Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 365 Cool Off

Richard\'s eyes caught on the bleeding injured arm for one second too long. He only barely managed to avoid Jovani as the other made a go at him once more. Richard winced slightly as he felt the hand brush past his face, barely missing it\'s mark.

"Talk? You were the one who wanted to talk after ladling all of those threats at me. You and I are connected by nothing but you still seem to think that you have right to tell me what to do or how to do. Alonso even thinks you\'re right. How did you manage to make that one happen." Shit, couldn\'t he catch a break? Richard\'s teeth ground together as he braced himself for the next hit. Jovani needed to think that he had the upper-hand to make the next move work.

"Simple. Unlike you, your right-hand man had the common sense to stay in touch with me. Haven\'t you ever heard the saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer?" Richard didn\'t miss a beat. The words held the right amount of haughtiness to them to set the Vedova Nera boss off once more as he did what Richard hoped he would.

Jovani charged. His fighting training stuffed to the back of his mind as he only cared about trying to hit the other rather than protecting himself. One well-directed hit would surely take the edge off of all the anger he felt. Except, the hit he wanted would never land.

Richard used everything he\'d been taught to use Jovani\'s weight and recklessness against him. Getting ahold of the other\'s arm, Richard leaned into the other man, using Jovani\'s weight against him to throw the other man. The floor reverberated as the Vedova Nera boss\'s back hit the floor with a hard. Strong enough to knock the wind out of the other but in a controlled way that Richard knew wouldn\'t hurt the other.

"Are you ready to call it quits? The last thing that I want to have to do right now would be to knock you out. Having to wait for you to wake up would cut into the little free time I have left." Richard crossed his arms. The next move would only come if absolutely necessary. Too much intense movement after eating happened to be horrible for digestion. The last thing he needed was to lose all that utterly delicious food he\'d consumed earlier.

"One of these days I swear that I will be getting you back for all of this." Jovani couldn\'t mask the vitriol in his voice even if he wanted to. Drugs made humans far too authentic for anything of the sort to be possible. One day, sooner rather than later Jovani would prefer.

Richard glanced around to see if anyone else had shown up while waiting for the Vedova Nera boss to make up his mind. No way in hell would the other mafioso offer a hand to help the boss up. Jovani would surely take it as a moment of weakness and use it against him.

"One day. Does that mean I can assume that you\'re going to be willing to call a truce for now? Take a

few moments to reflect on what you did here?" Taking away the damage caused to Alonso, it would

take quite a bit of trouble to clean up the rest of the mess that the other had made. The broken vase and picture frames. The somewhat visible dents in the wall along with the blood. Tsk. Someone absolutely took things much too far.

  Lucky for Richard only happened to be a guest. Someone else would have to be responsible for this type of problem for once.

"There is never going to be a time when there will be a truce between us. Not after everything you did." Richard let out a dry laugh, shaking his head as he watched the Vedova Nera boss struggle to stand.

"You do realize that you\'re in no place to be ridiculing me right now. Clear your head Jovi and realize what exactly you did. Throw your bitter feelings away for a few moments and realize how fortunate you are that I showed up to deal with this. Could you imagine what your cousin would think if he saw anything?" Richard highly doubted Sam had even crossed the Vedova Nera boss\'s mind even once. Far too concerned with beating the ever loving fluff out of his right-hand man to think about who might see and what they\'d think of the situation.

"Fuck you. You have no right to criticize how I deal with my problems. If you had dealt with your own the right way, there wouldn\'t even be a problem between us right now." Jovani spat at the other man, spraying blood on to the tiles as he did so. The deep cut inside his mouth would be hurting him sometime later once he regained the ability to feel anything. Richard rolled his eyes as he turned his back on the other man. He didn\'t need to stand around waiting for the other seeing as Jovani could obviously handle himself.

"Your cousin was never my problem to deal with. You were the one who said you would watch out for him. I only stepped in when you didn\'t to try and fix what had already been broken long before my time. If you still want to try and talk, go get yourself cleaned up and come back when you\'re presentable." Richard didn\'t want to waste any more time on the other man than was absolutely necessary. Nothing good would come it. After all, no matter how many times he\'d tried to sort issues out with the Vedova Nera boss, they always hit the same wall.

Instead, Richard would head off to go about finding someone else to keep company until Jovani decided if he wanted to talk or not. Maybe Samuel would be the right person to do that with. Richard didn\'t want to meddle but how easy it would be to go about asking the younger cousin first-hand what took place rather than waiting for the Princess who would never willingly open her mouth about the matter.

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