Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 410 Induction Pt. 2

Chapter 410 Induction Pt. 2

Samuel suddenly felt very small being surrounded by so many dangerous people he didn\'t recognize. Although their presence wasn\'t threatening, they all wore the same blank expression that promised pain to anyone who crossed them or their family. Ha! He was soon to be their family but he didn\'t get the feeling that would make the expressions and intense emotions any eaeier to deal with.

Samuel shifted on his feet. His head cocking slightly as he resisted the urge to pull at the tie around his neck that suddenly felt suffocatingly tight. It was too late to back out now though. Marcus wouldn\'t let that happen.

One look around the room told Samuel that the nervous energy swirling around the room wasn\'t related solely to his induction. In fact, almost everyone had their eyes on Marcus. Hardly anyone seemed to have acknowledged or even noticed Samuel\'s presence.?Was their tense expressionless used as a means to mask their apprehension at the other Vedova Nera cousin being there?

"Thank you, everyone, for making time to come to such an important event." Marcus\'s charm was in full flare as he addressed everyone in the room. Eyes sparking with delight, he flashed a toothy smile as he scanned around the room.

"I know this happened on such short notice but I would honestly say the whole event has been put off way too long." Marcus continued disregarding Samuel\'s evident discomfort as Jovani and Marcus each placed a hand on his shoulder. Jovani took this opportunity to interject. If Marcus didn\'t plan to address the elephant in the room, he would have to be the Vedova Nera boss. Patting Samuel on the shoulder more for his own support, Jovani stepped out in front of the other two men.

"You will also have to forgive Marcus. You know my dear cousin has never been good at drawing attention to himself. While everyone has been gathered here for the induction of my delightful younger cousin, I believe Marcus deserves a welcoming back of his own." Jovani gave his best encouraging look as he began to clap. If the family knew what was good for them, they would follow his example.

Luckily for him, they did. It was half-hearted and uncertain, but everyone in the room obliged?Jovani. The Vedova nova clapped louder in approval of their reaction. If they had questions, they could come and seek him out later.

"It is very rare that we have two events to celebrate on the same night." Jovani continued once the noise died down, choosing to ignore the murderous stare Marcus directed at his.

"As such is the case, I believe we should get started on the real event without a moment to lose so we can get to what we all really want." His eyes twinkled with a knowing look as he made a drinking motion. The gesture seemed to lessen some of the tension as he saw shoulders begin to drop slightly and small nods of agreement from some of the men.

"Then without further ado, I believe that it is time to be getting too show on the road." Jovani patted Samuel\'s shoulders once more before turning the event back to Marcus.

"Yes, as my cousin said, I think we have wasted more than enough time and we\'re already to see this through. After tonight, I\'m sure there will be plenty of time to get to know Samuel." Marcus offered another charming smile before things turned to business.

It was time for Samuel to take front and center stage with the family.

"You\'ve already been working with the family to a certain degree at this point. Rather unprecedented within the mafia but a unique situation considering you\'re blood related." Marcus spoke as he circled around Samuel to come to the other side of the table.

"It is time however for you to take your rightful place within the family as a true member. As such, everyone who is closest to the Vedova Nera\'s has been gathered together for this occasion." Marcus picked up the dagger on the table and began to play with it. The dagger more than the action caught Samuel\'s attention.

Jovani only had a short amount of time but did his best to give a rundown of what to expect. Thus Samuel knew to extend his hand the second time that Marcus came over.

"With this, your will now official share the family\'s blood and be one of us." Samuel braced himself enough to not flinch as the dagger pierced the skin of his forefinger.

"You will never betray us or anyone in the family regardless of blood. You will respect women and children. You will not touch that which belongs to another or butt into their business. You snitch or become an informant. No one else is to come above your family." Samuel listened to every word but couldn\'t peel his eyes away as the blood drops welled up in his finger. Three red splats marked the picture of the saint below.

Marcus thrust the lighter into Samuel\'s hand. He\'d forgotten the next part was his to say and almost dropped the blood stained metal object.

"If I break any of these rules, may I burn in hell as this saint burns before me." He wasn\'t quite sure those were the right words but didn\'t have the mind yo try and perfectly recall what Jovani told him to repeat.

A chorus of agreements and acknowledgements followed his words. Hopefully that meant he hadn\'t totally screwed the process up.

He tried to hand the lighter back but Marcus pressed it back into his hand.

"That\'s for you to keep." His pleased smile seemed way to plastic for Samuel but his attention was drawn back to Jovani who continued with the next part.

"There is one more piece left before we can break from him. Samuel still needs to have his brother be taken. The person who will be there for him no matter what." The person who stepped through the crowd at this words was not someone Samuel had expected.

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