Headed by a Snake

Chapter 762 Aphorism

Tycondrius smiled politely at the young lady.

"Hmm... would you say, Miss Imperia... that gentleman callers often hold public exhibitions-- attempts to win your favor?"

"N-- Well-- I err... of course, they do!" The dark elf glared, "I\'m a Princess of House Vulkoori! Of course, men are supposed to prostrate themselves before me! --which happens all the time!"

Tycon twisted his lips to the side. That... was close to the point he was making, while also being far from it.

"That, I believe, is what Krysaos is trying to prove," He explained... "At least to you."

"I don\'t like him LIKE THAT!!" The whelpling squeaked defensively.

"Ahem," Tycon cleared his throat... "*that* he is not below you... but is at least worthy of your respect."

It also had something to do with gaining the recognition of the two squads of Elven warriors attached to her and the Elven Ancient... but Tycon did not feel the need to mention that.

"But he-- that man! He\'s... not..." Imperia frowned-- but her voice had softened considerably, "No... I refuse to believe such a thing."

"And what would make you change your mind, Princess of the Vulkoori?" Tycon smiled.

The young elf did not answer aloud... returning her attention to the fight with a grimace.

The wheels in her head were turning. Tycon had said enough.

He wondered if perhaps... she was already convinced.

If anything, Tycon hoped that in the future, Imperia would be more mindful of her sharp tongue. Little in the Realm caused more discord than the complaints of theoretically attractive females.

"Oy, Cap\'n," Wonderboy cackled as he calmly deflected each and every swing of Krysaos\' sword, "Iz you gettin\' slowa? Cuz we\'z ain\'t finished wiv you, Sir, no, Sirrrr!!"

It seemed that the lime-green Coral Boy finally understood that being controlled by the Elven Ancient temporarily gave him martial abilities far beyond that of the Captain.

It was... very foolish of him to speak so heedlessly. In all likelihood, he wouldn\'t lay claim to such power for more than ten minutes.

The other Coral Boys were screaming and shouting curses, stomping their feet. Petty Officer Bob was livid-- and it was taking a half-dozen crewmen to keep him from jumping into the arena, himself.

A crowd had gathered to see the commotion, which was to be expected. It was a rarity to bear witness to combatants fighting at a Peak-Iron level.

...Admittedly, the theatrics were comparable to that of Sol Invictus\' early suns in the Ezyrian arenas.

Unfortunately... Krysaos was on the losing end, being thoroughly embarrassed.

Wonderboy was effortlessly deflecting each of the Captain\'s attacks and counter-attacking with strikes to the human\'s arms and body. If King was fighting seriously, the duel would have been long finished.

"GIT BACK, CAP\'N!!" Wonderboy shouted as he slashed his swords in a cross, "H\'YAH!!"

Krysaos took the double-strike with the cage of his rapier, stumbling backward, but keeping his balance.

Wonderboy tossed his swords up in the air and pirouetted with his leg out, catching them as they fell. Then, he slashed at the air in front of him, quick enough to make sharp whistling sounds.

"H-yahhh wooohhhh ahhhhh!!! Wo-haha-chakaaaa~" The Coral Boy rolled his head... then gestured for Krysaos to come forward, "Come at us, Cap\'n. We\'z ready ta give you\'z a right arse-kickin\'... COM-pli-MENT\'ry."

Krysaos stood up straight, "You know what they say, boyo..."

"Like we could give less a shite," Wonderboy sneered, "Ain\'t nuffin\' you\'z can tell us, when you\'z can\'t even TOUCH... da \'airs on our chinny-chin-chin... uhuhu..."

"Tycon?" Imperia looked over to him, "The meaning of that..."

"I\'ve no idea," Tycon frowned. "I was hoping to ask you."

Krysaos tossed his Captain\'s hat back to Mina, which she levitated slightly higher to catch. He began to walk counter-clockwise the Coral Boy, casually rotating his sword-wrist in a light stretch.

"Well, Wonderboy..." Krysaos placed his sword in front of his face in a salute, "If yer gonna talk sh*t, yer gonna get hit."

He pointed his rapier forward, "⌈Double DRAGON!!⌋"

From behind Krysaos, two river eels made of water surged forward at Wonderboy. Each was twice the thickness of a typical human, roaring and snapping, all while spiraling fantastically through the air.

The Skill was a powerful display of mana-creation. Its cast time was minimal and the speed of travel was effective on opponents of up to half-step Gold-Rank. It was, however... improperly named.

...It wasn\'t something of great importance, but Tycon made a mental note to correct Krysaos later.

Wonderboy\'s wide eyes lost King\'s glow for a moment as he realized the gravity of his situation. He desperately slashed at one of the mana-creations while the other bit into his shoulder.


Simultaneously, Krysaos launched himself forward, leaving behind a jet of water. Wonderboy managed to deflect the Captain\'s opening sword lunge, but the pommel of the Heart of the Ocean struck him in the eye.

Reversing the direction of his sword, the Captain slashed at Wonderboy\'s face. The fellow swayed back and tried to bring up his weapons defensively-- but he was too slow. A line of blood was drawn deep across his eyes, taking his sight.

Capitalizing on his advantage, Krysaos stomped on Wonderboy\'s foot while grabbing and pulling down on his arm. The Coral Boy dropped, cracking the side of his head on the hard dirt.



"YOU GET \'EM, CAP\'N!!!!"

"TALK SH*T!!" Catshit yelled.

"""""GET HITTTTT!!!!!""""" The Coral Boys yelled in unison, pumping their fists and tossing up their hats in celebration.

It was... a woefully simple rhyme or... \'catch-phrase\'... but it was an appropriate aphorism for the situation.

Tycon liked it.

With Wonderboy taken off his feet, Krysaos showed little mercy. He quickly sheathed the Heart of the Ocean, grabbed Wonderboy\'s feet and... began to deliver several full-weighted stomps to the fellow\'s... crotch.

"CAP\'N!! CAP\'N, PLEASE!!" The fool sobbed, "Uhu hUUhhhUUuh~! WE\'Z SORRY, CAP\'N!!! S-STOP!!! STAHHhhaaAAHHP!!!~"

"Almost done, boyo," Krysaos laughed as he again unsheathed his sword.

"OH! Oh, good, we--" Wonderboy\'s eyes widened in horror as he realized his pitiful life was about to be ended, "C-C-C-C-CAP\'N?!!? whYYYY?!?"

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