Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 237 - Truth Revealtion Part 3

Esme took a deep breath to console her emotions and stepped ahead before standing beside Ethan elegantly. Her blue eyes reflected those memories which haunted her for years. She could still remember the day when Ester had barged inside her cave and tried to snatch Ayra from her.


It was raining lightly on that night. Frequent thunderstroks frightened the living creatures across the valley and made them shivering in fear of Mother nature.

Esme just had finished feeding the crying child in her arms and was preparing to sing lullaby. She amused over the fact that though she wasn\'t her biological mother, the baby always played comfortably in her arms.

Esme smiled faintly at the half-sleeping Ayra and caressed her chubby cheeks lovingly. Just when she was going to plant a goodnight kiss on her forehead, Esme heard quick footsteps trespassing into her cave hurriedly.

Her nerves immediately got on alert and dropped the sleeping beauty over the shabby bed cautiously. Esme hauled up from her seating position and kept her eyes glued over the entrance tightly. No matter who had entered into her place, she must fight back before the other party finds Ayra\'s existence.

Moments later, the trespasser finally appeared on her sight and pushing her into an awestruck look. Stupified for a while, Esme mumbled widening her eyes apart,

" Brother Ester! "

Ester cracked into a cold smile and shifted his eyes back on that little girl. Lucky that his spies found the flaws behind that burning incident. Queen Mother had failed to identify the real child and perhaps burnt another imposter.

Ester played with the stick in his hands and mocked with a sneer,

" Well well.. Princess Esme is actually hiding a child from her family. I wonder who is her father?"

Esme\'s nerves immediately got tensed up. She could sense the fact that Ester was definitely holding suspension towards Ayra. Esme answered keeping her tone polite,

" Brother Ester.. It\'s not something what are you thinking of.. Please don\'t tell anyone about this child. I can explain this to you."

Ester wanted to laugh at her helplessness. Obviously he understood that this child had nothing to do with Esme but how could he let go of this rare opportunity? His only intention was to remove competitors from his path and Esme was an obstacle on his pathway.

Ester faked a roaring voice and pretended to be ashamed,

" Explain? Explain what little sister? You have secretly given birth to a baby without our consent. How will mother show her face to the world after this? Have you ever thought of this? No way, I am going to inform mother telling that what her beloved daughter is doing behind her back."

Ester already prepared to leave the cave. He only wanted to confirm with his own eyes that the child was staying with Esme.

Esme\'s face sank as she immediately dropped on her knees. She pleaded looking up at Ester sorrowfully,

" Don\'t underestimate me, brother Ester. She is just an innocent child. I am only taking care of her for the sake of someone. Don\'t tell others, I beg you."

Ester slightly paused in his track, turned his face to see Esme on her knees and sneered coldly,

" Do you think that I will believe in your bullshit stories? You are definitely cracking up ideas to divert my attention. I am my mother\'s most loyal child. I will definitely not her keep in dark."

Saying his final words, Ester headed outside leaving Esme in her crying position and didn\'t spare a glance on her way. Esme shouted and pleaded numerous times but the ruthless man didn\'t even turn away.

After that night, Ester had successfully spreaded the rumors among citizens that Esme had actually secret affair and given birth to a bastard child. Naturally the citizens were all furious and seeked explanations from Queen Melinda who was shocked like others.

On that day, Esme had been dragged down in front of high fairies and Melinda forcefully. The interrogation went on and Ester who created all this misunderstandings enjoyed the show from a side.

Before taking his seat, he left a comment to erupt Esme\'s anger more,

" Tsk...I pity on you and your so called baby, sister.."

Esme didn\'t argue back. Her pained eyes looked up at Ester plainly and gave a brief reply,

" No one can kill my child as long as I want."

At that time, Ester didn\'t believe her words, let out another laughter and walked back to seat on his place.

" Tell us, are those rumors true about you?", the highest ranked fairy questioned angrily from his spot. 

Esme sighed softly and without defending herself, she admitted indifferently,

" Yes! The child belongs to me."

Queen Melinda stood up from her throne shockingly. Her eyes were widening in disbelief as she couldn\'t believe her own ears that her child could do such shameful act.

Another high fairy intervened asking out harshly,

" Do you know the consequences of giving birth a bastard child in our tribe?"

Esme again replied coldly,

" I do! "

Again she shocked everyone with her cold replies. When she looked up at her mother\'s eyes, she saw the immense hatred for her which already broke her inner spirit. Queen Melinda had nothing to say since Esme admitted each crimes against her.

Upon concluding everything deeply, the highest fairy announced loudly,

" As you all see that Esme Chole has admitted every accusations against her, we,as the council of Dalastia hereby declares that she has knowingly or unknowingly done a griev crime which is unforgiven in our laws. We have decided to punish the criminal to keep our laws fair for everyone. Her child will be thrown into our magical Dark Cave which will take her life in the most peaceful way. Regarding Princess Esme, she will have no place in Dalastia from now own and all her powers would be sealed by us until we decide that she needs to be forgiven. She can live anywhere except Dalastia world. Her existence will have nothing to do with us anymore."

The crowd chirped happily at this final decision and shot Esme disdainful glares who had held down by a group of guards. Ester smirked viciously and watched Esme from sideway who had no reaction on her face.

A bit suspicious, Ester quickly ordered a guard,

" Bring her child out. We should take her life fast. She is just a jinx for our family."

Esme bit down her lips tightly upon hearing his ruthless words and glanced up at Ester coldly. With her breathing hitched heavily,she asserted coldly,

" You will regret for touching my child one day, Ester."

Ester ignored her warning with a sneer and snatched the child from guard\'s hand harshly. Later he passed the child to a high fairy who was in charge of taking Ayra\'s life.

Esme looked around the fairies coldly and couldn\'t believe that they were actually happy to take a child\'s life.

Does law matters to them before everything?

Before she could think further away, another high fairy walked around behind her back and took out her wings forcefully. Esme cried out in pain before falling down and unleashed a painful scream.

Amidst her cries, she heard her mother\'s ruthless tone from up,

" This matter should be hidden only in our world. No one will pass this news outside unless she or he has a death wish. Our reputation can\'t be tarnished because of this unfilial child."

The crowd hummed in agreement and started to throw comments,

" Indeed she is lame."

" She doesn\'t deserve to be our princess".

" She is an absolute slut."

" We won\'t disclose the matter ever."

A baby\'s miserable death and a woman\'s pathetic cries after loosing all her powers and trueself, nothing couldn\'t melt the ruthless hearts of those presenters. On that way, Esme learnt that no matter what good deeds you have done in the past, people will remember your one mistake for eternity.


Esme\'s tears flowed down tremondously upon remembering those painful memories today. She sniffed before speaking to the crowd,

" Just before that incident happened, I possesed the power of creating fake corpses which was only known by my brothers. After Ester left, I looked for Anna and handed Ayra to her for safety. Then I performed that spell and summoned another dead corpse to replace Ayra. Lucky that time, my spell had turned out to be so powerful that the magical child started behaving like a newborn baby. She could move or mumble like other children which led everyone believing that she was the real Ayra. In a word, the child that they threw into Dark Cave was just a magical illusion that I casted to save my baby."

The crowd couldn\'t resist their tears anymore and hung their heads down embarrassingly. Back then, they had cursed her to death and even cause her getting punished for a reason which wasn\'t actually done by her.

But the fact of Ayra being a cursed child remained the same. One of the high fairy shouted out from his seat angrily,

" We admit that we have punished you unreasonably. We can mend up for this mistake but this child must die. A cursed child isn\'t welcomed by us no matter how little she is. She must be destroyed before growing up and become a disaster."


Hi guys ~? To clear your confusions, I am annoucing again that mass Release is scheduled to be released on 20th May I can\'t release before that according to the event rules.Please be patience. I am assuming that the first part of this novel wil be ending on that day.(Not sure! Depends on my mood)lol!

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