Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 303 - AREUM GO AND WON-SHIK KIM (1)

GAVIN found himself in a plain, white room that seemed to be floating in endless darkness.

But he could feel that he wasn\'t alone. And he was right. When he calmed down, he heard a familiar voice echoing in the space.

<"Gavin Quinzel, the \'you in this world is still different from you.">

It was Lukas\' voice.

But even though he could hear the elf\'s voice and he could also feel his presence, he couldn\'t see him.

<"Hence, the \'you\' in this world has his own soul.">

Gavin\'s brows furrowed in confusion. "I\'m confused," he said. "I thought that the "dream" I saw was actually the memories of my second life. But you\'re saying that the \'me\' in that world has its own soul. Then, I can\'t say that it was actually me."

<"Gavin Quinzel, when Lady Roseheart opened the door that connects your world to the country on Earth called Korea, it created a strong earthquake. It killed a lot of people– including the five-year-old you in that world.">

To say that he was shocked would be an understatement.

Moreover, he felt guilty.

<"When the door closed, the souls of Lady Roseheart and her newborn baby returned to the Spirit World. I told you earlier that Lady Roseheart and the young princess both died. It was true, but it didn\'t end there. I hesitated to tell you the full story because I debated whether to reveal something that hasn\'t happened yet in your current life or not.">

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Just spill it, Lukas."

<"Lady Roseheart actually gave birth to twins.">

"Oh," he said, surprised. "We\'re going to have twin princesses?"

<"Lady Roseheart gave birth to a princess and a prince in her first life, and it would happen again in this lifetime.">

To say that he was shocked by the revelation would be an understatement. "Are you for real? But the Rosehearts haven\'t given birth to a male child for more than a hundred years now…"

It was the reason why they already assumed that the child in Lady Roseheart\'s womb was a princess.

But Lukas was saying that a male Roseheart was born in this generation?

"A prince," he said in a whisper. Then, he smiled. "His Majesty is going to have an heir."

<"You seem happy for the emperor.">

"Of course," he said. "I\'m worried that the nobles might force His Majesty to take another wife that could produce a male child for the empire. Now that Lady Roseheart is fated to give birth to a prince, I\'m relieved. Even if most of the nobles hate Lady Roseheart\'s blood, they would still accept the child because they know that His Majesty wouldn\'t take another wife."

The elf fell silent for a few moments before he spoke again.

<"Tara, the Queen of the Spirit World, couldn\'t afford to lose the newborn princess. Hence, she secretly stole a portion of the newborn prince\'s life force. Queen Tara revived the young princess using the life force of the princess\'s twin brother. That technique wouldn\'t normally work on other people. But since the young princess and the young prince were twins, their life forces were very similar to one another. Thus, it worked.">

He was happy to hear that, but he was still worried. "But it\'s only a portion…"

<"The young princess was and is never destined to live long, Gavin Quinzel.">

His heart sunk when he heard that.

<"Don\'t feel too bad for the young princess when your life story is sadder, Commander.">

He clenched his hands when he heard that.

<"I will continue my story about the you from another world.">

His chest tightened once again. [The five-year-old "me" of that world died because of the earthquake caused by opening the door…]

<"Gavin Quinzel, unlike the souls of Lady Roseheart and the newborn princess, your soul was stuck on earth. Since it couldn\'t return to your original body, it entered the body of the you in that world.">

"Then, what happened to the soul of the original owner of that body?"

<"It wasn\'t the boy\'s time yet to die. But when your soul entered that body, you accidentally kicked the boy\'s soul out.">

His eyes widened in shock. "Are you saying that I stole his body?"

<"It couldn\'t be helped. Your soul is stronger than the boy\'s, Gavin Quinzel. He died when you took over his body. But since your soul is strong, it helped the body that you possessed last long until help arrived.">

His knucks buckled. [I stole the young boy\'s life…]

<"When your soul entered the young boy\'s body, your memories as Gavin Quinzel were erased. Since technically, you have been "reincarnated," and the reincarnated people aren\'t supposed to remember their past lives. Of course, there are exceptions.">

As far as he knew, the exceptions that Lukas was talking about were people chosen by the gods to remember their past lives.

<"You only didn\'t forget your memories as Gavin Quinzel– you also absorbed the memories of the boy whose body and life you stole from. That boy\'s name is Kim Won-shik. Last name \'Kim,\' first name \'Won-shik.\'">


He remembered that it was the name that Lady Go Areum called him.

[That means \'Go\' is her last name and \'Areum\' is her first name.]

<"You forgot the memories of your life as Kim Won-shik when you regressed back as Gavin Quinzel." This is now your third life, Commander.">

Third life.


He couldn\'t help but heave a heavy sigh.

<"Gavin Quinzel, you will now relive your life as Kim Won-shik.">

Gavin took a deep breath, then he nodded. "I am ready."


KIM WON-shik\'s childhood passed by in the blink of an eye.

Gavin learned that he had a loving and rich family. He was an only child and his parents treasured him a lot. He felt lonely while "growing up" alone as Kim Won-shik because he missed Rufus– his baby brother.

But that loneliness disappeared when Kim Won-shik turned eight years old. That was when he met the six-year-old Go Areum. He could tell right away that the young Kim Won-shik had fallen in love at first sight.

[For some reason, I feel like I\'m betraying His Majesty.]

Just like Go Areum and Kim Won-shik, Gavin and Lady Roseheart were also childhood friends. In fact, they were also friends with His Majesty and Lady Juliet when they were little. It couldn\'t be helped since noble children within the same faction were often times raised together.

[I shouldn\'t feel guilty. I\'m not doing anything wrong. I have no recollection of my life as Gavin Quinzel when I lived as Kim Won-shik. If I had the memories of my past life, I wouldn\'t dare to have feelings for Lady Go Areum. After all, she\'s still the Lady Roseheart of this world.]

And whatever world they were in, he firmly believed that Lady Mona Roseheart only belonged to His Majesty.

He had to convince himself with that again and again.

"Won-shik oppa, why are you such a crybaby?"

Gavin was embarrassed.

The now ten-year-old Kim Won-shik was being consoled by the eight-year-old Go Areum.

[I hate that I can\'t speak and act on my own. Everything that I do and say are all Won-shik\'s will. Even though I\'m inside his body, I\'m nothing but a mere spectator. I guess it can\'t be helped since I\'m just reliving my past life, and the past can no longer be changed.]

"The kids tease us because we look different from them," the young Go Areum said, then she sat beside the young Kim Won-shik. The two children were currently sitting on the sandbox in a playground near their school. "We look like this because we\'re half Caucasian-half Korean. But it\'s not bad. We\'re humans just like them."

"The k-kids in my c-class are saying that I\'m not K-Korean," the young Kim Won-shik said in a shaking voice. "I feel like I don\'t b-belong there."

The young Go Areum put an arm around the boy. "It\'s okay, oppa," she consoled him. "I am here for you."

Gavin smiled sadly. [Ah, Won-shik Kim has fallen in love.]


FOR the first time since Gavin relived his life as Kim Won-shik, he felt the urge to kill.

Kim Won-shik was now an eighteen-year-old high school senior. But he was still the same scaredy little cat that he was when he was a child. The coward let his "classmates" beat him up when he refused to give Go Areum\'s contact number.

Right now, Kim Won-shik was on the ground while hugging his smartphone tight close to his chest. He had his eyes closed while letting his bullies kick and stomp on him.

[I appreciate that you refuse to give them Lady Areum Go\'s phone number. But Won-shik Kim, you should take care of yourself first. Moreover, you should train. You\'re so skinny and light-weight.]


If only he could control that body, he would have trained it a long time ago.

"Won-shik oppa!"

It was Go Areum.

When Kim Won-shik opened his eyes, Gavin was shocked when he saw Go Areum beat up the three bullies. He was amazed by the young lady\'s neat movements. Her kicks, in particular, were impressive.

"Taekwondo," Kim Won-shik whispered to himself while watching the scene in disbelief. "I forgot that Areum-ah is a black belter…"


Gavin also remembered Kim Won-shik past memories. When the two were in middle school, Kim Won-shik would always watch Go Areum compete in a martial arts competition called \'taekwondo.\'

"Stop bullying my oppa!" Go Areum yelled at the bullies who were now on the ground while coughing up blood. "If I see you bully my Won-shik oppa again, I will kill you all!"

It wasn\'t something that an athelete should be saying.

But it worked on the bullies who cursed at Go Areum while running away.

Gavin was fuming internally. [I want to kill those kids…]

"Oppa, are you alright?" Go Areum asked worriedly, then she knelt beside Kim Won-shik and helped him sit up. "Let\'s go to the clinic."

Kim Won-shik, who felt embarrassed for being saved by Go Areum again, took it out on the poor lady. "I didn\'t ask for your help," he said while glaring at Go Areum. Then, he stood up and ran away from her. "Don\'t act friendly with me anymore!"

Gavin could only sigh. [Won-shik Kim, you\'ll regret this.]


AND GAVIN was right.

That afternoon, Kim Won-shik stood in front of the apartment building where he and Go Areum lived. Of course, he was there to apologize.

The young boy smiled when she saw the young lady.

But that smiled disappeared when he saw that an unfamiliar boy had his arm wrapped around Go Areum\'s shoulders, while Go Areum\'s arm was snaked around the boy\'s waist. It wasn\'t a sign of intimacy though.

After all, he could clearly see that the boy was limping. Thus, Go Areum was helping him walk.

"Areum-ah, what happened?" Kim Won-shik asked worriedly when he approached the young lady. "And who is this boy?"

"Ah, oppa. Your bullies came to my class to get their revenge," Go Areum said casually, then he turned to the limping boy beside her. "This kid is new to our class. He protected me but he got beaten up." The young lady frowned. "Those bullies fight dirty! They called their university hyungs to gang up on us!"

\'Hyung\' meant older brother, and it was a term used by younger males to address either their biological older brothers or males older than them.

Gavin was angry again.

[Those cheap bastards! I can\'t believe they tried to get their revenge on a young lady! They should be ashamed of themselves. They\'re not real men!]

Kim Won-shik felt the same.

Gavin could feel the frustration in Kim Won-shik\'s heart. He also felt guilty that he left Go Areum alone. But he was relieved to know that someone protected her in his place.

Kim Won-shik turned to the boy and noticed the dried blood around his mouth, as well as the bruises on his cheek.

Gavin, on the other hand, froze in shock internally.

[That face…]

Even though it was beaten up, the blood and the bruises couldn\'t hide the attractiveness of the boy with a stoic face.

He was suddenly compelled to bow and kneel.

[It\'s His Majesty of this world…]

"Who…?" Kim Won-shik asked while feeling insecure because of how handsome the new kid was. Then, he turned to Go Areum because he was afraid that he might go blind because of the other boy\'s visual. "He\'s like us."

By that, Kim Won-shik meant that the new kid also didn\'t look full Korean.

"Yes, Oppa. His mother is from London while his father is Korean," Go Areum said with a bright smile on her face. "His name is Yoon Jung."

Last name \'Yoon,\' first name \'Jung.\'

Gavin, for some reason, felt like Kim Won-shik already lost to Yoon Jung.

[It seems like even here, the Lady Roseheart and His Majesty of this world are meant to be together.]


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