500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 257 Squealing Whistle

"Sure, by all means!" I laughed, but what happened next was nothing short of a routine physical feel-up that you would expect from a doctor.

Once it was all said and done, I was the one left feeling awkward and slightly violated. Rexa just nodded at me.

"This growth thing is interesting, but I am not concerned about making a partner, and I don\'t plan on doing a mating ritual unless The Creator asks it of me. My job is to help and study the lower races, along with keeping ours from interfering with others," Rexa explained, and I frowned.

"What about for fun? Don\'t you ever pleasure yourself or spend time with other girls?" I asked curiously, but Rexa shook her head.

"Some of the other Golem races are more emotional in that respect, but Automatons are born to do certain things, even if there is a wide range of things that they can do in that position. There are Excites; Automatons that deal with pleasuring others of all races, but there are special places on our island for finding them," Rexa explained, and I sighed, lying back.

This kind of reminded me about how the dwarfs were more concerned about their inventions than making more people. I still wanted to try to see if Rexa would want to try something fun, but not tonight. Whether I needed sleep or not, I was a cat at heart, and I did enjoy a good nap.

"Well, I am going to close my eyes for a bit," I said, rolling back to Rexa, and she nodded, turning to put her back to me and then scooching closer to press her cool metal back into me.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and let out a long sigh of contentment as my heat barrier warmed us both. It was good to just relax and not have to worry about anything for a while.


I woke up to a squealing, whistling noise that made me squint, but then it stopped.

I looked down, and Rexa was fast asleep, and it was clearly still the middle of the night as I could still see the moonlight bathing the outside of the tent.

Then I heard the noise again, and I growled quietly. It wasn\'t that it hurt my ears, but it was enough to make me wince, yet it didn\'t bother Rexa. The others in the carriage wouldn\'t hear it either since they are sealed off from the outside.

The sounds stopped again, but I decided to get up and go check it out. I slipped on my clothes and stepped out of the tent to see what was going on. When I got out, I didn\'t see anything, but I didn\'t think the sound was close; it was coming from deeper in the cold and dark forest.

Before leaving, I reinforced the spells around the tent much more and then turned to the northwest as the piercing sound shrilled out again. I swear, if this was a bug, I would kill it and all it\'s family from here until the end of time! But that was not very likely since it was colder than a witch\'s tit out here!

I started off into the forest following the sound, and as I went further in, I could see evidence of a struggle. There were broken branches everywhere and footprints that were big. They looked almost like giant wolf prints!

The sound pierced through my head again as something crashed through the underbrush toward me at high speed!

I had just enough time to raise my hands and put up a barrier as whatever slammed into it, causing my shield to crackle with energy. I was thrown back off of my feet and hit a tree hard, but I was not hurt.

Whatever hit me landed in front of me on all fours like an animal as it slowly stood up on two legs. It looked almost like a woman, but it was hairless and wrinkled all over its body with big yellow that glistened in the moonlight. Claws protruded from its fingers, and when it squealed at the moon, long fangs showed!

"Were...what the fuck are you?!" I exclaimed as I scrambled to my feet while putting more power into my barrier spell. The were-hairless cat squealed again before leaping at me with surprising speed!

My barrier stopped him midair, though, as he collided with an invisible wall of energy a foot away from where I stood! The were-hairless cat grunted in pain before falling back down onto all fours again, and I slammed barriers down on it and then dropped my own barrier as I squatted down to look at the strange creature that I had just caught.

"What are you?" I asked, but the creature just squealed its high-pitched whistle, so I cast numerous dispels and restoration spells, but nothing seemed to have any effect.

The creature was definitely not a werewolf or anything that I had ever seen before, so I was pretty sure that this thing was something new. Maybe even something from an Underworld Portal! Those were places where demons ruled, and they could pop up anywhere, but they required a lot of work to maintain. Plus, they were really easy to destroy, so finding one here and not on a deserted island was very unlikely. Still, if that were the case, then how did it get here? There had to be some kind of entrance around here somewhere.

I stood back up and began to look around for any signs of a hidden door or anything out of place in the forest when I heard twigs snapping behind me.

I turned and put up another barrier as two more creatures leaped out at me!

This time I punched the first one in the face as it hit my barrier, and then I grabbed the other one by its neck! It was struggling to get free, but I was not going to let that happen.

I dropped my barrier and slammed the creature down onto its back hard enough to make it grunt before slamming down with all of my weight on top of it, hoping to crush its windpipe!

The creature\'s head lolled to the side, and I could see that its eyes were glassy as if it had already died.

But when I got off of it, instead of staying dead, it spasmed, gasped, and then got up. Just as it did, the first one that I hit leaped at me again, but this time I was ready for it.

I put up another barrier and used my wind magic to hurl the creature back into the trees! It hit hard enough to make them shake before it fell still on the ground.

The other one got back up, though, and this time there were three more with it as they all began to surround me! It seemed like they had been waiting for their friends to get hurt before attacking. Now that there were more, I needed to start killing them. If any got back to the camp, Rexa might be in trouble, so no more Mr. Nice Cat God.

I gathered Pure Magic and drank it in, separating it into the six elements as everything tried to attack me.

I drank so much magic that it was almost painful, but I did not care. I needed to end this now!

As the first one leaped at me again, time seemed to slow as I put up a dome of air around us and then drew the power of all six elements into my fist as if they were water from a well. Then with a roar, I released all that power into my attacker as everything around us was blown away by the force of my attack!

The creature was utterly annihilated, and when everything settled, there wasn\'t even dust left behind. It had been pulverized down to its very atoms!

I turned, blazing eyes on the naked werecats, but they weren\'t backing down as they continued to spread out. I darted around and smashed each of the creatures till there was nothing left, but each time, there were more when I was done with the last group, but I kept pushing deeper. Something was controlling these things, and that was what I needed to get to.

These creatures were not natural, and when I got to the bottom of this, whoever was doing this was going to wish that they had never been born!

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