Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


"DUKE HAWTHORNE, were you surprised when we suddenly appeared?"

Jasper Hawthorne smiled at the Holy Knight who came to his room and served him tea.

Messy chestnut brown hair, round amber eyes, small face. Height on the smaller side, petite frame, androgynous-looking. Bram, the Holy Knight who was wearing an immaculate white uniform, was a young man in his early twenties. But his carefree personality made it seem like he was a teenager.

"We were surprised, Sir Bram," Jasper Hawthorne said politely, addressing the Holy Knight with his title and first name just like how it was done in the Holy Land. He came to Valmento as a representative of the empire, so he had to carry himself properly as a duke. "But we\'re grateful since you still welcomed us warmly albeit our sudden visit."

To be honest, he and Paige Avery were supposed to carry out the mission incognito.

But aside from Bram, the captain of the Holy Knights welcomed them personally.

Princess Neoma didn\'t order them to fight or create chaos in Valmento. The only order they received was to retrieve the weapons quietly. Since most of the citizens of the empire were followers of Astello Temple, they must avoid a conflict with the High Priest who was currently in charge of the Holy Land after the former saint disappeared.

[It\'s a good thing Lady Avery has a good head on her shoulders.]

"We know two of Prince Nero\'s aides would be coming."

Jasper looked up at Bram who was smiling shyly at him. He remained calm, but he still didn\'t let his guard down. "May I know what you mean by that, Sir?"

Bram\'s face turned red, as if he was embarrassed. "Actually, I have the ability to see the near future that has something to do with the Holy Land. And that includes unexpected visitors."

"I see," he said, then he smiled. "Sir Bram\'s ability is useful in protecting the Holy Land."

In fact, it was so convenient that he found it suspicious.

[Precognition is a pretty common ability among people with divine power. But why does Sir Bram\'s precognition ability tied to the Holy Land? It\'s as if his ability is tailored to protect Valmento, and only Valmento.]

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock on the door.

"It must be the lady mage," Bram said gently. "Let me open the door, Your Grace."

He didn\'t stop the Holy Knight from getting through the door.

After all, despite Valmento being an independent state, his status as the empire\'s youngest duke was still higher than an ordinary Holy Knight\'s rank. He didn\'t like the hierarchy, but he had to act in a way that wouldn\'t embarrass Princess Neoma who was pretending as the empire\'s Crown Prince.

"Greetings, Lady Avery," Sir Bram greeted the mage cheerfully. "How was your meeting with His Eminence?"

"It went better than I expected, Sir Bram," Paige Avery said with the usual gentle smile on her face. "Prince Nero will be here later."

Jasper was surprised at first, then he smiled when he remembered what Princess Neoma said to him before.

He shouldn\'t have been surprised.

["Just run wild, oppa. If you and your guild get in trouble because of my order, I will come and save you."]


NEOMA burst out laughing after her Papa Boss confirmed she was older than Nero.

She knew how important being the First Star was, but she didn\'t care about that. All that mattered to her at the moment was the fact she was older than her twin brother. She wasn\'t the dongsaeng/younger sibling. It was great to know that she was actually the noona/big sister!

[Kekeke. Nero, I\'ll make you call me \'noona\' soon!]

["What\'s wrong, Neoma?"] her Papa Boss asked in an amused tone. ["Are you that happy to know you were born first?"]

"Of course, Papa Boss," Neoma said while laughing softly. "I want to hear Nero call me \'big sister.\'"

Her father chuckled. ["Nero would sulk for sure."]

"Don\'t tease my baby brother too much when that time comes, Papa Boss."



["I\'m sorry for keeping the fact that you\'re the First Star a secret for this long."]

"It\'s alright, Papa Boss," she consoled her father. "I know why you had to keep it a secret."

["Thank you for being understanding, Neoma."]

She just smiled. "Papa Boss, I\'m going to Valmento now. We need the weapons in their hands to prove the Hazelden Kingdom supplied weapons to the rebels responsible for the terror attack in the Holy Land before. If we expose that to the entire continent, I\'m pretty sure the Hazelden Kingdom won\'t remain a kingdom anymore."

["The empire will absorb Hazelden."]

She wasn\'t happy to conquer another kingdom like this.

But at least, war didn\'t break out, and blood wasn\'t shed.

[Buildings were wrecked though.]

"I have a plan regarding the future of this kingdom, Papa Boss," she said seriously. "I will talk to you about it once I return."


"I\'ll leave for Valmento now."

["Dion is already in Valmento and he\'s waiting for you."]

"Huh? Why is Dion in Valmento, Papa Boss?"

["I had a feeling things won\'t go the way you wanted to in Valmento. It\'s not that I don\'t trust you, Neoma. I just know how annoying it is to deal with Yule\'s fanatics."]

She laughed softly at how her Papa Boss called those religious men \'fanatics.\' "Thank you for looking out for me, Papa Boss. I\'ll make Dion work to the bone. I\'m sure there\'s a reason you sent him to Valmento."

["You\'ll know once you meet Dion,"] her Papa Boss said. ["May the Moon\'s serenity, mercy, and blessings be upon you, Neoma."]

Oh, that was the empire\'s official greeting, equivalent to blessing someone.

Neoma smiled at her father\'s sincere blessing. "See you later, Papa Boss."


NIKOLAI already expected it, but he was still relieved to know that Neoma didn\'t care about being the First Star.

But then again, it didn\'t matter. After all, Neoma was a princess and the empire\'s law dictated that a woman couldn\'t inherit the throne. Of course, he planned to change that law, eventually. In the meantime, he was just glad to confirm that Neoma and Nero had a good relationship.

[They\'re not going to end up like us, Nichole.]

"Your Majesty, how\'s your eyesight?"

Nikolai looked up at Marcus, his personal Healing Sage. He was currently on the sofa in the lounge room of his bedroom. He was just taking a break from work because it was time for Marcus to check on him. Since it was related to his health, the Healing Sage had to monitor his condition in his chamber for secrecy. "It\'s nearly back to normal."

"Still, Your Majesty needs to rest," Marcus, who was sitting on the sofa across from him, scolded him. "You haven\'t properly rested for the past two weeks."

"Stop nagging, Marcus."

"Then at least take a nap, Your Majesty."

"Do you think I can sleep while my daughter is headed to Valmento?" he snapped at the Healing Sage. "I\'m fine, so don\'t be nosy."

"Valmento?" the Healing Sage asked, then he sipped his tea. "Your Majesty, did Princess Neoma head to Valmento with the young mage she met at the Golden Field?"

He raised an eyebrow at Marcus\'s strange question.

Then he remembered what Neoma would often call "tea." Apparently, Paige Avery\'s old lover was Marcus. But since it wasn\'t his business, he pretended not to know.

"Yes, that\'s correct," he said. "What about it, Marcus?"

"Oh, nothing, Your Majesty," Marcus said while scratching his cheek. "I saw a glimpse of the young mage before, and she reminded me of someone I know in the past."

Ah, this was awkward.

But it wasn\'t like he couldn\'t relate to Marcus.

[I would probably react the same way if I saw Mona again.]

"Neoma and her team would return soon," Nikolai said, then he sipped his tea. "I\'ll introduce you to the young mage once they returned."

Marcus looked surprised at first, then he smiled. "I\'m looking forward to it, Your Majesty."


[WOW, WHAT a spectacle.]

Neoma was amazed when she saw the sorry state of Prince Blake\'s palace. It wasn\'t as big as the Blanco Palace (her residence), but it was still considered grand. And yet, Lewis managed to destroy it under an hour without using his Mana.

[But of course, the palace is empty. I sent Jeanne and Axel here in advance to apprehend the people working in the palaces to keep them safe.]

She wouldn\'t punish innocent people no matter how angry she was.

"Lewis," Neoma called her "son." She didn\'t have to raise her voice because she knew Lewis had exceptional hearing. "Come out."

The debris moved flew away everywhere but her direction until Lewis appeared in her sight. Her "son" approached her swiftly and carefully then.

[Lewis still looks neat as if he just didn\'t destroy a palace with brute force.]

"Are you alright, Lewis?" she asked worriedly. "You didn\'t get hurt, did you?"

Lewis shook his head. "The effect of the Mana-suppressing bombs already disappeared, Your Royal Highness."


That meant Countess Jade Wisteria succeeded in dismantling the bombs in a short time.

[The Wisteria Ladies are a force to be reckoned with.]

She was glad she brought Lady Sera and Countess Jade Wisteria with her. The two kween\'s awesomeness motivated her to work harder.

"Lewis, let\'s go to Valmento for a quick detour," she said. "We\'re going to devour a certain Beef Wellington."

"Just the two of us?"

"Yeah, you\'re all I need," she said casually. [I mean, Dion, Paige, and Jasper oppa are already at Valmento anyway.]

Lewis, for some reason, beamed.

She tilted her head and was about to ask him what made him happy all of a sudden when she felt the presence of strong individuals approaching them.

"Your Royal Highness."

She turned around and smiled when she saw Sir Glenn.

Well, she didn\'t like that her favorite "uncle" was covered with dried blood. But she realized how much she missed Sir Glenn when she saw him. Of course, she was also glad to see the Fletcher Twins since the two were eye candy as well.

"Sir Glenn, I\'ve missed you," she said sincerely. "I\'m happy to see you again."

Sir Glenn smiled his warm and gentle smile, then he got down on one knee in front of her while asking for her hand. "Your Royal Highness," he said when he held her hand, then he closed his eyes and press his forehead against the back of her hand. "Thank you. I know you didn\'t come here specifically for me and Princess Brigitte. But still, I\'d like to thank you for saving us."

"Sir Glenn, you and Brigitte unnie are both important family members to me," she said softly. "You don\'t have to thank me for doing something obvious for my family."

Sir Glenn chuckled, then he opened his eyes and looked up at her. "It\'s an honor to be considered as Your Royal Highness\'s family."

"Sir Glenn, you were nice to me even when my father was acting like a semi-human scumbag in the past," she said with a laugh. "I won\'t forget that. Plus, I really like Brigitte unnie. That\'s why I\'ll protect the two of you."

Sir Glenn chuckled, then he gently let go of her hand before he stood up. "I heard Your Royal Highness has somewhere you ought to be," he said. "Please leave the kingdom to us in the meantime."

"That\'s what I intend to do, Sir Glenn," she said with a smile, then she addressed the Fletcher Twins with her gaze. "Please apprehend the nobles in the list that Xion found. I\'ll need to "talk" to them later."

She already talked to Princess Brigitte about her plan.

[Brigitte unnie would deal with the citizens. I\'m sure the people of the kingdom have already heard about the palace being seized by the empire\'s Crown Prince. We need to put them at ease.]

"I understand, Your Royal Highness," Sir Glenn said. "We\'ll keep things afloat here while you\'re working in another place."

Wyatt and Warren Fletcher bowed to her. "Safe travels, Your Royal Highness."

Neoma smiled at the Paladins. "Thank you, everyone," she said, then she turned to her "son." "Let\'s go, Lewis."


NEOMA was led by Princess Brigitte to the portal that the Hazelden Kingdom would use to enter Valmento. The portal was activated by Axel, the Royal Mage. Since only her and Lewis would cross the portal, it didn\'t take them long to reach the Holy Land.

The portal, just like the portal Trevor would often use, was something akin to an elevator. Time flowed differently in there, of course. She and Lewis only stayed inside the elevator-like portal for at least thirty minutes, but it was already nighttime when they arrived at Valmento.

"Welcome to the Holy Land, Your Royal Highness."

Neoma blinked in surprise while looking at Dion Skelton who greeted her.

The mysterious Paladin still looked the same, only his eyes were different.

"Dion, your eyes…" Neoma said, then she walked towards him to check on his eyes close. "Why do you have eyes like Lord Yule and the former saint?"

Of course, she was talking about Yule\'s temporary eyes.

The Moon God\'s sparkling blue eyes that looked like they contained the universe in them. The former Saint Zavaroni also had the same "universe eyes." She was pretty sure those kinds of eyes weren\'t normal in this world.

"Your Royal Highness, these are my real eyes," Dion said hesitantly. "And these are the eyes of an angel."

Neoma almost choked on her saliva. "You\'re an angel?!"


"YOUR EXCELLENCY, Prince Nero will be here any minute," Bram, who was standing in the middle of the prayer room alone, said to the crow sitting on the top of the Moon God\'s statue placed in front of him. "How should I proceed?"

["You should proceed as planned,"] the crow with the metallic voice said. ["Prince Nero is our future god. The crows must help him gain the power to control the entire continent before he ascends the throne."]

"Should we let His Royal Highness know we are the reason the Hazelden Kingdom fell into his hands easily?"

["We must support Prince Nero in secret for now, so be patient."]

He pouted because he wanted to be close to Prince Nero as a crow, and not as a Holy Knight. But he couldn\'t disobey His Excellency. "As you wish, Your Excellency."

["You must not fail like your sister, Bram."]

"I won\'t fail, Your Excellency," Bram said while smiling. "I am different from my sister Regina."


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