Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 323 - Go Away For Your Own Good!

Angelica stared hard at Cedric after venting out her anger. Her eyes challenged him daringly and didn\'t falter for a long time. Sienna from other side gasped out in fear. Her palms instinctively reached out to press on her lips as she murmured lowly,

" Mother.. What.. what did you say? "

Cedric was frozen in his spot. His expression flashed in surprisement a little before turning murderous. In a blink of eye, his eyes were full of fire, burning like hell as if he would consume the entire world in his rage within a moment. His words came out icily,

" So you were the person from that night?"

Angelica had to bit down her tongue hardly. Her eyes dialeted in fear and hands started to crawl backwards slowly. Out of rage, she forgot to pay attention on the secret that was buried inside her stomach for a long time. Angelica began to murmur incoherently while distancing herself from Cedric,

" I..I..I didn\'t say.. anything.. Cedric..I didn\'t..."

Her words were destined to be incompleted. Cedric\'s long hand glided down and held her throat harshly. Angelica choked on her own saliva and started to feel lacking of oxygen. Her eyes teared as she met his demonic eyes that were burning like nothing less than hell.

Cedric spoke between his gritted teeth in his husky voice,

" Angelica Catholine, If this words come out from your mouth ever, I will make sure that your all successors burn in hell and your proud kingdom ends up being ash. You heard me? Speak! "

Angelica nodded vigorously between her chokes and sobs. Cedric snapped his devilish eyes at Sienna who knew the secret too. Receiving his silent glare, Sienna immediately understood his underlined meaning and uttered in a promising voice,

" I.. I won\'t speak to anyone ever..I haven\'t heard anything brother Cedric.. Please let go of my mother.."

With a cold sneer, Cedric dropped Angelica on the ground and growled at them beastly,

" Come inside the Mystic Grove. If I don\'t find Ayra, you both will become the delicious deal of those hungry Sirius."

Sienna pursued her lips to refuse but Cedric\'s burning eyes laid on them. She swallowed her reluctance and nodded as an obedient student.

Mystic Grove was one of the most scariest valley that Balvina had ever. One of the noteable point was that the land didn\'t accept unknown figure in its territory. Except the Royal Members of Balvina Castle and people who had the blood of Dixon clan in their vein, the land didn\'t show any mercy on others. Whoever unfamiliar to them invaded in that territory faced the extreme wrath of their creatures. Naturally they won\'t recognize Ayra since she was being married to Cedric for a day nearly. Regarding Sienna who wasn\'t related by blood to Dixon Clan gained her permission to enter much later on under the persistent of Angelica.

With the two fearfully trailing him off, Cedric made his way inside the Mystic Grove.

Meanwhile, Ayra continued her journey inside the Mystic Grove. By the time she thought of checking on Angelica and Sienna, she had walked far away from the entrance. Halting in her track, she turned around but found noone except the crowd trees around.

Her face fell and brows furrowed in confusion. Darting her eyes here and there, she found no sign of them. Instantly she started to get bad feelings and decided to walk out of the spot.

Just when her feet took a step forward, something started to change of her surrounding. Retracting her feet abruptly, she wandered her eyes around and saw the sudden changes that was occurring across the land. In a blink of eye, night had fallen down inside the garden. Even though it looked impossible but Ayra could firmly remember that it was still morning when she entered into the garden.

Except the lights of fireflies, the entire space was drapped in a pitch darkness. Crickets began to make annoymous sound from nearby bushes as if she was transported into a different world.

Ayra didn\'t feel afraid. From her early childhood, she faced such magical powers and creatures that she was used it. But it was hard for her to determine what was going to happen since she had zero knowledge about Mystic Grove or BALVINA\'s magical lands.

Ayra didn\'t stop from her track. With a sharp look of surrounding, she started to take her pace again. After taking only two steps forward, she found something weird. No matter how many steps she took forward, her ground remained the same and she was taken back to the same spot in where she was standing earlier.

Then she came to a realization that this place wasn\'t any common land but a magical place. Though she could use her own magic, she hesitated to take any move. Sometimes using her own magical powers could bring destruction as she had no knowledge about the creatures stayed in that place.

Ayra stood grounded and confused about what should be her next step. She wasn\'t progressing anywhere. But her thoughts didn\'t remain longer as she heard an animalistic snarl from her back.

Startled by this sudden noise, Ayra whipped her head around and froze when she saw the gigantic animal from her other side. The animal looked so strange in her eyes. His face resembled like dog but he had sharp canniens more likely wolves that she had seen in Basarisk. His claws were like dogs but had long sharp nails. His mouth was hanging open in a hungry growl at Ayra\'s way. His eyes were glowing like a monstrous creature who had been thirsy for blood for ages. It was approaching Ayra slowly.

Ayra looked back at the creature with same ruthlessness that the creature had in his eyes. Somewhere it shocked the angry creature when he saw Ayra\'s powerful eyes.

Ayra\'s breathing hitched as she started to bargain his time before attacking,

" Look..I mean no harm to you. Stay back! "

She tried to drive him away. Attacking on an innocent creature was wrong to her own perspective of view. Judging from his attacking reason, Ayra could vaguely understand that this creatures were put here to guard this territory. It was her who fell in someone\'s trap and invaded in their territory.

Ayra\'s vampire side started to awake from her soul. Her vampire part felt challenged and wanted to come out and show her presence. Ayra battled to keep it inside. If this two parts awakes at the same time, disaster can\'t be dodged in any intent.

The creature didn\'t understand her words. It started approaching her again. This time, Ayra was scared but not by the creature. She was getting afraid of her own powers that were boiling inside to come out.

She tried to convince the creature again in her shaking voice,

" Go.. harm..."

Her body shook and fists started to clench in ecasty. Something was growling inside her mind and was battling hard to come out. The creature was persistent and started to approach her again after howling in an animalistic roar.

Ayra\'s breathing heavied and veins popped out from her forehead. A snarl came out from her throat as she hissed at herself in annoyance.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she whispered to the creature again,

" Go.. away..for.. your... own.. good.."

Then it happened! Her eyes snapped open in shot and her two different colored eyeballs appeared in the vision of that creature.


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