Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 297 - Omnious Wedding Part 1

Voice Of Love: " If there is only darkeness with you, I don\'t mind being the demon of darkeness for you 

~ Cedric Arnaldo Dixon "

RECOMMENDED SONG: Never Let Me Go By Florence & The Machine ~?

The guests from wedding all stood up in terror and glanced over the stage where a dead owl was laying. The priest in charge of their wedding started to tremble as if he had seen a ghost. Ayra glanced up at Cedric nervously whose expression turned downcast. Unaware about what was the meaning of this sudden incident, Ayra started to pay attention on the whispers around.

The guests continued gossiping ruthlessly. Some even told that she wasn\'t eligible to get married hence she was the first Cursed Child ever belonged in the history. Perhaps she was the definition of destruction. Most of them their words were harsh piercing through her heart and soul. She took glimpse of her fathers expression who also stood up from their seats and were staring at her nervously. She wasn\'t afraid that Cedric would call off this wedding. But the dreadful look on Ethan and Aaron\'s expression made her sad and useless.

Was she really bringing bad luck to her family?

Ayra questioned herself as her lips pursued together to stiffle a stubborn choke. She kept standing silently and waited to hear the final words from Cedric.

The priest who was taken from the Vampire world continued explaining harshly,

" Your Highness! A dead owl inside the wedding is considered to be omnious in Vampire rituals. Besides this girl is the first hybrid born in both relams. If you continue this wedding with her, your life may be fall in danger. This sign is the evidence of misfortune in this wedding."

The priest\'s words created another commotion inside the crowd whose hatred towards Ayra grew twice stronger. One of the girl who fancied Cedric from the ball blurted out boldly,

" Who knows that she might bring destruction on Basarisk Kingdom too! Your Highness should judge consideringly."

Ayra endured each of their harsh words. Her lips tightened together to hold back the pain that she felt from their words. She was ready to go back to her castle as no king would put his kingdom in danger.

Aaron almost lost his patience and wanted to scowl at the people who dared to be rude with his dearest Princess. Just as he turned to warn the noisy outsiders, Ethan grabbed his arms signalling that at least they should wait for Cedric\'s final decision.

Cedric dwelled in deep thoughts. His pair of dark hooded eyes blankly observed the owl down there.

Meantime, Arthur had already gone further away from the venue in order to find them. His curious eyes wandered around the corner but seeing none of them nearby, he grew worried. Feard that something might have happened in his absence, he started to proceed for the darkest part of their floral garden randomly. Unknown about the fact that Ayra\'s wedding was paused midway, he continued his journey towards the direction.

Elizabeth finally managed to slip out from his cage. Gulping a lungful breath greedily, the first thing that she had done to Alexander was a tight slap on his cheeks.

The brutal sound of her slap echoed in the heavy air of darkeness. As if Alexander had returned to reality, he jolted snapping his head aside and mind went blank for a while.

Elizabeth kept staring at him with her reddened eyes and didn\'t understand why did he do that. To be honest, she wouldn\'t mind being kissed by him willingly but his behavior was rough and rogue which made her disgusted from the core of her heart.

Alexander pursued his lips together but couldn\'t speak a single word. Being slapped by her, it was something that he never expected before. He tilted his face up to see her crying face and his heart ached painfully.

Fluttering his eyelashes nervously, he murmured lowly,

" sorry..I just lost control.."

Elizabeth kept biting her lips together to hold back her chokes. Her tears kept falling down uncontrollably as if she was in grieved state. She sniffed her nose slightly and whispered coldly,

" Don\'t ever try to provoke me when you have no true intentions for me. I hate being decevied with my feelings. Besides I am not your concubine to keep on."

Elizabeth spoke before turning to leave but Alexander promptly grabbed her arms again. Forcing her to face him, he emphasized his thoughts in words sincerely,

" Elizabeth..You are thinking wrong of me..I..I"

" What are you two doing in here?", Arthur\'s voice came from their back. Both of them jolted before staying apart and looked up at Arthur nervously. Arthur remained clueless but there was a hint of dissapointment behind the layer of his eyes.

The crowd continued throwing tantrums as if Ayra was one kind of dark creature that ever lived in century. Some of them even started to wander that what if joining this wedding would bring misfortune of their lives too. With this negative thought, few guests had already started to take their leaves and even encouraged others to follow them outside. They should have understood that a cursed child would bring no good luck to anyone no matter the law changed or not.

Ayra started to feel break down when she vaguely spotted them leaving. The man ahead of him was still silent as if he was hesitating to spit out his inner thought. As it was said that silence is the definition of \' yes\', Ayra assumed that Cedric was hesitating to call off this wedding in front of so many people.

Without meeting his eyes, she sighed shakingly and picked up her one feet to stride down from the stage. Even she could sense that the priest was hating her for standing there too.

Just when she turned around to leave, she felt a sharp pull from back making her jolt to stay on her earlier spot. Ayra gasped softly turning around and heard his intimidating voice,

" Did I permit you to leave?"

Ayra was left rendered speechless and peered at him blankly through her transparent veil. Snorting at her gut coldly, Cedric took a glimpse of those running out people and shouted at them dangerously,

" Go away! I don\'t want anyone in my wedding."

Turning his attention back to the priest who was fearfully silent, he barked still gripping her arms,

" What did you just say? My wife would bring misfortune?"

The priest had to swallow hard and nodded his head with hesitation. Feeling a bit courageous for his prominent status of being the head priest of Vampire world, he asserted confidently,

" Yes, Your Highness! This lady isn\'t good for anyone."

To everyone\'s surprise, Cedric suddenly cracked into a hilarious laughter as if he heard a good joke. Still laughing out loud from his lungs, he spoke to the priest in a sarcastic voice,

" I , myself is the renowned demon king across the worlds who has all source of evil powers in my hands. So you still think that she can cause more misfortune to me when I, myself am the devil?"

Ayra was stunned before looking up at the devilish faced man who had no slight of sadness on his face. He was very comfortable in expressing himself as the greatest Demon King. This time, the priest was lost of words and couldn\'t find a word to rebuke anymore.

He dropped his head down uncomfortablely and started to stammer..

" Umm..but your highness..How can we..."

" Continue the wedding if you want to stay alive for a few more years.", Cedric\'s threatening voice came out indifferently.

The priest was so freaked out that he reopened his book hastily without meeting his dark eyes. Cedric pulled his eyes back on the dead owl and gave it a hard kick. The dead bird flew few metres away from them and landed down like a useless trash.

He scoffed rolling his eyes around,

" What a piece of trash is capable enough to stop my wedding! Ridiculous! "

Averting his eyes on Ayra who was speechless again, he scowled with a threatening glare,

" And you! Where did you think of running away?"

Ayra finally regained her composure and muttered nervously,

" You.. you don\'t mind?"

Cedric chuckled pouting his lips amusingly and responded slowly,

" Have you ever heard that a demon would mind marrying a demoness?"

Ayra\'s face sank immediately. She freed herself from his grip and replied shaking her head helplessly,

" are unpredictable and behave like a child.."

Cedric replied shamelessly without caring about who heard his words or not,

" Then adopt me.. Mommy.."

Ayra almost spatted blood after his response and glared at him harshly. Shifting her eyes back on the stunned priest, she urged rubbing forehead impatiently,

" Please continue with the rituals fast or else I will go insane anytime soon. I don\'t have so much patience to tolerate his nonsensical humor anymore. Please make it fast."


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