Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 226 - Teasing And Snacks

A/N if you want to read another book with  FL similar to the adored Princess and don\'t mind werewolves, please check out \'My Mate is A Human Mafia Boss?!\'.


Once a few of the staff had come up to help clean up the room, Lena excused herself and Samuel after helping to clean up a few things and ensure that everything was hooked up the way that they needed it to be.

Samuel had wanted to get a chance to look at everything before they let, the princess wouldn\'t allow it however as she knew that they would just end up getting in the way.

"There will be plenty of time do it later." She told him as she pushed out of the room. He poking pouted and that only earned him an unamused glare from the other.

"It was your idea to make snacks in the first place. If you want to do it, then the kitchen is where we should heading rather than standing here and watching them work." She remarked as she started to walk away from the room ahead of the other.

She knew that he would follow if he was serious about wanting to do it. If he didn\'t then she would just request that the kitchen staff put something together for them rather than doing it herself.

The only reason that she had entertained doing such a thing was because Samuel had brought it up and made it sound like something he thought would be fun. And at least if anything happened to the kitchen, she could just tell Ryan that it was the other\'s idea and fault.

Samuel did follow after her, but this time, she moved her hand at the last minute when he went to grab it simply to give him a hard time now that she was getting used to expecting him to do that.

"My hand?" He asked as he held his right one expectantly as though he thought she might put her right hand in his if he asked her for it.

"You have your hand right there in front of you." She replied indicating to the hand he was holding out just to give further give him a hard time.

"I\'m not referring to this." He replied as they got ready to head down the stairs.

"I\'m talking about the hand that I always hold." He emphasized what he meant by pointing to her right hand.

"That\'s my hand, it isn\'t yours. I simply loan it to you on occasion when I feel generous." She retorted. She made sure to keep her hand in front of her so that the other couldn\'t try to grab it.

Sometimes Lena still enjoyed giving Samuel a hard time when she thought that he wouldn\'t expect it.

"Then you\'re not feeling generous right now?" Samuel asked as he caught up to her once they were done on the bottom floor again. Since she didn\'t want to give him her hand, he thought that the best approach might be to try and hug her instead.

"No I\'m not." She replied, freezing slightly when he wrapped his hands around her waist.

"Even if I hug you like and ask you nicely?" He asked, speaking next to her right ear in a way that he knew would invoke a reaction from her.

"No because I\'m already being overly generous at this point in time. I don\'t have anymore to spare." She replied flatly as she pushed back against the other to try and get him to let her go.

"Plus, the more time that you spend on this, the less time we\'ll have to make those snacks that you want." She informed him. Did she actually intend to put a time frame on how long they spent on cooking whatever Samuel wanted to make for their movie day? No but that wasn\'t something that he had to know.

"You drive a hard bargain." He pouted as he let her go but not before kissing her cheek.

"You have to make it up to me then when we\'re actually sitting there watching the movies." He told her. Causing her to give him an odd look as they started to make their way to the kitchen again now that he had let her go.

"How so?" Lena asked, but Samuel only offered a tiny smirk in response to this.

"That\'s something you will have to wait and find out." was all he told her before they reached the kitchen.

It was one thing when she said that kind of thing and another when her fiancé was the one who was saying it. Somehow it was annoying because she didn\'t like not knowing what he meant by the things that he said.

"Sammy-boy." She warned, but the conversation ended up being halted because the other had started talking to the kitchen staff, trying to petition for them to be allowed to have access to the kitchen for a set period of time.

It was obvious that they didn\'t want to deny the request since it was something that Princess was imploring about and not just her fiancé. The nervous glances that they cast each other however let her know that what they were most concerned about was what Ryan would have to say about the matter if he found out what happened.

"Don\'t worry about that. I will take care of it and he\'ll take responsible for anything that happens." The princess assured them as she pointed to Samuel when she said the last part.

"You won\'t get in any trouble for it and we\'ll make sure that everything is replaced exactly where we got it from and cleaned up."

It was going to be a little bit hard to be sure that they would manage to do all that, but it was the only thing that she could promise to get the staff out of the kitchen so that they could use it.

Samuel already had an idea of where most things in the kitchen were located from the few times that he had cooked for Lena. Being in the kitchen reminded him though that it had been a while since he had done that and perhaps it was something that he should make some time for in the future. Maybe something to surprise her with.

"What are you thinking about making?" She asked as the other gathered together some ingredients that she didn\'t even know were stocked in the kitchen.

"Puppy chow." Samuel replied, rummaging around until he managed to find some chex mixed in with the other boxes of cereal and shelf stable items. He would probably end up using the rest of it so he knew that he was going to have to make sure it was replaced relatively soon.

Seeing as he had never seen cereal served at any of the meals that Lena and her family ate, he could only presume that it was for the staff in the house and he didn\'t want them to go without because he didn\'t replace something he used the rest of.

"What exactly is that?" She asked as Samuel located the double boiler.

"It\'s something that\'s amazing and sweet." He replied as he began to put the ingredients into the double boiler. It was something that his family had made often enough growing up that he knew the basic recipe by heart.

Lena didn\'t however so he took some time to explain what he was doing before he grabbed the whisk and indicated for her to come over.

"You can whisk this slowly while I get a few other things." This wasn\'t all that he had wanted to make. There had to be popcorn of course, but he felt that it would be boring if they only had plain popcorn to eat. He wanted to make caramel corn as well as some finger foods he presumed would be in the freezer.

"How long am I supposed to do this for?" She asked when she noticed that the mixture of butter, chocolate, peanut butter and milk was starting melt and meld together.

"A little bit longer until it looks like everything is put well together." He replied as he rummaged around in the freezer for the snacks he was looking for. He didn\'t quite find what he was looking for but what he had would have to be good enough.

Once he was done with that, he came over to see what the mixture looked like and nodded his head as he turned the heat down. It was now done enough so that he could put the chex in and mix it together.

He took care of this part since it required one to gauge by eye exactly how much needed to be mixed in. Lena watched with her arms crossed. Her expression was hard to read to tell if she was bored or just intently watching what the other was doing so that she could memorize it for the future.

Samuel determined that it had to have been the second option because when he went to go and get the powder sugar and came back, she still watching the bowl intently. She couldn\'t deny that it both looked and smelled good. She wondered though by it needed the powder sugar when it looked already as though it was good enough to eat.

She was too distracted to notice until after it happened that the other daubed powder sugar on her cheek. She was about to wipe it off and ask what Samuel thought he was doing but before she got the chance, the other had already hugged her from behind.

"You know you always taste so good." This comment was followed by him licking her cheek that he had put the powder sugar on.. Why did he have to keep doing such things to her? Even though she didn\'t know what to say in response to his words, she was fairly certain of the fact that her face was red.

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