Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


[A day after Neoma fainted…]

"HOW DID the meeting with the Twelve Golden Families and the Council of Noblemen go, love?" Mona asked Nikolai while serving tea for him. "Is the majority of them still against adding Neoma to the Royal Household?"

She could have asked a servant to brew and serve the tea, but she got used to doing that for herself and Nikolai while living in Korea.

But she would only do that for Nikolai when they were alone in a room because she didn\'t want bad rumors to spread. People might think that Nikolai was treating her badly if they saw her doing "menial" tasks such as brewing and serving tea.

It was unthinkable for the emperor\'s partner to do that, after all.

[I don\'t mind changing that perception, but now is not a good time. The Imperial Family\'s reputation is still in shambles. We must avoid anything that might add fuel to the fire.]

"Duke Winchester tried to appeal and have Neoma\'s registration to the Royal Household revoked," Nikolai said, sighing. Then he held her by the hand and gently pulled her until she was sitting on his lap. After that, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "That old bastard argued that a royal princess who has demon power in her must not be allowed to enter the Imperial Family officially. Of course, the Noble Faction supported him."

"It\'s hardly surprising that Duke Winchester and the Noble Faction would do something like that despite what has transpired recently," Mona said, shaking her head. "What did you say?"

"I argued that there\'s no law that states a de Moonasterio who was born with demon power shouldn\'t be denied of their birthright as a monarch," he said. "They couldn\'t refute it since it was the truth anyway. Being born with demon power is out of Neoma\'s control. In the end, I insisted that it\'s just the same as being born with the Darkness attribute. And Darkness isn\'t inherently evil, so that shut them up. Rufus, Count Dankworth, and Marquis Gibson supported my claim."

"How about Marquis Lennox?"

"He didn\'t attend the conference, but I don\'t think he\'d be siding with the Noble Faction again."

She really felt bad for Marquis Vincent Lennox.

It was true that the old marquis had been greedy for power. But she also knew that it wasn\'t the sole reason as to why Marquis Lennox had been desperate to put "Juliet" in power.

"Marquis Lennox has always felt bad for Juliet," Mona said in a sad voice. "He thought we betrayed Juliet, and that we were the cause of her untimely death. That\'s probably the reason why he became desperate to put the fake Juliet in power, as well as Calyx whom he thought was his great-grandson."

"I heard Marquis Lennox was sick in bed," Nikolai said indifferently. "It was probably due to shock. Even so, I don\'t feel bad for him."


"Mona, you already know that my heart is small. And it\'s already occupied by you and our children."


It was horrible to hear that from the emperor of a great empire.

[I guess everyone knows that Nikolai is an excellent leader not because he loves his people, but because he has a strong sense of duty.]

"It seems like Kyle Sprouse is also in a state of shock," Nikolai said, changing the topic. "I wanted to torture that traitor mentally, but I\'m holding back because I know Neoma has a plan."

Mona sighed, leaning against Nikolai\'s chest. "I hope our Baby Muffin wakes up soon."

"Neoma just needs some rest– she\'ll be fine," he assured her, kissing her temple. "How is Nero coping?"

"He\'s just like you," she complained lightly. "He drowns himself with work when stressed."

"As the Crown Prince, it\'s only natural that he\'s busy."

"Don\'t sound so smug about our son being overworked at such a young age."

"I\'m just proud of Nero and his hard work. He really quit the academy as soon as morning came," Nikolai said. "But it seems like the schoolmaster refuses to accept Nero\'s dropout form."

Hence, Nero was given a leave of absence for a week while the academy sorted out how to deal with the current situation.

[I think Nero would still leave the academy, though.]

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock on the door.

They were in Nikolai\'s palace, and only a few were allowed there at the moment. But she could tell who the person was behind the door since they didn\'t hide their presence.

"It\'s Paige," Mona said, gently peeling Nikolai\'s arms around her waist. "It must be important."

Neoma\'s "children" would never seek their help for nothing, after all.

She stood up and walked towards the door while fixing her hair and dress. When she was certain she already looked presentable, only then did she open the door.

Mona smiled, but that smile disappeared as soon as she saw how pale Paige Avery was.

[Ah, it must be bad news.]

"I apologize for interrupting your private moment with His Majesty, Lady Roseheart. Uhm, I just have a quick question," Paige said weakly. "How do we save a dying Sorcerer?"

Mona gasped out loud. "What happened to Trevor?"


"PAIGE NOONA, Dahlia noona, please drink these energy potions I brewed."

Paige smiled weakly at Greko who handed her a glass full of some green liquid. It didn\'t look appetizing. But since Greko made that for her and Dahlia, she wouldn\'t complain. "Thank you, maknae."

"Thank you, Greko," Dahlia said sweetly. "I feel bad that you\'re taking care of us when you\'re the youngest here. I\'m sorry."

Greko shook his head. "It\'s alright, Dahlia noona. I\'m really fine."

Right now, the three of them were sitting on the floor– waiting right in front of the door where Lady Mona Roseheart was currently checking on Trevor\'s condition.

"Dahlia noona, it was you and Paige noona who worked all night."

What Greko said was true.

Paige and Dahlia didn\'t sleep a wink while trying their best to DELAY Trevor\'s inevitable death.

[But that stubborn Sorcerer…]

Trevor was slowly dying because of the Impure Mana that was corrupting his body and soul.

Guess what the Sorcerer did as soon as Paige took her eyes off of him for a moment?

[He used his Mana to bring back the memories of Princess Neoma\'s former nanny, butler, and teacher. Apparently, Lady Hanna needs the statements of those people.]

As a result, Trevor coughed up blood all night.

If Paige and Dahlia weren\'t there, who knew what would have become of the Sorcerer?

[He\'s already dying, yet his priority hasn\'t changed. His more concerned about what he could do for Princess Neoma during his remaining time than worrying about his impending death.]

Paige\'s thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and Lady Mona Roseheart came out of the room.

[Ah, Lady Roseheart looks pale…]

Paige, Dahlia, and Greko stood up and greeted Lady Mona Roseheart.

"It\'s worse than I thought," Lady Roseheart said while shaking her head. "I hate to say this, but I don\'t think even I could save Trevor at this point."

To be honest, Paige wasn\'t surprised.

"The amount of Impure Mana that\'s corrupting Trevor\'s Mana and Soul is enough to kill hundreds of men in a heartbeat," Lady Roseheart said. "If Trevor wasn\'t a powerful Sorcerer, he would have already died as soon as he made contact with the Impure Mana."

Paige nodded in agreement. "At this rate, I believe Trevor only has three days to live."

Greko covered his mouth with his hands as he began to sob. "Trevor hyung…"

"Those crows found a way to make Impure Mana more dangerous than it already is," Lady Roseheart said, her eyes already brimming with tears. "Trevor is suffering too much."

Paige clenched her hands tight as guilt weighed heavy in her heart.

She knew that Trevor was dying, but she was more concerned about how Princess Neoma would accept it.

[Once Princess Neoma realized Trevor is dying, she\'d lose it…]

"Lady Roseheart, I have a crazy idea."


Everyone turned to Dahlia.

At first, Dahlia looked flustered by the attention that she received. But she soon gathered the courage to speak her mind. "Lady Roseheart, do you remember the time I asked for your help to check on the Blood Ocean with me?"

"I was actually thinking about that the other day," Lady Roseheart confessed. "Miss Dahlia, is your home related to the crazy idea you mentioned?"


"I LOVE YOU, my Moon Princess."

Neoma clenched her hands tight after hearing Trevor\'s confession.

It wasn\'t the first time Trevor confessed to her, but why did she have a feeling that it would be his LAST?

[No, I won\'t let that happen.]

"Don\'t let those words become your last words, Trevor," Neoma warned him coldly. "If you die, you\'ll never get to see my face again. And I assure you, you\'ll regret it– you\'ll regret not seeing my face every day."

Trevor laughed softly. "I can\'t believe I\'m saying this, but I\'ll miss your arrogance, Princess Neoma. I don\'t think even the king of hell is as arrogant as you are."

"Don\'t add the king of hell to my long list of enemies, you bastard," she complained, her voice serious. "If you die, I\'ll open the hell gates with my bare hands and fetch your soul. I don\'t care if I make an enemy out of the bastards who rule that goddamn place."

"Don\'t say romantic stuff like that, my Moon Princess– you\'re giving me false hopes."

"Stay here and rest," Neoma said, turning her back on Trevor. "If you leave this room, I\'ll wreak havoc and pick a fight with the bastards in hell."

"That\'s emotional blackmail, Princess Neoma," Trevor complained. "But okay, I guess I need some rest since I need to conserve my energy for your lifespan."

"Shut it."

[Gosh, when did he become so weak?]

Neoma closed the door behind her as soon as she got out of the room.

[Ah, there was a noise barrier.]

She wasn\'t surprised to find Lewis standing there, guarding the door. Her "son" definitely stayed by her side all this time. But because of the barrier (that Trevor definitely set up there), she was pretty sure Lewis didn\'t hear anything despite his sharp hearing.

"Lewis, do you know that Trevor is dying?"

Lewis nodded, his face void of emotions. "Paige told me, Princess Neoma."


She needed to find Paige and find out the exact reason Trevor was suddenly in that horrible state.

[I shouldn\'t have left Trevor that day…]

Neoma was in the middle of self-loathing when a familiar figure blocked her way.

"Greetings, Princess Neoma."

She stopped walking and stared at the man standing in front of her at the moment.

"I\'m surprised Papa Boss allowed you to be here after the stunt you pulled during the trial," Neoma said snarkily. "Did you get a good sleep after pointing an arrow at me, Lord Ruto?"

She didn\'t mean to act like that, but she was in a really, really bad mood.

"I\'m here for official business, so His Majesty couldn\'t really turn me away," Ruto said formally. "I brought back the Lords of the North safely, Princess Neoma."

Ah, Ruto was really only here for business.

Not to see her, not to check up on her.

Neoma thought she was mature.

She thought she understood that Ruto was only doing his job when he tried to kill her during the trial.

She thought she understood that Ruto wasn\'t in his usual self because all his positive feelings for her were taken away.

She thought she understood that none of it was Ruto\'s fault.

So, why?

Why did she suddenly wake up and realize that she didn\'t want to be understanding anymore?

And why only now?

"Ruto, why am I starting to regret it?" Neoma said, smiling bitterly at Ruto. "Why did I fall in love with you of all people?"


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