Demon Sect Cultivation: I Can Disable Debuffs

Chapter 24

“Oh? Tell me more.” Xu Yixian still didn’t pay attention, thinking that Zhou Wenting was intentionally avoiding the topic of helping him reach the Foundation Establishment realm.

Zhou Wenting continued, “Two years ago, Zhang Chen was only a fifth-level Qi practitioner, barely passing the ordinary outer sect assessment. While on a blood-taking mission in the beast garden, he met Li Mumin…

“Then, a few months ago, after Li Mumin broke through to the Foundation Establishment realm, not only did he reward him with blood essence, but he also gave him a demon beast to break through to the seventh level of Qi Refinement.”

“It seems that Zhang Chen is really highly regarded by Li Mumin.” Jiang Xianghong nodded.

But Xu Yixian’s face changed, “Li Mumin broke through himself, yet he still rewards his subordinate with blood essence?”

“That’s indeed what I heard,” Zhou Wenting replied.

“Where did Li Mumin get so much blood essence?” Xu Yi could not believe it at first.

“Later, I also inquired about how much blood essence Zhang Chen can exchange in a day, but I found out that not many people know that he is Li Mumin’s spokesperson, nor have they exchanged demon blood with him.

“If he’s a representative, but not many people know, how does he exchange blood essence for Li Mumin?

In order to figure this out, I got someone to keep an eye on his cave abode. During this period of time, he would go to Li Mumin’s cave every few days, but never traded with anyone.

“Not only that, during the few months when Li Mumin was in seclusion, Zhang Chen exchanged demon blood with our spokesperson.

“Therefore, there’s something very suspicious about Zhang Chen. Or perhaps Li Mumin has a huge secret. Zhang Chen is just a decoy.” Zhou Wenting’s expression was solemn.

“Is what you’re saying true?” Xu Yixian also became serious.

Zhou Wenting nodded heavily.

Could there be a treasure that transforms and produces blood essence?

There was silence in the cave again. The three of them didn’t know what the others were thinking.

After a long time, Xu Yi spoke first, “Why don’t we get someone to contact this Zhang Chen and see if we can get any useful information out of him?”


Two hours later, outside Cave 330.

“Is Junior Brother Zhang here? I’m a neighbor who lives halfway up the mountain.”

Why would a neighbor who lives halfway up the mountain be looking for me?

Inside the cave, Zhang Chen was a bit puzzled but still went out to see.

Outside the cave, he saw a thin man who lived halfway up the mountain and asked, “Is there something you need from me, Senior Brother?”

Unlike the last time when he was cold, the thin man was very enthusiastic this time. “Hello Junior Brother Zhang, I’m Sun Jian. I heard that you are Li Mumin’s spokesperson and I want to exchange for some demon blood.”

Zhang Chen did not think too much about it. “That was true before, but after I became an inner sect disciple, I stopped being a spokesperson. However, if Senior Brother wants to exchange, I still have some demon blood that I can give to you.”

Zhang Chen didn’t even have enough demon blood to consume himself, so he naturally didn’t want to exchange it with others, but he was giving face to his neighbor.

“Okay, what is the exchange ratio for this, Junior Brother?” Sun Jian asked.

“One bowl of blood essence and one pot of demon blood.” This was the exchange ratio for the outer sect. Very few people in the inner sect exchanged for demon blood. Zhang Chen had never exchanged it before, so he did not know what the ratio was for the inner sect.

But he never intended to exchange with anyone, so it was even better if the other party didn’t want to exchange.

Sun Jian said, “Junior Brother, can you make it cheaper?”

“How about you find someone else then, Senior Brother.”

Zhang Chen could obtain six bowls of blood essence by refining a pot of demon blood. He sold one bowl to someone else just to be like everyone else. How could he agree to exchange again and lose money?

“Well then, I won’t bother you anymore.” Sun Jian arched his hands and turned to leave.

“Take care, Senior Brother Sun.” Zhang Chen didn’t care.

Sun Jian returned to his cave abode on the mountainside. There was another person in his cave abode.

It was Zhou Wenting, who had come to gather information.

Seeing Sun Jian come back, Zhou Wenting quickly asked, “How did it go, Senior Brother Sun?”

“Senior Brother Zhou, Zhang Chen admits to being Li Mumin’s spokesperson, and the exchange ratio is one bowl of blood essence for one pot of demon blood. He also said that he’s now an inner sect disciple and no longer a spokesperson,” Sun Jian reported truthfully.

The exchange ratio is not a problem, but he’s no longer a representative?

Zhou Wenting thought.

Then what’s the point of going to see Li Mumin every few days?

Seeing that Zhou Wenting did not speak, Sun Jian asked carefully, “Senior Brother Zhou, do you have any other instructions?”

“I hope Senior Brother Sun can watch Zhang Chen for me in the future. If Zhang Chen goes out or someone comes to find him, please let me know. This is your reward.” Zhou Wenting handed over a water bag containing blood essence.

“Thank you, Senior Brother Zhou. I will definitely keep an eye on Zhang Chen for you.” Sun Jian happily accepted the water bag.

“Alright, I’ll get going first.”

“I’ll send you off, Senior Brother.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

After leaving Sun Jian’s cave abode, Zhou Wenting walked towards Cave 1.

“Zhang Chen said he’s no longer a spokesperson, but he still goes to see Li Mumin every few days. Do you think there’s a secret hidden there?”

The other two shook their heads.

Zhou Wenting asked, “Then what should we do next?”

Xu Yi thought for a moment. “Send a few more people to test him in different ways.”

“Wouldn’t that be too risky? I’ve inquired about Zhang Chen, and he rarely socialized. Frequent attempts to test him may raise suspicion.” Zhou rejected the idea.

“Then what do you suggest?” Xu Yi was impatient. He wanted the other two to support him in reaching the Foundation Establishment realm rather than being delayed by Zhang Chen.

However, it was obvious that the other two would not agree easily. They would rather figure out the secrets of Zhang Chen.

“Why not make friends with Zhang Chen and gain his trust before probing him indirectly?” Zhou Wenting suggested.

A few days later.

“Is Junior Brother Zhang here?”

Hearing the voice outside the cave, Zhang Chen frowned.

Sun Jian had been coming to see him every day, either for idle chat or to introduce him to new friends, which was becoming a nuisance.

But he couldn’t completely ignore him due to face-saving reasons.

After calming himself down, Zhang Chen got up and walked out. “Senior Brother Sun, is there something you need?”

“Junior Brother Zhang, it’s great to meet you. Although we’ve only known each other for a few days, I’ve always regarded you as a close friend. I have a sworn sister that I want to introduce you to,” Sun Jian was unusually enthusiastic.

Zhang Chen shook his head. “I’m sorry, Senior Brother Sun. I need to practice my techniques and prepare for hunting demon beasts. I don’t have the time.”

Sun Jian did not give up just like that and continued to persuade him. “It won’t take long. My sworn sister is a beauty, and I guarantee she won’t disappoint you. I’ve talked to her about you, and she’s interested in you. Maybe you can become Dao companions.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Senior Brother Sun. I’m not interested in Dao companions for the time being. If there’s nothing else, please leave.” Zhang Chen was not interested in continuing the conversation.

Sun Jian’s smile froze. “Alright, I’ll visit you next time.”

As he turned away, Sun Jian’s face looked unpleasant. If Zhou Wenting hadn’t instructed him to think of a way to befriend Zhang Chen, he wouldn’t have come here every day.

There was no progress in their conversation over the past few days. If Zhou Wenting hadn’t ordered him to find a way to befriend Zhang Chen, he wouldn’t have come to bother him every day with no success. He wanted to see if women had any attraction to Zhang Chen, but he was firmly rejected.

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