Origin Lust Sword System

Chapter 70 Era Of Dimension (2)

The very first dimension appeared after engulfing a large human city. At that time, no one knew what a dimension was or where those humans vanished.

Because just like the slum district, the entire city was engulfed under a white fog, and no one could get inside.

It was sometime later that people found out that this process was known as \'dimension formation.\'

When a new dimension was descended on this world, based on its rank, it would take a certain amount of time to form fully, and then a \'dimension gate\' would appear on any random spot, which was the sole entrance and exit inside a dimension.

There were seven ranks of dimension humans had denoted to this day by the time they were taken to form.

Iron rank, which takes around five to ten days to fully formed a dimension gate.

Bronze rank takes 11 to 30 days.

Silver rank takes 30 to 40 days.

Golden rank takes 40 to 100 days.

Platinum rank takes 100 to 200 days.

Dark Platinum rank takes one year to two years.

Lastly, the Unknown rank would take around three to five years.

Every dimension has its different environment, rich with magic elements and energy.

The concept of magic also appeared after the appearance of the very first dimension because soon after the dimension appeared magic energy also started to appear in this world.

As for how to utilize that energy, this concept was also learned from the dimensions because the dimension wasn\'t just deadly, but they were also rewarding.

When a dimension was formed, two sides were pulled into an independent space. It was also the first time the humans encountered other races and knew just how massive the difference was between them and those races, especially those who could use magic.

The first two years after the dimensions started to appear were apocalyptic for the human race as they were killed by those dimension creatures, and only some of them were able to survive and return to tell the tail.

It was the true moment of despair for humanity as a whole. Until it all changed when in the third year of the dimension era, a special type of dimension appeared.

This dimension didn\'t form like the other rank dimensions, but a dimension gate was directly materialized, and the world space also didn\'t get absorbed by it.

This dimension was known as the \'Temple Dimension\' because a temple dimension was a dimension with intelligent beings who didn\'t attack anyone. On the contrary, they provide aid to those beings who are new to the dimension concepts.

A Temple Dimension could bless a human with knowledge as long as they passed the temple dimension trials. Hilda\'s bloodline was also a reward from one of the fifteen temple dimensions present in this world.

Not only temple dimension would teach them how to utilize magic and give them exotic bloodlines and many other exotic rewards. As long as they cleared any of these temple dimensions trials, they could grow fast by killing the dimension creatures from any dimension except a temple dimension.

This changed the entire fate of humanity as humans started to pass more trails in the temple dimensions and gain power over the dimensions. They started to conquer the dimensions one by one.

The once deadly dimensions become sanctuaries for them to grow strong.

The once-disrupted system of humanity also started to get back on trails, and the entire structure of this world changed. The humans build new cities around the temple dimensions while they build guard stations around the rank dimensions.

But not everyone was happy because some people couldn\'t seem to develop in this new world system. They were none other than ordinaries and BODs.

The former couldn\'t seem to have a talent for magic, and they were destined to be dimension slaves, nor could they enter a temple dimension.

As for BODs, they were even worse as exposure to dense among of magic energy was like a fatal poison to them, and they couldn\'t live anywhere news a temple dimension that only appeared in affluent magic energy areas.

Afterward, what happened was not a mystery to Cyrus. Both ordinaries and BODs were declared exiles and locked in this place as humanity gave up on them.

Although it was sad, Cyrus knew in any world with magic power; there was no place for weaklings. Even in a cultivation society, those who had worse talent will always call trash, and they were treated worse than animals.

"So, the Silver Wing Dimension you mentioned before is also a Temple Dimension?" Cyrus asked as they calmly walked into the sky while those skeletons were teeming on the ground.

Hilda got somewhat used to walking above the sky like they were taking a walk, so she was no longer as scared as she was before. She nodded, "Yes, Silver Wing Dimension is the number four temple dimension that appeared in 43rd DY (Dimension Year).

"My ancestor was the first one to receive the silver wing dimension bloodline, so they became their spokesperson, and our family became an \'Overseer Clan.\' There are ten overseer clans of the first ten temple dimensions."

"You said there are fifteen temple dimensions. What about the other five, and what kind of authority does this \'spokesperson\' hold?" Cyrus asked curiously.

"A temple dimension is filled with intelligent creatures like us, and they weren\'t hostile until provoked. But they needed someone to speak for them in this world since they couldn\'t enter here like the natives.

"So, whoever was the first one to pass their first trial and acquired their unique dimension bloodline, they made them their spokesperson. The benefits of being a spokesperson are the person and their decedents can enjoy discounts on temple dimension items as well as they will get priority to choose temple missions first and many more.

"That\'s why the overseer clans turn into ten overlords of this world quite fast. As for the reaming five temple dimensions, they didn\'t have the concept of a spokesperson because they didn\'t have any intelligent beings at all.

"According to the temple dimensions backing us, those temple dimensions only hold knowledge but not items or bloodline. So, they become public and a place for the youths of small families to hone their skills before they were selected in ten clans." Hilda impassively explained.

Cyrus narrowed his eyes, "Only knowledge but no items nor any living being, huh? Quite interesting. It seems everyone belittles those five temple dimensions since they only contain knowledge and no rewards.

"Earlier, you said you can\'t betray the silver wing dimension. Does this have something to do with the temple dimension, right?" He asked.

Hilda didn\'t hide it and nodded in response, "Although the ten temple dimensions are filled with resources. But there is always a price to pay for benefits. Anyone who acquired a dimension bloodline from a certain temple can\'t enter another temple dimension, no matter what they do.

"Moreover, we can\'t reveal the information or take anything out of the temple dimension, or we\'ll be killed mysteriously. However, …"

Hilda didn\'t continue and only looked at Cyrus with a complicated look in her eyes, she still didn\'t forget about how he extracted the bloodline pill from her body, and now the pill had appeared in this world without any consent of the temple dimension.

It should be impossible according to those temples, but in front of her eyes, the impossible turned into child\'s play by the man walking together with her in the sky.

No matter what kind of relationship she has with him now or in the future, it won\'t change the respect and reverse she has for him.

Cyrus clearly understood what she was implying and chuckled, "As I told you, you are only looking at the sky from a narrow space. Once you break free from that space, you\'ll see the sky has no limits.

"There are many things I still don\'t understand about these temple dimensions, so I will be relying on you for detailed information, especially these things they didn\'t want you to divulge.

"If I\'m not wrong, they are getting something out of it, and they are not leading you guys to the right path either. So, it\'s quite clear they are not teaching an ignorant race out of kindness from their heart.

"But it\'s also possible I\'m wrong since Saints also exist. Nevertheless, I like to see things from the worst possible direction, and this nasty habit of mine has saved me many times I could count for." Cyrus smiled as he advised with a hint of nostalgia.

Out of late, he started to remember his past, which he had forgotten with time. Many forgotten things were coming back to him which were deemed merely mortal feelings by his godly mind.

Hilda remembered Cyrus\'s words by heart since she still thought of him as her new teacher, and as well as she respected him as a senior like her uncle.

Right now, she only had power in mind, and as long as Cyrus won\'t force her, she might never let him touch her.

At least, that is what she thought for now.

Suddenly, she asked, "I still don\'t know your name. I also haven\'t introduced myself. My name is Hilda Maximilian!"

Cyrus glanced at her and grinned, "Cyrus Lust!"

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