The Villain Can't Lose

Chapter 47 A Tool That Can Build Or Destroy

As the energy flowed through my body, I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins. It was as if every cell in my body was alive with an electric charge, pulsing with a newfound strength and vitality.

I gasped as I felt the energy within me growing, feeling as if I could lift mountains with the strength that was now at my disposal. It was an exhilarating feeling, yet at the same time, it was also unsettling.

As the energy ebbed away, I realized that my blood wasn\'t the same anymore. It felt different, as if it had been infused with a new sense of purpose and power. I could feel it pulsing through my veins, carrying with it a sense of strength and determination that was almost palpable.

It was a strange and unsettling feeling, yet, at the same time, it was also exhilarating. I knew that I had been changed by the energy that had flowed through me, and I was ready to face whatever lay ahead, with a newfound sense of strength and purpose.

"We accept you and giving you a gift, use the technique well and for good purposes…" The woman spoke and melted on the ground like a snowflake in the warm weather.

Was I just given the technique? I understood that much, as something similar happened to the previous Rowen in the book. The blood manipulation was the side that came from his mother, but I remember that Rowen wasn\'t very good with it, "how and why…?" I whispered as I looked at Nari.

I couldn\'t quite understand why was I accepted to receive this power, but what surprised me more was the fact that this weird woman knew I wasn\'t the real Rowen.

"How strange…" I looked at my palm.

I started moving my right hand, flexing my fingers and testing my grip. As I did, I felt a strange sensation in my palm, as if there was something heavy and weighty there. It was a strange feeling, yet at the same time, it was also familiar, as if I had felt it before.

As I continued to move my hand up and down, I suddenly became aware of Nari\'s presence. It was as if I could feel her heart beating, a heavy blood circulating around it, carrying with it a sense of life and vitality.

"Rowen?" Her voice sounded stir, but I didn\'t listen and focused my thoughts, channeling my mana towards Nari\'s heart. With a sense of purpose and determination, I began to manipulate the flow of blood, seeking to bring balance and harmony to her body.

It was a strange and exhilarating feeling, as if I had been given a new sense of power and purpose. I could feel the energy flowing through me, but then I saw Nari\'s eyes flash with determination as she channeled her purple power into her palm. The energy swirled and crackled, coalescing into the form of a kunai. As she lunged forward, I knew that I was in trouble.

"Nari, wait!" I shouted at her and felt how my throat became dry and felt soar.

She didn\'t listen.

The magic kunai shimmered in the air as Nari brought it down towards me. I tried to dodge, but it was too fast. The kunai struck me with a force that sent me staggering backwards. I felt a sharp pain as the blade cut through my shoulder, and I stumbled to the ground.

As I lay there, I watched how Nari raised her arm again, ready to strike. She was a force to be reckoned with, her purple power giving her strength and speed beyond what I had ever seen before. I knew that I needed to act fast if I wanted to avoid another hit.

"Wait!!!!" I shouted again and then gulped, eyes wide open and with a heartbeat louder than the dropping water from the ceiling onto the ground, I managed to make her pause.

Breathless and sweating, I stood my ground as Nari regained her footing. She glared at me with a fierce intensity, her eyes still glowing with the power of her magic kunai. I knew that I had to be careful - one wrong move and I could be struck down again.

"What did you do to me?!" She yelled, "what did you do to me!" Her voice was demanding for my answer.

I wasn\'t sure myself… I just sensed how her blood circulated inside her body and if I was some kind of doctor, I surged to fix it with my hands.

"Nari…." I paused, seeing her black eyes fierce and cutting me through, I struggled to come up with words.

"I don\'t know, I think I\'ve finally inherited my mother\'s blood manipulation power!" I raised my tone and closed my right eye, carefully glancing at her with my left one.

"Blood manipulation? How is this even possible…?" She lowered her hand, as her face relaxed too.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ I felt a knot form in my stomach as I looked at Nari, her eyes focused on me. She was confident and determined, her posture strong and unwavering, but calm. I couldn\'t help but feel a sense of awkwardness in her presence - she seemed so self-assured, while I felt like a bumbling fool.

The smell of the dungeon\'s filth and decay only added to my discomfort.

The scent was pungent and acrid, with a sticky sweet undertone that only served to intensify the revulsion.

It was overpowering, making my eyes water and my stomach turn. I tried my best to ignore it, but the stench seemed to cling to my clothes and skin, making me feel even more self-conscious, "why didn\'t I notice that before?" I frowned as I whispered to myself.

"Answer me, what is this power?" Nari shouted once again.

This was a brand new side of her that I\'ve never seen before, "it\'s a power that allows you to manipulate blood…" I answered her.

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