Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 101 - Be Obedient Or Let Me Make You Obedient!

The flashback ended inside his mind following by a loud gasp that escaped through his quivering lips. His heart clenched into a fist that barely gave him the audacity of breathing properly.

Resting his palms on the desk, he murmured to himself while grazing through his hairs roughly,

" What.. have.. I done?? I.. I... seem to really fall in love with you, Esme..I have become so damn selfish that I can\'t bear to share you with anyone."

Exhaling long restless sighs, he buried his frightened face into his palm before choking and blaming his own thoughts for being stupid earlier.

For the rest of the morning, he spent his entire time locking himself inside the study room as he deeply speculated his own thoughts and feelings towards Esme until his mind decided a final decision.

On the other side, another man was waiting over the last barrier of Vampire world that prohibited him to step inside. Ethan flew all the way towards here and called Siemus several times but received no response from her side.

Thus he waited on the barrier walking back and forth anxiously as his mind couldn\'t forget her shrill scream for a second. His gaze never turned relaxed as he exhaled long anxious gaze. He only wanted to reconfirm that those noises weren\'t attached to her life or was she hiding something from him?

His thoughts were becoming wild as he called out Siemus angrily,

" Siemus for god sake, come to me now. I need you just right now."

On the contrary, Siemus was staying with Athena in Sasha Palace as she glanced at Athena one last time helplessly and asking for the fifty times perhaps,

" My Lady, please let me go. He is calling me since morning. You can\'t possibly tie me here for eternity."

Athena glared at her angrily and scolded while closing the book in her hand,

" Don\'t you dare, Siemus! You were the one who foolishly accepted his request of summoning you.I know that he must be calling you to bring him here again and I\'m not going to let it happen once again."

She paused before continuing blankly,

" Don\'t forget that my marriage is going to be fixed tonight in Moonshine Castle. I can\'t let my feelings go wild at least not over him. "

Siemus parted her lips to speak something but didn\'t find a word to console her overflowing emotions. Perhaps she would have taken the same decision if she was Athena. Not everyone has the courage of choosing the same fate again and again.

Thus she remained quite as her mind connection heard Ethan\'s continous shouting and calling her name.

Damn this man!

The chilling evening fell down along with a light moonlit that was barely high lightening the dark mountains or pathways.A remote part of Vampire World that had been long declared as uninhabitable. Over the half deteriorated mountain, a fragile figure was lying down scrunching up her bruised legs that had showed sternly that how much she had been tormented. The windy weather made snarling noises as it passed through her fragile figure roughly. Except her low groans of pain, nothing could be heard on the Jajoba Mountain.

This pains were becoming more severe and unbearable as each moment passed by. As she fell in dilemma in pain between daze and reality, she heard a sound of wings flapping from the foggy sky above.

Her cruel eyes struggled to see up but the sound stopped after thundering on the ground in front of her lying figure.

Very soon, a tone of mockery echoed in her ears,

" Tsk.. Tsk.. What happened with the evil queen of Vampire World?"

ENCHANTRESS frowned deeply at this unfamiliar voice and inwardly feared that are those fairies came back again to beat her.

Thus she murmured in fear,

" Go.. Go.. away..."

Zave was a little taken back at her refusal on his first impression. His gaze filled with mockery as he sneered saying,

" Still you have so guts to speak with me like that? You will be suffering here for a month at least as I see, your condition isn\'t so higher than a street dog."

ENCHANTRESS finally looked hearing an unexpected answer and found a tall figure standing away from him. Even though he didn\'t seem familiar bit judging from his expression, she assumed that he didn\'t had good intentions to visit her here.

Thus she jumped on the straight question that seemed suitable in that situation coldly,

" What.. what do you want from me? Spill it out or get lost."

Zave smirked evilly before pulling out a paper bag from his side pocket and answered briefly,

" A DEAL."

Her eyes dimmed at his straightforward answer before gazing him from head to toe.

Meanwhile in


The maids and staffs all were busy in redecorating the hall room for the happiest occasion happening in the castle today. Queen Mother had given strict instructions to the maids that nothing should look dull or lifeless. Even the color of the curtains changed into a colorful ones. The front door had little touch up decorations with those invaluable lily flowers that considered to be a gracious thing in their world.

From the afternoon hours, they all were gathered up in arranging or cooking as Zave will come with his parents officially today to ask for Athena\'s hands. Even Aaron had nothing to say over the matter that Athena, herself expressed her thoughts to him.

Except one person, all were busy in celebrating this happy occasion. The person was none other than Esme who had been staying in her room since her argument happened with Aaron.

As the king and queen, they must have to be present while deciding the dates of marriage and other pre rituals. Thus Aaron had long back ordered a maid to send her dress to get prepared for the occasion tonight. He didn\'t dare to appear in front of her in fear of erupting her anger more. He was aware of her bold and outrageous attitude which was returning to her instinct as her powers were woking up slowly.

As he was having brief conversation with Jasper regarding the safety of castle, the maid appeared on the doorway seeming hesitant.

Finally she reported hanging her head down,

" Pardon, My Lord. Lady has refused to join the occasion and said that she wasn\'t feeling well and wants to stay in her room."

Aaron\'s expression dropped instantly before replacing with a darkened expression.

She is playing too hard! Fine, let her be there! 

But giving it a second thought, he knew that it might create weird rumours inside the guests if Esme really doesn\'t show up with him. 

Thus he dismissed Jasper quickly before heading for the bedroom putting on cold aura. He vowed in his mind that if she acted harsh with him, he was going to be the ruthless king this time. 

Standing in front of the door, he pondered for a while before slipping inside fast. The room was completely dark as the candles were all turn out. Except a vague figure lying on the bed, nothing attracted his attention as he moved forward slowly.

Reaching near her lying body, he saw her breathing fast indicating that she wasn\'t sleeping exactly. Thus he poked on her cheek playfully leaning down but spoke coldly, 

" Stop pretending and get ready fast. We have to join the family dinner."

Failed to drive away this dumb Lord, Esme flung open her eyes before looking up to see his face blankly.

She remained unmoved before repeating her decision once again,

" I\'m not feeling well. Didn\'t the maid tell you? You can join the dinner on your own. I\'m not going out anywhere."

Aaron\'s face darkened before urging her turning his tone serious,

" Don\'t act stubborn for no reason, Esme. Get up and wear this dress."

Esme blinked before asking in a mocking tone,

" Are you deaf? "

Aaron frowned before knitting his brows hard,

" What?"

Esme replied tugging the blanket over her body gently,

" Didn\'t I say that I\'m not going out? "

Aaron clenched his teeth together before glaring hard at her stubborn face,

" You are definitely going with me either willingly or forcefully."

Esme was enlarged at his words and blurted out suddenly,

" Yes.. yes.. what can you do except forcing me? Tell me??"

Hearing her indirect allegation, Aaron was angered more before pulling up her body straight harshly.

Esme cried out at his sudden action before finding herself standing over the bed straightly.

She found his grip on her waist as she cursed desperately, 

" Let go of me. I\'m not going with you.. Bastard.. let go of me.." 

Aaron held her slim body tightly as her upper body bent down a little and her palms grabbed his both shoulders involuntarily. 

Watching hatefully through his raged eyes, Esme heard him say with deeper meaning, 

" Now be good and change your clothes. Or if I take the charge of changing your clothes, you will face the consequences for an entire night. Now choice is yours." 

 He paused a bit before whispering seductively, "Be obedient or let me make you obedient." 

Esme felt goosebumps all over her body as his narcissistic words made a cold splash on her raged body. 

This man was always good on dominating! 


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