Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 171 A Win For Excalibur!

As their weapons connected with a deafening clang, Benihime and Halton\'s faces came within inches of each other. Halton\'s lips twisted into a sly grin as he spoke, taunting his opponent.

"What is it? Looks like you\'re getting a little tired," He muttered, pressing the full weight of his body against Benihime\'s blade. Suddenly, he jerked his head back and launched a massive headbutt directly at her forehead.

Benihime\'s eyes widened in surprise, but she managed to react quickly enough to twist her head to the side, barely avoiding the full brunt of the attack. As Halton stumbled back, she lunged forward with a swift jab of her sword, aiming for his heart.

But Halton was not so easily defeated. He raised his hammer just in time to deflect her blow, the force of the impact causing the ground to shake beneath their feet.

With a fierce grin, he swung his weapon on the ground, causing a heavy impact that sent Benihime flying and crashing to the ground.

Benihime began panting heavily, leaning on her sword for support, "I must have used too much Mana." She muttered looking at her hand that was turning pale.

Halton suddenly spoke up, "You are quite the formidable opponent…too bad, I would have loved to take you under my wings!".

With a loud cry, Halton gripped his hammer and sent it at Benihime, As Halton\'s hammer descended towards Benihime with terrifying force, Isla suddenly appeared and interceded, using her own sword to deflect the weapon\'s impact.

The sheer strength behind the attack sent Isla crashing to her knees, her sword arm trembling from the impact.

Undeterred, another valkyrie appeared behind Halton, surrounded by a swirling blue orb of magical energy.

"Go, rip him apart!" Akeno commanded, stretching her hand out towards Halton. The orb unleashed a barrage of blindingly bright arrows of light, each one charging straight at the demon general with deadly precision.

As the light arrows stabbed into Halton\'s body, he let out a guttural roar of pain and dropped to his knees.

Isla didn\'t hesitate to seize the moment and swiftly moved to the side, tightening her grip on her sword and aiming for Halton\'s exposed neck.

However, Halton was not down for the count yet. He quickly activated a hard, scale-like feature around his neck to protect himself from Isla\'s strike.

In a quick and brutal counter-move, he grabbed Isla by the neck with his free hand and began squeezing the life out of her, his fingers digging into her flesh with crushing force.

Akeno didn\'t hesitate to interfere once again, springing into action and dashing toward Halton with a magical light-made bow and arrow in hand.

She expertly aimed at Halton\'s hand, and with a quick release of the arrow, it struck its target with precision. The impact was so powerful that it caused Halton to let go of Isla\'s neck, allowing her to catch her breath and regain her composure.

Halton, now in immense pain, quickly retreated and created a dark energy barrier around himself to protect from any further attacks. He glared at the group of valkyries and growled, "Three against one? Now that\'s not a fair number".

"Move!" Benihime suddenly yelled from behind, dashing forward with a powerful sword in her hand. The sword was releasing an immense amount of magic power, even Benihime found it hard to control.

With one final step, Benihime gritted her teeth and yelled, "Ex!" The power surged through the sword, breaking the ground around her as her hands were already moving.

"Calibur!!!" Benihime\'s eyes lit up as she made a quick slash with the sword. The whole ground began collapsing as soon as it connected with Halton\'s barrier, which shattered under the force of the attack.

The energy from the sword continued, ripping through Halton\'s body and splitting him in two. The ground shook as the two halves of Halton\'s body fell to the ground, lifeless.

Benihime fell to her knee, panting and shaking from the intensity of the attack. She looked down at her sword, which had returned to its normal form, and then back at the two halves of Halton\'s body, now motionless on the ground.

With her knees on the ground, Isla\'s eyes scanned the aftermath of Benihime\'s attack. The destruction around them was immense, leaving behind a scene of chaos and devastation.

Despite the destruction, Isla couldn\'t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer power and skill displayed by Benihime.

"Wow, that was truly an incredible display," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with admiration and amazement

As Benihime stood up from the ground, her sword still firmly gripped in her hand, she announced with determination, "We\'re not done yet. There are still more demons to take care of".

But just as the group was preparing to move forward, Akeno suddenly spoke up with a note of finality in her voice. "I think not," she said, holding up the decapitated head of Halton with a smile. "We should be fine."

As Benihime and Isla looked on in shock and disbelief, Akeno\'s smile grew wider, betraying a sense of dark satisfaction. "With the head of their leader in our hands, the other demons will think twice before attacking us again," She explained. "There is no need to continue the fight."

Benihime, though still visibly tense and ready for battle, nodded in agreement. "You\'re right," She said, sheathing her sword. "You\'re a genius Akano, we should regroup with the others".

With that, Benihime and her group approached the demons, she held the head of Halton aloft on a sharpened stake.

With a commanding voice, she proclaimed to the entire demonic horde that she had single-handedly vanquished their leader.

The news reverberated throughout the enemy ranks, causing a palpable sense of fear and confusion to spread among the demon soldiers. In a frenzy of panic, the demons began scrambling to retreat back to their main forces.

Benihime\'s stunning display of bravery and skill had dealt a significant blow to the enemy\'s morale and weakened their resolve.

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