Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 135 - Heading Off

What Jovani had sent her in the text message an address and the time of when he expected her to be there by. Looking at the address she had no idea where it was until she put it into GPS. IT was in a part of New Jersey that she hadn\'t frequented much. Her father had an idea of where it was as he had been in the area in the past but not enough to know where exactly it was.

Out of precaution, she decided to use a secondary device for the GPS just to make sure that she didn\'t have to worry about having her phone tracked if she had her location on. It would take her two and a half hours to reach the location which partly made sense to her as to why he said that it wouldn\'t have worked for her to come the night before- she\'d have been there in the middle of the night.

This didn\'t matter much to her if it meant that she could get Samuel back sooner, but if there were things that Jovani wanted to have together before they met, he would most likely need the extra hours for whatever he was planning.

She texted him back to let him know that she had gotten the address but made no mention of when she would be heading there. That was at least a small advantage she could give herself even though he probably knew the general time frame of how long it would take her.

Not knowing where she was going also meant that she was going to have to rely on keeping in touch with him in order to make sure that she ended up at the correct location in the right amount of time. She didn\'t like it one bit, but there wasn\'t much she could do about it since she really wasn\'t in much of position to barter for something better with Jovani.

She didn\'t have any intention however in wasting time in leaving. The sooner she left, the sooner everything could be taken care of hopefully in the best way possible for the current situation. Zane was the only who decided to follow her outside of the estate to where the car was waiting. Clive had taken the driver\'s position already and Romeo was going to be taking the back seat with the intention of the princess sitting in the middle in as much of a protective position possible.

"Before you go, take these." Zane told her as he held out something for her to take. Lena held out her in which he place two ear buds.

"I have Hester modify them last night so that you could maintain touch with us at least until you get there so we can know exactly where you are if the signal is bad." Zane explained.

"I don\'t expect that you would be able to take them in with you because of the suspicion it would draw as to why you have them when you\'re supposed to be alone, but it\'s just an extra precaution in case something happens before or while you\'re there. We\'ll have a better idea of exactly where you are if you explain." Lena nodded her head before she placed them in her pocket, she would put them on once she was in the car.

"If all goes well, I expect to be back before night fall." She told her father as she turned to leave.

"Try not to worry or act out of hand before then. Try instead to focus on all the other things that you need to get done that have been put off." She told him as she gave him a wave before getting into the car.

Zane knew that he was going to have to go back inside soon, but he didn\'t want to until he was no longer able to see the car driving away. He knew that Lena was more than capable of protecting herself and she had two others who were more than qualified for what they were heading into. He didn\'t like the fact however that it felt too much like what he had been through in the past. He didn\'t want things to end badly so his daughter had to go through the same situation a second time but on the same level that he had gone through. All he could do though was wait to see what happened.

The princess sighed and closed her eyes once she was in the car, leaning her head back against the seat. Even though there was still so much going she felt herself starting to get exhausted as the adrenaline was wearing off.

"Is everything already correctly in place?" She asked Romeo without opening her eyes as she reached into her pocket to grab one of the ear buds out.

"Yes princess, we\'ve made sure to take all of the precautionary measures that you requested. There shouldn\'t be much to worry about if everything goes as straight forward as it seems." He replied.

"Hm. Good." She responded as she put the ear bud in her left ear tapping it twice to turn it on.

"Is it working and can you hear me clearly?" She asked, speaking in a low voice as she wasn\'t certain how sensitive they were to sound.

"Loud and clear. It seems that they are working even better than expected." Hester was the one who replied to her first.

"Do you have both of them in?" Her father cut in afterwards.

"No, I only put one in right now." Lena replied.

"Try to keep both of them in, it makes it a little easier to hear." Hester instructed as she heard a tapping sound in the background which was most likely him doing something on his computer as she put the second earbud in.

"I added a little something extra that I think will work nicely. Even if you have to turn them off, I add a micro tracking device inside so that we might be able to track you once you\'re inside. You just have to keep them on your body." He told. Her father\'s voice muted on the other end of the device told her that the GPS was most likely working.

"I\'ll make sure to do that then." Lena assured them. Knowing how good Hester\'s skills were, if she had thought about it she would\'ve requested that he somehow put a tracking device on Samuel himself. It would\'ve made him easier to find no matter where he ended up. Zane sounded like he was getting ready to say something before Lena cut in and said what she was pretty sure was on his mind.

"Don\'t worry also, I remember what you told me before about making sure to keep my emotions in check no matter what situation I find myself dealing with unless I have the upper-hand. I won\'t do anything reckless." Although she said that now while things were calm, she wasn\'t certain that she could keep that in mind depending on what situation faced her when she reached the location that she was supposed to head to.

"Right. It\'s the most important thing for you to keep in mind no matter what happens. I know how your emotions are, but if you lose it and can\'t keep yourself in check it won\'t do you or Samuel any good." He replied in that tone he used when he wanted to make sure that she really did understand what he was saying.

"I know, I know. I learned from some of the best teachers. I\'m not going to forget such things easier." She replied inwardly rolling her eyes. Her father never showed this same type of concern when it came to her brother.

Right now though she just wanted silence more than talking. Even though she knew that she wasn\'t really going to be able to sleep, she wanted to just be able to breath and rest her eyes before anything happened. She also wanted be of much help if she was too mentally tired to focus on what she needed to.

There wasn\'t too much for her to do anyways since she was going to be stuck in the car for the next two hours. There was no point in bringing or trying to focus on any type of work with the current state of things. James would be more than capable of handling things that she needed to take care over the weekend and into next week.

She already knew that she was going to need a few days to breath after everything was settled before she would be able to head back to work. Part of that was her own sanity and the other part was because she didn\'t know what to expect next. In a matter of only a day the whole world around her had shifted in way that she couldn\'t have ever expected it to. It wasn\'t something that was going to be easily handled either.

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