Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 192 Ultimate Skill Hell Fire! II

Jira taunted Sato with an air of superiority, "How much longer can you keep up this futile fight?" He gloated, "You\'re nearly broken, drenched in blood and you can barely stand on your own two feet. It\'s almost pathetic, really."

Sato remained standing, despite his ragged appearance. His breathing was labored, and one eye was swollen shut, his visage a bloody mess. His fingers were gnarled, twisted from the ferocity of the battle.

"Aril…how many minutes left?" Sato asked, his voice was strained as he spoke to his angel.

<<8 mins, I really suggest that I take over and finish the battle>>

"You don\'t have to do that, Aril." Summoning all his strength, Sato spoke a single word, "First heal." His body began to glow with a bright, pulsating light as his wounds slowly started to knit themselves back together. 

The broken bones in his fingers straightened, his swollen eye returned to its normal size, and his battered body started to regain its strength.

Despite the pain that still lingered, Sato stood tall and ready to face Jira once more.

Jira and Sato stared each other down, their intense gazes piercing through the silence that dominated the battlefield. Suddenly, they both charged at each other, fists raised and determination etched on their faces. 

The impact of their punches was so forceful that the air around them trembled, sending shockwaves through the ground beneath their feet. Jira\'s punch was faster, hitting Sato squarely in the face, causing his head to snap back, his eyes rolling back in his head. 

But Sato was not one to give up easily. With sheer willpower, he pushed through the pain, springing back up in one swift movement, his hand clenched into a tight fist.

 With a powerful headbutt, his forehead smashed into Jira\'s jaw, causing him to stagger backwards, dropping to one knee.

Blood gushed from the wound on Sato\'s forehead, his eyes ablaze with a fierce rage as he prepared to unleash his next move. His lean muscles tensed as he focused his energy, ready to face his opponent with all his might.

Jira, on the other hand, was on his knees, holding his torn jaw with one hand while glaring at Sato with pure hatred in his eyes. Suddenly, his jaw began to heal, and he wasted no time dashing straight at Sato while screaming, "Damn you, Elf boy!!!".

Jira leaped into the sky, throwing multiple fast punches that fired huge blue fireballs at Sato. The blazing projectiles hurtled towards Sato with incredible speed, their heat scorching the air around them.

Sato remained perfectly still, his eyes locked onto his opponent. He stretched out his hand, waiting patiently for the fireballs to get close before he unleashed his next move.

"Predator!" He roared, and a dark mist-like thread escaped from his hand, quickly enveloping the charging fireballs. For a moment, the air around them crackled with intense energy, but then the mist disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared.

"Uhn?" Sato muttered, his confusion quickly replaced by horror as multiple fireballs landed on him with brutal force. The earth erupted in flames, explosions shaking the ground with a deafening roar.

Despite the intense pain, Sato refused to give up. His eyes glinted with a fierce determination as he summoned all his strength and focused his energy to quench the fire around him. "Alter?!" He shouted, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

Jira, now hovering in the air, snarled in response. "I\'m done playing around, Elf boy!" he yelled, his fists crackling with blue flames as he dropped straight into the burning ground.

Yuri stood frozen, her body trembling with fear as she watched Sato engulfed in flames. Her heart pounded in her chest, desperate to run over and help him, but a part of her didn\'t want to disobey Sato.

Divanchi and Delta\'s faces were equally stricken with concern, their eyes locked on the raging inferno that engulfed Sato. They both wondered if he was okay inside the flames.

Suddenly, a deafening sonic boom shattered the silence. It whooshed through the air, growing louder and louder until it shook the very foundations of the earth. The ground beneath them split open, spewing debris and rocks in all directions.

The sonic boom cleared away the flames, revealing Jira standing triumphantly over Sato\'s broken body. The evil grin on his face was a sickening sight, sending shivers down Yuri\'s spine.

Jira\'s hand was plunged deep inside Sato\'s gut, and blood gushed out of the wound, staining the ground with a deep red hue. Yuri gasped in horror, her eyes wide with disbelief at the scene before her.

Divanchi and Delta\'s expressions turned to rage, their eyes blazing with fury. "Master!" Divanchi shouted, her voice filled with righteous anger.

Delta\'s eyes narrowed, and she stepped forward, her body trembling with fury. "You will pay for this!" She yelled, her fists clenched tight.

Jira merely chuckled, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure as he stared at Sato. "And with that, the Lord of elves, has fallen." He taunted, his grip on Sato\'s body tightening.

Sato\'s eyes were widened in shock and agony as he felt Jira\'s hands swarming inside his guts, tearing at his insides with merciless force. 

Blood dripped from the side of his mouth, and his hand weakly rested on Jira\'s chest as he tried to find his footing.

His mind was a whirlwind of pain and confusion as he struggled to hold on to consciousness. His body trembled with the force of Jira\'s attack, and he knew that his life was hanging in the balance.

But even in the midst of his agony, Sato refused to give up. His will to fight burned bright within him, and he refused to let Jira break him.

Yuri could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the two warriors face off. The air around them crackled with tension, their energy levels rising with each passing moment.

In that instant, Yuri knew that things were about to get even more violent and destructive.

SuddenlyDivanchi\'s body was engulfed in flames as her eyes blazed with fury. "That\'s it, I\'m going to aid him!" She yelled, her voice echoing across the battlefield.

"I agree," Delta chimed in, her body crackling with blue energy as she lifted off the ground. "I want to kill that demon so badly!".

But before they could take a step, Yuri grabbed them by the hand and halted their movement. 

"What are you doing?!" Delta yelled, her eyes still ablaze with anger.

"Master said to trust him and not get any closer," Yuri replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "I won\'t let anyone disobey that".

"Are you for real… he was stabbed!" Divanchi yelled, "I thought you of all people would…".

Yuri interrupted, "Don\'t get me wrong, I want nothing more than to step on that demon and make him beg for mercy." She uttered before looking at Sato, "But the look on Master\'s face when he told me to stand back… I don\'t want to betray that". 

The air was thick with tension as the group stood there, unsure of what to do. Sato was in grave danger, and every second that passed felt like an eternity.

Divanchi\'s flames flickered as she struggled to contain her anger. She wanted nothing more than to rush to Sato\'s aid, but she knew that Master\'s orders were absolute.

Delta gritted her teeth, her fists clenched with rage. She could feel her power surging through her, begging to be unleashed, but she knew that she had to trust in Master\'s plan.

As they stood there, the emotions of the group were a tempestuous whirlwind. Fear, anger, and uncertainty warred within them, each one vying for dominance.

At that moment, they were all acutely aware of the gravity of the situation. Sato\'s life hung in the balance, and every decision they made could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

With a grunt of effort, Sato lowered himself onto Jira\'s chest, his eyes barely open as blood continued to drip from his gut. He took shallow, ragged breaths, each one a struggle as he fought to stay conscious.

Sato\'s breathing grew slower and more labored, his body weakening with each passing moment. The wound in his gut was deep, and the blood loss was taking its toll.

For a long time, they stood in silence, watching as Sato fought to stay alive. It seemed as though the world had stopped, as though nothing else mattered except for the small, broken figure lying on the ground.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Sato stirred. His eyes opened fully, and he looked up a bit with a small smile.

Jira\'s twisted grin faltered as his grip tightened around Sato\'s neck. "Tell does it feel to know you\'ll die, and all this could have been prevented if you had just listened to me," Jira taunted, his breath hot on Sato\'s ear.

"I\'d say..." Sato wheezed, struggling to breathe. "Don\'t...count your eggs before...they hatch."

Jira\'s confusion was short-lived as Sato\'s body suddenly surged with strength. With a fierce cry, he tackled Jira to the ground, his arm wrapping around Jira\'s neck in a brutal sleeper hold.

Sato\'s eyes blazed with a fierce intensity as he looked up to the sky, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "Come now...your master beckons you...Hell fire!!!"

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