Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 152 The War Planning In Nervek

"How long do we have before the war starts?" Vlad asked.

"About 14 days from now." Sato replied.

They both stayed quiet for a while before Vlad sighed, "You are up against the kingdom of Fiona…this is not going to be easy." He warned.

"I know, that\'s why I\'m pulling all the strings I can." Sato responded. That was the first time he had ever experienced war, so although he knew he could hold his ground, he was still lacking in the experience.

"A week ago, I had one of my elves infiltrate the capital and report how the armies were planning… The most I could learn was, no other kingdom was willing to aid Jira… Appreantely, Jira is known to wage war on selfish agendas".

"True." Vlad laughed, "But even with no help from other countries, Fiona is still a very powerful force… I believe they numbered 100,000 strong".

"150,000." Sato corrected, "The estimated number they should be after help from inside towns and cities should be 150,000".

"That\'s quite a number".

"It is, I\'ve got myself beat in that category, currently, I have 100 elves, 400 beastmen, 50 Valkyries, and about 55 other monsters… it\'s obvious to see where this is going." Sato informed, focusing his eyes on the map before he continued.

"That said." Sato leaned forward and pointed at the Riojas kingdom. It was in human territory, located on the right side and not too far from The Witch\'s forest and also just a bit behind Warthniq Kingdom.

"I already have a strong relationship with this Kingdom, as we speak Divanchi and Giron have gone to request their help." Sato hinted, "If Riojas accepts, I should be getting a backup of around 70,000 men, that\'s not even included with the other kingdom Riojas is in link with".

"Don\'t forget Nervek, although we are still a city we do number 8000." Veronica chimed in.

"Hold on, There\'s no way a Kingdom will be willing to give you that many men unless they stand to gain something from the war." Vlad informed, looking at Sato whose response was a smile.

Sato opened his palm and a black thread-like myst networked out of it and formed into a green glowing rock.

Vlad\'s eyes widened in awe, "Is that a?..".

"A Lyn stone, useful for powering magic technologies and forging." Sato explained, "I offered Riojas 5 carriages of this, the forest caves are covered in it, so I didn\'t lose anything".

"I must say Lord Sato, using your resources for bargaining is quite the move." Veronica complimented.

Vlad couldn\'t help but feel the need to chuckle, "I won\'t be surprised if you have another trick off your sleeves".

"Hold on to that, cuz I\'m not done." Sato pointed at the Witch\'s forest, "Have you heard of the witches of Lilivil?".

"Actually, I think I\'ve heard of them before," Commander Selvin commented, "It was five years ago, I remember my men running back to came after running into a witch called Terafona".

"That\'s the witch of bargain." Sato spoke out, "Just know we are having backup from them also".

"Looks like you didn\'t need my help to begin with." Vlad furrowed his brow, his eyes flickering across the map as he considered the options. "Even with those reinforcements, the odds are still not in your favor," he said, his voice low.

Sato nodded, his expression serious. "I know. But I have to try everything I can. I won\'t fall without a fight."

Vlad leaned forward, his eyes bright with determination. "And we will fight with you, my lord," she said firmly. "We may not have the numbers, but we have strength and determination on our side."

Sato smiled at him, gratitude clear in his expression. "Thank you, Duke. Your help means everything to me."

Commander Selvin cleared his throat, drawing everyone\'s attention. "If I may, Lord Sato, I have a suggestion."

Sato nodded encouragingly. "Please, Selvin. Any ideas are welcome."

"Well, we could try a sneak attack," Selvin suggested. "Hit them when they least expect it, catch them off guard. It could give us an edge."

Vlad snorted derisively. "A sneak attack? Against Fiona? Do you know their tactics? They\'ll see us coming a mile away."

Selvin shrugged. "It\'s just a thought. But we have to do something. Sitting here waiting for them to attack us isn\'t going to help."

Sato tapped his fingers thoughtfully against the map. "Selvin has a point. We need to be proactive, not reactive. But we have to be smart about it."

They fell into a thoughtful silence, each lost in their own musings. Sato\'s gaze drifted to the Lyn stone in his hand, his mind racing with possibilities.

Finally, he spoke up. "We\'ll send a small team to camp out behind the enemy\'s position. When the war starts, they attack from behind and scatter Fiona\'s formation. We\'ll send the team early, they\'ll probably have to spend a few days in Fiona."

Vlad raised an eyebrow. "And how do you propose we do that? Fiona is the last Kingdom at the edge of the demon territory, getting past their border won\'t be easy


Sato chuckled. "Of course, it won\'t. We\'ll need someone stealthy. Someone who can move unseen and unheard."

Sato\'s eyes brightened. "I know just the person." He continued, "Orland!".

From the floor came a dark mist that formed into the shadow elf Orland, "Yes master, you called." He said with his head bowed.

"I need you to do something, so stay here for a bit, let me finish up." Sato uttered, standing up from his seat and walking to the side of the room.

"As you wish." Orland stood up and positioned himself at the side.

Vlad noticed Sato was holding the Lyn stone and it drew his curiosity, "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Remember when I said I still have a few tricks left?" Sato hinted, stretching his hand that\'s holding onto the stone, "Brace yourself, this might just blow your mind".

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