Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 279 Taking The Brunt Of It

Being the driver, Clive had been the one to take the worst of the hit when the car had gone out of control. He had done what he could to ensure that everyone else was going to be which required him to sacrifice his own safety in the process.

Not only had he hit his head rather had when the car tumbled and broken his nose in the process when it hit the steering wheel, he had also fractured some ribs and broke his right arm among other things.

The hit was the most concerning part to the doctor as it was classified as a rather bad concussion. Not to mention that his level of consciousness and oxygen were lower than he would have liked.

"I would love to say that this one here would be ready to go back home by next week, but it is rather hard to get a good reading on how he\'ll be doing." The doctor scratched his head he looked at Clive and all the machines he was hooked up to.

He was almost on par if not in slightly worse shape than Zane.

His wife hadn\'t even been able to come and see him yet because she needed someone to watch their daughter. With everything that had been going on, no one was available to do that yet.

"How long do you think that it will be before he wakes up?" Lena asked as she looked at the driver lying motionless in the bed. Though it didn\'t impact her quite as badly as it did when she first laid eyes on her father, she had known Clive for all of her life which made it almost as bad for her."

"Your guess on that is as good as mine. Nothing on the charts or anything that we have looked at has been able to give an accurate indication." The doctor replied as he went over to make sure that the IV bags hooked up to Clive had all the correct medication and fluids in them.

"Could be a week or more. It will also depend on how well he does also. It can be a bit hard for people in this kind of shape to snap out of it." He continued before turning around to face them.

His face softened when he saw the look that was on Lena\'s face.

"I really wish that there was a better answer than that I could give you, but it\'s what we are dealing with right now." Of course it wasn\'t the kind of information that anyone wanted to hear, that went without saying.

The question now came down to the fact of what was Lena going to do? Her head was still fuzzy from the sleeping medication and hurt from trying to wrap it around everything that had been going on. She needed to formulate a plan.

Just because everyone was in the hospital injured didn\'t mean that the world was going to stop. Everything was still going to keep moving the same way it always had and it would be put to her to make sure it kept spinning upright.

Her uncle as well would end up being a part of that. Speaking which…

"Has anyone gotten into contact with Julian about this?" Lena hadn\'t had her phone on her as far as she was aware so there was no way for to know if her uncle had even tried to contact her.

"I haven\'t had a chance with everything that has been going on." Jovani replied as he looked over at Alonso.

"Have you had his number to do so?" The other man shook his head. Lena sighed at this. One more thing that was going to need to be handled. Knowing her uncle, he was going to be even less thrilled than she was when he found out what had happened.

"That needs to get taken care of sooner rather than later." She said aloud.

"More family that will be coming by?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" The princess fixed him with a look that dared him to tell her that no more guests could come by.

Instead of that, he just simply shrugged his shoulders.

"I don\'t think that there should be a problem. Visitor hours are still going for a little while longer. If he ends up coming by later than that, he can just come again tomorrow."

"That isn\'t any kind of acceptable option." The princess argued the moment that the doctor was finished speaking.

"This is my father\'s brother that I\'m speaking about and I highly doubt that you are unaware of who we are." The princess replied coldly causing the doctor to shrink back slightly in reaction to the unexpected response.

"Whether he stops by now or midnight, I expect that he will be allowed to come in and see everyone without a question, is that clear?" The doctor fumbled for a second as he tried to figure out what the best answer would be.

"You can say that to me if you want, but the right people to talk to about this would be security. They are going to be the ones who stop anyone trying to come into the hospital after hours." Lena glanced over at Alonso after the doctor finished saying this.

Was she expecting him to be the person who would go and take care of it?

"I think that it would be best if you did that." Jovani told the other in a low tone of voice.

"You will be fine to leave for a few moments as nothing is likely to happen here while you\'re aware." His boss assured him though he still wasn\'t all that thrilled to be taking orders from the princess despite the situation that they were in.

He more so preferred to stick around his boss as much as possible until they were certain that everything else going on had been dealt with correctly.

So far it didn\'t seem like there was going to be any more targets, but one could never be fully certain until the right amount of time had passed.

"Very well. I will be back once I have taken care of this." Alonso confirmed as he bit back the sigh that wanted to escape.

"Good man. We will probably be back in the other room by the time that you return. Just make sure you knock since it will likely be crowded." Jovani told the other before he closed the door behind himself.

Once he was gone, Jovani motioned for the doctor to leave the room as well so that he and Lena could talk.

"Now that this is taken care of princess, what happens next is really up to you." He told her.

Lena didn\'t reply right away though as she was too focused on watch Clive\'s chest rise and fall. The only indication aside from the machines in the room that the other man was truly alive.

"I think that the next best course of action is going to be going for blood." She informed the other man who seemed rather delighted to hear this.

"Not tonight though. We will wait tomorrow to sort everything out and figure out the best way to move."

Jovani didn\'t mind waiting a few extra hours so long as he was able to have his fun after everything that had been going on.

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