Origin Lust Sword System

Chapter 81 The Treasure Items

"If you used them with another energy which wasn\'t compatible with them, they would either won\'t work, or their performance would greatly plummet. There are also Universal Treasures that could be used by any type of energy, but they are too hard to make, not to mention precious.

"And your mask isn\'t seemed to be a Universal Treasure. So, the moment you change your cultivation system to Qi, the magic item loses its compatible energy medium, which is Mana, not Qi.

"That\'s why you started to feel uncomfortable because this mask stopped working at its full efficiency like before. This also made it exposed to my probing of mortal level despite being a magic item above the mortal grade." Cyrus patiently explained.

Hilda was no longer calm as she quickly asked, "Then why can\'t I take it off? Since it lost its compatibility, why can\'t it be removed? Furthermore, I never felt this mask taking any mana from me before while you\'re saying it was in sync with my mana?"

Cyrus couldn\'t help but sneer, "Let me ask you a question instead, do you know about the Spiritual Marks?"

Hilda replied with uncertainty, as she didn\'t know why he bought up this question, "You\'re talking about the Spiritual Mark we used on space rings to claim its ownership and stop others from using it as long as the owner of the Spiritual Mark is either removed it willingly or killed?"

Cyrus nodded, "Yes. But you only know the crudest definition of a spiritual mark while its use is also not just limited to just marking a space ring. In truth, a spiritual mark is a unique life signature of a living being like DNA.

"Every person has a different spiritual mark, and it is impossible for someone to have an identical spiritual mark. Any energy produces from within ourselves has this unique life signature, even in your blood.

"The more powerful you are, the more powerful your spiritual mark become with you. That\'s why the spiritual mark is used to claim ownership of a treasure item. Unless someone more powerful than you try to remove it with a secret spell or the true owner dies, the spiritual mark will never fade, nor will the item be useful for anyone else.

"There is even more profound use of spiritual marks like making someone your slave, signing treasure contracts like that oath relic and such.

"Now let me ask you again, if someone has a mortal spiritual mark while another person has a god spiritual mark, do you think the person with a mortal spiritual mark would be able to detect that god spiritual mark or detect any item with a god spiritual mark on it?"

Hilda\'s eyes widened slightly as she finally understood what Cyrus was implying, "Could it be this mask…"

Cyrus smiled coldly, "Yes, not only is this mask above mortal grade, but it also has a spiritual mark on it. This means this treasure was also under the spiritual mark\'s owner\'s control. So even if he wants you dead, you would never know how you died because a mortal can\'t comprehend the action of a God."

Hilda was really spooked by this terrifying revelation, "Didn\'t this mean he\'s been watching all my actions?"

Cyrus shook his head, "No, it\'s not that simple unless that guy is a true God, the things he can do is limited, and it\'s also depended on the treasure item as well. He can\'t control a treasure item from anywhere just because he feels like it.

"First, it depends on the limitation of the treasure item grade and what kind of treasure it is and its functions. Then comes the wielder\'s prowess if they can use the treasure item to its full capacity or not.

"In your case, your mask is probably an ascension-grade item, and it could also be higher. I can\'t tell for sure until it had its owner\'s spiritual mark. Nevertheless, one thing is for sure this magic item isn\'t a spying type item."

Hilda had a sigh of relief, but her heart skipped a beat when she heard Cyrus\'s next words.

"If I\'m not wrong, this thing is consuming your destruction energy which generates from your unique deity physique, thereby suppressing your growth rate. However, now that you stopped cultivating the silver magic element and started cultivating the destruction Qi element, which compliments your physique, this mask\'s capacity to annex your natural destruction energy has greatly plummeted.

"However, it is still enough to slow down your progress in the Qi system as well. Like now, you should\'ve reached the 12th stage of the Body Qi Tempering Stage, but you are only at the peak of the Qi gathering realm.

"That\'s how I suspected something was wrong with you, and this mask also started to show its traces. It seemed your temple priest has other plans for you once you turn 25." Cyrus coldly smiled, which sent chills down Hilda\'s spine. Even that warm water didn\'t feel warm anymore.

"What did he want?" She asked with uncertainty, as she never thought the amiable temple priest would want to harm her.

Cyrus shrugged his shoulder, "Who knows, he might want to refine you into a treasure, or turn you into a slave puppet, or human medicine, or want to steal your deity physique. Anything is possible in this universe. You and I are nothing but a speck of dust."

Cyrus sighed at the end as he was really feeling insignificant whenever he remembered his death; even a God can die without even knowing why.

Although her face was hidden behind that mask, her eyes were now filled with horror when she heard Cyrus mentioning those nefarious things like they were some trifle matters.

Especially the parts about turning her into a slave puppet, human medicine, or stealing her talent. She never even thought it was possible. She was simply too naïve when she thought she had seen enough hardship.

But it appeared she didn\'t even scratch the surface of what sort of thing a person was capable of or what kind of length people are willing to go for power.

However, she felt quite strange that Cyrus was telling her all this and remained calm as if he wasn\'t afraid that she would suspect him or do the same things to her. Not only that, but he wasn\'t in the least bit worried about this whole situation.

"C-can you help me?" She asked faintly.

At this juncture, she was long passed the point of returning. Even if Cyrus gave her a chance to leave now, she won\'t because she wasn\'t sure if she could be able to trust anyone after this.

At least Cyrus was telling her things right to her face, and his motives were quite obvious. Even if he was lying, she was sure he wasn\'t lying about the mask on her face. He even gave her that cultivation technique which was by no means ordinary.

Besides, she was sitting almost naked right next to him, yet he was as calm as a monk and talking to her like they were not in a bath but at dinner.

This made her feel more confident in Cyrus.

Cyrus said matter-of-factly, "Of course, I will help you. Didn\'t I say there\'s no need to act like a stranger around me? We are Dao companions, after all."

Hilda felt warmth in her heart and felt even more conflicted feelings rising within her stone-cold heart.

At the end of the day, she was still a young girl who had never come in contact with a man who treated her sincerely. So, it ought to pull some strings of her heart.

As she looked into Cyrus\'s clear eyes, she felt something like a strange current run through her entire body.

Cyrus also noticed the ripples in Hilda\'s eyes, and he knew he had managed to move her heart a little.

"Y-YOU TWO!!?" At this moment, a bewildered voice which was more shrill, rang in the silent vicinity.

This also broke the strange atmosphere developing between the two as they looked back and saw Rita wearing a white bathrobe like Hilda, and she was looking at them with her arm akimbo. Her gaze was filled with resentment, especially when she saw how close Hilda was to Cyrus.

Hilda trembled under Rita\'s scrutinizing gaze as her neck turned crimson, but she fought her urge to run away and remain sitting in her position.

Cyrus, on the other hand, remained the same as he waved his hand, "So, you\'re finally awake. Join us. This water is quite special."

Rita was speechless when she saw how natural Cyrus was, and with narrowed eyes, she walked toward them. When she smelled the unique scent, her eyes lit up.

When she saw Hilda was wearing the bathrobe while Cyrus was also covering his manhood, she felt a lot better. So, she quickly descends to Cyrus\'s other side without removing her robe though. She still had some shame around strangers.

But unlike Hilda, she directly huge Cyrus\'s chest and giggled beautifully, "This place is so cozy."

Hilda suddenly felt a fire had been lit within her seeing Rita\'s action!

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