Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 164 It's Just One Enemy! Do Not Engage.

Kirah and Yuri stood with Sato at the edge of a cliff, observing the battlefield with keen eyes. "Everything is going according to plan," Kirah said, her voice calm and measured.

"Seems like it, Fiona isn\'t trying to enter the forest." Yuri added, standing on Sato\'s left and scanning the battle with a critical eye.

"No, they still are, just not their central priority," Sato said, his gaze fixed on a distant group of cavalry charging towards the canyons. The battlefield was treacherous, filled with jagged rocks, steep cliffs, and uneven ground that could be used to one\'s advantage.

Kirah and Yuri followed Sato\'s gaze, watching as the cavalry approached the canyons with speed and determination. "Are they trying to find another way into the forest?" Kirah asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Exactly, but regardless, we already have people waiting for them." Sato said, a sly grin spreading across his face. "And they still have no idea about 6000 more are coming from the East… so we\'ll be fine".

With a smile Sato continued, "I doubt Jira will let this continue, so before he figures out the plan, let\'s make the best of the situation".

Sato strode purposefully towards the edge of the cliff, the wind tugging at his robes and tousling his black hair.

With a cold glint in his eyes, he raised his arms up high, spreading them wide in a dramatic gesture as a sinister laugh escaped his lips.

Without hesitation, he flung himself off the edge, hurtling towards the ground below with a fierce determination.

As he plummeted towards the earth, his mind raced with the plans and strategies he had carefully crafted for this moment, his focus unwavering despite the chaos and carnage unfolding all around him.

The rush of the wind against his face and the roar of battle in the distance filled Sato with a sense of exhilaration and purpose, driving him forward towards his ultimate goal. With every passing moment, he grew more and more convinced that victory was within his grasp, and nothing would stand in his way

"I didn\'t know he wanted to fight those weaklings too." Kirah sighed, "The Successor sure has changed much from 2000 years ago".

"He isn\'t going to fight the soldiers, his aim is actually the Demon lord… if he can defeat the demon lord, he can end the war before more of our people die." Yuri responded, looking below her to see more of Fiona soldiers closing in.

"I understand, I\'ll be protecting the water bank so I can\'t really participate in the war, but what about you… you should be lending him assistance in this." Kirah gave out her thoughts as Yuri walked past her.

"I know right?" Yuri sobbed before giving out an exhausting sigh, "Well doesn\'t matter, I can see so many people to kill… ahhh~, I can\'t wait".

She walked closer to the edge of the cliff and turned to face Kirah. "Good luck on your path. I, on the other hand, have some demons to slay!" With those words, Yuri leapt from the cliff, her legs pointed towards the ground as she plunged towards the battlefield below.


Amidst the chaos of battle, a group of Fiona soldiers mounted their horses and galloped towards the left flank of the battlefield.

As they rode, they noticed that General Mort had positioned himself higher up on the battlefield, leaving the lower ground relatively untouched. Taking advantage of this opening, General Sharma made the decision to lead his troops down the path and into the forest.

He was huge in size with a total of four eyes, with each eye having different colors and attributes.

The path before them was deserted, and there was no sign of any opposition from Sato\'s forces. With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, General Sharma spurred his horse forward with his soldiers behind him, determined to enter the forest and gain an advantage over the enemy

"General Sharma… General Mort is on our right, isn\'t it better to link up with them?" A soldier asked, racing his horse behind Sharma.

"Rena, focus on the task at hand, the enemy clearly has the whole providence to themselves, we underestimated and brought the fight towards their land… wasn\'t wise but no going back now…" Rena spoke out as he rode, "But that doesn\'t mean we\'ll back down now, we adapt and come up with a counter attack… that\'s what we Demons do".

"I understand." The soldier nodded, his expression determined as he listened to Sharma\'s words. His gaze was fixed on the path ahead, scanning for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a cry rang out from one of the soldiers up ahead, causing everyone to tense up. "Enemy in front! It\'s just a lady! Get ready to attack!"

Sharma\'s heart sank at the words. He knew that his troops were likely to act without thinking in the heat of battle. But he also knew that this was not the time for rash decisions. "Wait!" he yelled. "Do not engage".

Despite Sharma\'s warning, one of the soldiers in the front spotted Yuri standing alone and decided to take her down. He leapt off his horse and charged towards her, brandishing a sword that glowed with purple flames. Yuri simply smiled as she watched him approach.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Yuri raised her hand and unleashed a spell. A spinning ice shard shot up from the ground, rapidly growing in size as it closed in on the charging demon soldier.

The soldier soon realized the mistake he made and wanted to leap out of the way, but with a sickening crunch, the ice impaled the demon. His body was scattered into multiple pieces, leaving him lying motionless on the ground.

Yuri dusted off her hands as she surveyed the scene before her, "Oh my, they stopped?" She said disappointedly.

The other soldiers, who had been charging alongside their fallen comrade, stopped in their tracks as they saw what had just happened. They stared at Yuri in disbelief, unsure of what to do next.

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