mean, weren\'t you guys a couple like Martha?" Lexi asked, and I snorted a laugh.

"You did hear how she fucked every succubus, right? We had sex numerous times, but we were both just numbers in each other\'s lives to pass the time. She is a vicious Demon who likes to make people fall for her by force and then leave them right after. This is why I am scratching my head. It is like she is sick or something," I said, scratching my head.

"Is it really that big of a deal?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"It\'s a Demon being nice that is normally an insatiable bitch that likes to toy with her food. So yeah, I am a bit worried. Normally there would be more Demons around that are really horrible, but most of them were men. Make me wonder if this isn\'t something to do with the Black King as well," I explained as we stood near the gate.

There was another fight going on the other side of it, but this time the view was blocked, and we could hear no sounds, so this area that we were standing in could be anywhere on this layer. It was more than likely just another part of Bellazibub\'s house since there wasn\'t anyone else there, not even guards, just a closed gate in a hallway.

"How does the Black King affect everyone so much?"

"A Demon must be selected by at least 18% of all Demons to become the Black King, and as I said, mind control magically is impossible. 18% isn\'t much, but over 50% of Demons aren\'t speaking intelligences, and they are included in this. That means you need almost twice as many intelligent Demons to even pull this off. The ones that elect the Black King form a symbiotic connection, and this allows them to broadcast the feelings of the Black King to all. Why does this happen, and what is the true purpose of this? Not even Diablo knew why it was like this when I asked him about it. I lived here a few lives, but I am not really a scholar, nor did I really care after I got rid of the first one. I had just told Diablo to get his shit together," I explained, and Lexi hummed with her chin in her hand.

"I see, so in order to take down the Black King, you need to understand why this connection happens and what gives them power. Interesting," She said before nodding towards the door as it opened. "It looks like your fight is about to start."

"My fight? Are you not coming?" I asked, but she shook her head.

"No, I think I will do a round alone. If you are trying to get stronger, then I should be doing the same. I can\'t do that if I am in your shadow, and I have learned quite a bit from the fights we have been in together, so I would like a chance to hone those skills. Just try not to sleep with every monster you fight, okay?" Lexi said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Listen here, Pot. You are no better than me, so Ditto. Keep your dress on so we can relax for a bit on the next layer," I said, and she giggled, coming closer to put her hand on my chest before leaning in to kiss me.

"Try not to get hurt," She said and pulled back from me as I turned and headed out into the silent area.

The door closed behind me, but no one was talking, not a sound, but they were all looking up at Bellazibub. The Bee Demon had switched dresses, and now she was wearing a black and red dress with darker wings than before. She was even more exquisite in this form, her curves and shape just like that of an angel, but she had the eyes of a devil.

"Welcome to the Gore Arena," She said, her voice echoing around the room and making everyone shiver. "Today\'s first fight will be a warm-up round to let our weak and pathetic Upworlder have even the slightest hope of winning against the Demon Storm Hydra. Are you sure about this? It is not too late to back down."

I shook my head, my fists clenched as I looked up at her and said with conviction. "No, I\'m going to fight it. Bring on whatever the next round has in store."

I was trying to figure out what I should create with a tiny bit of true magic, and a bouncy ball crossed my mind as the far gate opened up, and Demons started to pour out of it.

Then I was on the ground and panting with something round clenched in my fist like I was holding on for dear life. Demons surrounded me as I got back up and wiped the sweat off my brow, and looked at the red rubber ball in my hand, or at least that is what it looked like to me.

The Demons were confused, as was Bellazibub, as I smiled and gave a little bounce of the ball in my hand. A tiny spark lit up the room, and even more, confusion spread around the place until, finally, one Demon stepped forward.

"You summoned something!" She said, and I nodded. "So what is it?" She asked, but I just shrugged.

"No idea, really," I said and then hurled the ball at the first Demon.

It hit no Demons.

Instead, any Demon in the area was blasted into the air as the ball pushed them away, and then it hit the wall, cracked in, and then all hell broke loose. The ball didn\'t stop and started to bounce everywhere in the fitting pit, creating a storm of Demons flying around, but not by choice.

Bellowing out a loud laugh, I shouted and then pointed at Bellazibub. "So much for my weak Upworlder hope! Not so weak now, huh?" I laughed as the ball came straight at me, and I caught it as it rained Demons around me.

Bellazibub paused, her eyes widening as the Demons smacked down to the floor limp. "You... You summoned a ball that powerful? That is not something even I expected," she said and then looked at me with more respect than before. "Well done, Upworlder. Not many can pull off something like that. Now let us get on with the fight."

I waited as the Demons pulled themselves up and headed back out the gate they came from, and a massive Demon Storm Hydra walked out with the remaining Demons walking around it. It was an impressive sight to see, but I was not afraid. With my newfound strength and power, I knew that I had a good chance of winning this fight.

The Demon Storm Hydra was a behemoth of a monster, easily dwarfing any other creature in the room. It had eight heads, each with razor-sharp teeth that could rip through anything it touched. Its four muscular legs were covered in thick scales, and its tail thrashed around like a whip, sending arcs of lightning into the air. Its eyes glowed an eerie yellow, and its claws seemed to reach out for its prey with unearthly strength.

The creature screeched and snarled as it stomped towards me, and I could feel the ground shaking beneath my feet and the hairs on my neck rising. My heart pounded as I stared at the beast, and then I started to laugh. This was no ordinary fight - this was a battle between man and beast, and I was determined to win.

I bent my knees and raised my arms, ready for action, harnessing all the power I had within me. I concentrated on the ball that I had summoned and sent it flying toward the monster. It struck true, exploding against its scaly hide and sending shards of ice and strikes of lightning everywhere. The beast roared in pain and anger, but I stayed focused, running towards it and dodging the swipes of its claws.

It tried to crush me under its heavy body, but I moved quickly and managed to get away unscathed. I used my agility to my advantage, darting in and out of its range as I threw my ball at it, but this time it returned it with its tail way too fast for its size. I barely managed to dodge the attack and then leaped up to the counter with a powerful punch, hitting one of its heads and causing it to stumble backward.

The beast screamed in agony as its eight heads collided with each other, and I grinned. I was winning this fight. I kept up my assault, attacking it with all the power I had, and eventually, after what felt like an eternity of fighting, the Demon Storm Hydra fell down, defeated. As it lay there lifeless, I took a deep breath and smiled. I won.

I was about to look up at Bellazibub, but the creature I had just defeated started to glow.

"This isn\'t even its final form!" Bellazibub crackled from above as the Hydra burst with light.


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