Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 116 A New World Under The River.

Sato stared at the toad for a while before he gave his answer almost instantly, "Let\'s see, I guess I\'ll ask each brother, "If you were your brother, which road would you say leads to eternal happiness? Something like that".

[What! How are you getting it… admit it… you\'re using a cheat!].

"What\'s there to cheat about? It\'s quite logical," Sato argued, "Let\'s assume the path on the right leads to eternal happiness. After you ask your question, both brothers will tell you the exact same thing: "He would say the left path leads to eternal happiness… so there you have it, your answer".

[There is no way you thought of this that fast! No way!].

"Hey, don\'t blame me, I\'m even surprising myself." Sato said with a smug look on his face, \'Aril… is this your doing? Cuz I know I ain\'t that smart\'.

<<I didn\'t have to lift a finger, this was all you and I should correct the misconception you have, being a fast thinker has nothing to do with your intellect… don\'t like this make you think you are wise>>

\'Wow, thanks for the motivation.\' Sato wore a deadpan look as he replied Aril.

[You!!!... Fine, I\'ll get you this time! Get ready for the third one.]

[There are five bags of gold that all look identical, and each has 10 gold pieces in it. One of the five bags has fake gold in it. The real gold, fake gold, and all five bags are identical in every way, except the pieces of fake gold each weighs 1.1 grams, and the real gold pieces each weigh 1 gram. You have a perfectly accurate digital gram scale and can use it only once. How do you determine which bag has the fake gold?]

Sato sighed, \'This feels so easy even though I know it shouldn\'t.\' looking at the cave Sato replied.

"Well, simply, Take one gold piece from the first bag, two from the second bag, three from the third bag, four from the fourth bag, and five from the fifth bag. If the weight on the scale ends in .1, then you know the first bag has the fake gold. If the weight on the scale ends in .2, then the second bag has the fake gold, and so on and so forth.,".

[Successor… well I am not surprised.. fine… you may pass.]

The mouth of the statue extended and Crustave came rushing out of the opening and straight out of the mouth.

Once he was out, he looked around to see Sato heading toward the entrance of the cave and immediately followed.

[Listen, once you enter these walls you must promise to never speak of what you see inside unless you are willing to take responsibility for them]

Sato halted, "I give you my word." He declared before he continued his advance.

Crustave made an effort to follow but since he didn\'t partake in the riddle, he wasn\'t allowed to swim through.

As Sato entered the cave, he immediately felt his feet touch the ground with no water inside the cave.

The ground was covered in grass and the sky was as blue as the ocean with nothing but a warm soothing breeze circulating the area.

The walls were opposite each other, connected to the exit of the cave in the middle of an empty field.

There were three bright lights shining at a distance in the sky, and statue legs that grew from the clouds to the earth.

The entrance to the cave had no water and was just covered in bricks and all around the cave were different drawings of three beautiful women with olden textures.

Sato was intrigued by them, he wandered toward the walls and began observing the drawing on the walls.

"Awesome, it looks like some kind of story." Sato blurted, walking around to take in the drawing.

<<Aditopian, it\'s an ancient language of the gods, but it was only practiced by the Teioronains, people who were under the goddess alliance>>

"So, this was written by the Aditopian? Even though I have no idea who they are, it still feels… awesome." Sato got more excited the more he examined the drawings.

<<If you want, I could help you transfer knowledge about the Aditopians for you to learn about>>

"Instead of that, could you help me learn to read this… I feel drawn to it." Sato expressed, but his eyes swayed toward the giant legs on the ground.

He slowly left the walls and headed toward the legs, when he got there, he noticed they lengthened toward the skies so he flew up to check it out.

After flying above the clouds, he noticed their female upper bodies facing each other, carrying different hairstyles and facial beauties.

"Another statue? These ones look human, at least… Aril, you done analyzing?." Sato asked.

<<You wouldn\'t need my skill if you had just let the knowledge transfer to your record… sigh, any way… these statues belong to the goddess alliance.

The one in front of you is Afrina, she is the goddess of chaos, the one behind you is Nima, the goddess of Trinity and the one beside you is Fridina, the goddess of immortality…>>

"They are all goddesses? Is this some kind of shrine?" Sato inquired.

<<Negative, this place was made to seal them away after they wiped out almost half of the spirit race and were moving toward the humans>>

Sato moved closer to her statue and looked inside the eye, he was sure he caught a glimpse of a woman sleeping inside a huge blue orb but at the same, but at the same time, he felt an enormous amount of fear build up inside him.

He made a decision to seal the cave back and not temper with something he didn\'t understand, so he left the cave and spoke with the giant toad.

Sato made a deal with the toad, he promised to come down to answer his riddles and in return, the toad should keep the cave safe and in from him if anyone passes through.

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