Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 225 Let The Deathmatch Begin.

<<That was an A45 sniper rifle. It appears to have been in the hands of the enemy.>>

Sato let out a weary sigh, his thoughts filled with a mix of frustration and determination. \'Of course it is,\' he mused, recognizing the gravity of the situation. \'Find out how they obtained such a weapon. It must be an inside job.\'

<<Affirmative, I will investigate immediately.>>

Upon receiving Aril\'s acknowledgment, Sato\'s gaze shifted to the building where Ignis and Simlo stood, their faces frozen in shock and disbelief. Their failed attempt to eliminate him with the sniper shot had not gone unnoticed.

"Divanchi," Sato called out, his voice steady and commanding. He didn\'t need to provide further explanation, for Divanchi understood his unspoken command.

"I\'m on it!" Divanchi responded without hesitation. She pivoted toward the direction Sato\'s gaze had locked onto, a burst of energy resonating within her. 

With a resounding boom, she propelled herself skyward, soaring towards Ignis and Simlo with incredible speed.

The crowd watched in awe and trepidation as Divanchi, a force to be reckoned with, surged forward, her determination clear in every motion. The pursuit of justice and the protection of their Master\'s coronation now took center stage. 

The enemy\'s audacious attempt had only strengthened their resolve, their will to unveil the truth and ensure that those responsible faced the consequences.

Sato\'s mind churned with anger as he pondered over the situation. \'How did they manage to get their hands on my sniper?\' He wondered to himself. The fury etched on his face was evident, but he swiftly shook off his thoughts when Vlad\'s voice broke through the silence.

"Now, this is a predicament," Vlad declared, exuding confidence as he spoke. His eyes locked onto Sato, waiting for the young Duke\'s response. "As the newly appointed Duke Sato, what do you believe is the right course of action?"

Sato shifted his gaze towards the restless crowd, their unease palpable in the air. Just as he was about to make a move, both Yuri and Erza gripped his garments tightly, their worried expressions mirroring their concern. Sato turned to meet their eyes, his countenance calm and reassuring.

"Don\'t worry," he reassured them with a gentle smile, his voice carrying conviction. "I was careless the first time, but I assure you, it won\'t happen again."

With his words resonating in the air, Sato took a determined step forward, striding purposefully towards the anxious assembly.

Sato approached the edge of the elevated altar, his eyes scanning the faces of the gathered crowd. With a commanding presence, he raised his voice to address them all. 

"I implore each and every one of you to remain calm," he began, his tone resolute. "We find ourselves facing a grave situation, for there are criminals lurking within our city who seek to undermine my coronation as the new Duke. Though their presence may have been anticipated, I assure you there is no cause for alarm."

A hushed silence fell upon the assembly as Sato paused, his countenance growing serious. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, visible in the depths of his eyes. "Above all," he continued, his voice unwavering, "I vow to protect the safety of my loyal subordinates. I will not allow any harm to befall you all, this I swear".

His words hung in the air, carrying with them a sense of determination that permeated through the anxious atmosphere. Sato\'s unwavering commitment to his new followers resonated, offering reassurance in the face of uncertainty. The crowd held their breath, their eyes fixed upon their new Duke, waiting for his next move.

As Sato stood at the center of the grand coronation ceremony, his voice reverberating through the air, a sudden interruption shattered the tranquility of the moment. 

"What a load of bullshit, they are supposed to believe that!!!".

A distorted and menacing voice pierced the solemn atmosphere, capturing the attention of the entire crowd. Every head turned, their gazes drawn towards the source of the disturbance.

A sly smile formed on Sato\'s lips as he recognized the voice, muttering under his breath, "There you are…"

Perched atop a towering building, a figure stood with a mask covering his face, casting a shadow over the ceremony below. The malevolent aura emanating from the mysterious individual sent shivers down the spines of those who beheld him.

"Sato Inugami, the Lord of Elves and the Demon Lord of Chaos," the figure sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "I would say it\'s an honor to meet you face to face, but that would only be a lie."

Sato maintained an air of cool composure, seemingly unaffected by the individual\'s taunting. 

His eyes narrowed as he spoke, addressing the intruder directly, "So, you\'re the one behind all this Resistance crap I\'ve been picking up on?".

The crowd held its breath, anticipation and tension intertwining as the confrontation between the two powerful beings unfolded. 

The sun\'s rays, once shining brilliantly upon the ceremony, seemed to dim as an air of foreboding settled over the city.

The figure chuckled derisively at Sato\'s remark, his laughter echoing through the air. "Resistance? Sounds like a fitting name, let\'s go with that," he taunted, his tone dripping with mockery.

Sato\'s expression remained unchanged, a mask of stoicism as he stared back at the figure. "I genuinely don\'t care what you call yourselves, get to the part where you tell me what you are after, I\'m sure you didn\'t do all this just to have a word with me." He retorted calmly, his gaze shifting from the individual to the crowd below. 

The realization of imminent danger prompted him to assess the situation discreetly, noticing the soldiers quietly encircling the area, poised to protect the innocent citizens should the need arise.

With an air of authority, the figure responded, his voice resonating with command, "It\'s simple, actually. We want nothing more than to rid ourselves of you and the royal family. It\'s high time someone new took charge."

Sato\'s gaze sharpened, a glimmer of curiosity dancing in his eyes. In a swift motion, he turned his head slightly, catching Yuri\'s attention just as her anger threatened to consume her.

"Yuri," Sato said in a low, commanding tone, his voice laced with authority. His gesture halted her in her tracks, a testament to the bond they shared and the unspoken understanding between them.

Yuri, a fierce witch and loyal companion, had always been quick to defend Sato, but he knew that their approach had to be strategic. This confrontation required more than a hasty outburst; it demanded careful consideration and a measured response.

The murmurs among the crowd intensified, whispers of uncertainty mingling with the tension in the air. 

The confrontation between Sato, the Lord of Elves and Demon Lord of Chaos, and this mysterious leader of the Resistance had now transcended a mere clash of ideologies. It had become a battle for power, a struggle for the destiny of the kingdom itself.

Meanwhile, Vald, an enigmatic figure in their midst, stood at the periphery, his presence seemingly detached from the unfolding spectacle. His aloof demeanor conveyed an indifference to the events transpiring before him, as if he existed in a world of his own.

Sato, though focused on the figure atop the building, couldn\'t help but cast a sidelong glance at Vald. He marveled at Vald\'s ability to remain unperturbed, an enigma within an enigma. The complexities of his ally\'s character intrigued Sato, but now was not the time to delve into their intricacies.

Returning his attention to the figure, Sato\'s voice resonated with an air of authority, "So, I suppose you believe it is your right to assume leadership?"

The individual\'s smug smile widened, a spark of arrogance glinting in his eyes. "Indeed," he replied, his voice laced with certainty. "The current leadership has lost its way, consumed by decadence and weakness. It is time for someone with true vision and strength to take charge."

Sato\'s gaze narrowed, his mind working tirelessly to unravel the motives behind this rebellion. He could sense the crowd\'s unease, their anxious whispers permeating the air. The weight of the moment pressed upon him, but he stood firm, a pillar of unwavering resolve.

The clash of ideologies hung thick in the air, a confrontation between tradition and revolution, order and chaos. The destiny of the kingdom teetered on a precarious precipice, its future hinged upon the outcome of this high-stakes encounter.

Sato\'s eyes gleamed with a mixture of intrigue and caution as he contemplated the individual\'s proposal. The atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation, the crowd holding its breath, awaiting his response.

"I have only one thing to say to you," Sato retorted, his voice brimming with confidence. "How about we settle this through a duel? If you defeat me, I will step down from my position. But if I emerge victorious, you will surrender yourself willingly. What say you to that?"

Silence hung in the air, the weight of the impending challenge palpable. The individual\'s expression twisted with contemplation, his cunning mind searching for a way to outmaneuver the formidable Demon Lord.

"I am not so foolish as to engage in a one-on-one battle with a Demon Lord," the figure finally responded, his tone laced with calculated cunning. "That is why I have devised a plan to ensure your compliance."

A shiver of anticipation coursed through the crowd as the figure\'s demeanor suddenly shifted. His arms spread wide, a theatrical gesture that captured everyone\'s attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he proclaimed, his voice echoing with a newfound authority, "I hope you have come prepared, for the stage is set, and the deathmatch is about to commence."

Gasps and whispers rippled through the onlookers, their faces reflecting a mix of trepidation and morbid fascination.

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