Loved By a Vampire King

Chapter 67 - What Is Happening To Me?

Esme was fell in dilemma when the cells under her body started moving vigorously. This feeling was quite familiar comparing to her past experience. The changes inside her figure only occurred to her when she used to cultivate her powers. She almost forgot the powerful feeling that she used to realise before.

Her head went blank as she paid zero attention to their movements anymore. As the skin started burning like fire, she felt the sudden heat starting from her feet travelling to her head like volcano.

On the flip side, Aaron didn\'t heed attention to her discomfort through her body as he was immersed in cherishing this heavenly moments.

Her enthusiastic words made him send in cloud nine because of immense happiness. The awkward moment was interrupted by the first raindrop from the cloudy sky above.

Esme jolted as the cold waterdrop fell over her left eyelids all of sudden.Soon after thousand drops started pouring down breaking the sky with a loud thunderstruck. Even Aaron himself was surprised at the sudden interference and left their locked lips reluctantly. A gust of annoyance appeared on his handsome face as he looked up at the damn sky ahead.

Cursing loudly, he only spitted out,

" What the.."

Despite feeling the changes still inside her body, Esme spotted the hut behind them and quickly pulled him towards it urging, 

" Let\'s head over there. I don\'t wanna drench myself in this foul weather." 

Aaron nodded his slightly before scooping her up in his arms. With the power of his speedy motion, he dashingly carried his wife under the roof of the hut. Esme was left dumbstruck in his embrace. 

He could have warned me before taking me up! Unreasonable! 

After lifting her down on the small wooden corridor of the hut, Aaron looked around to check everything. 

The maids really looked after well of this hut. It had no sign of luxury things or expensive utensils. They decorated the hut like a normal living couple with a bunch of jungle flowers, argillaceous tea and bowl sets, wooden chairs and tables in the outdoor area. 

On the other side, Esme stood at a little far away from him. Holding the railings of varenda pressing her back, she shivered at the greenish heat emitting from her eyes. She was totally clueless of her changing frantically. It was undoubtedly impossible that her powers were unsealed on its own. 

After all, it was sealed by the highest fairy which couldn\'t just break out without her order. To check herself alone, she suggested hiding the flame of her eyes abruptly, 

" Aa.. Aaron, can I go inside for a while? I need to wipe off the water from my hairs." 

Aaron didn\'t shift his gaze on her. He was reminiscing his mother\'s memory touching the hanging top of flower and replied plainly, 

" Go ahead. I had ordered the maids to prepare this hut for us. They have placed everything that we need here. Don\'t catch cold and change your clothes too." 

Esme quickly slipped out from there and entered the hut which had barely contained two rooms with little space. Panting heavily, she closed the door behind with a thud and almost fell down on the floor staggering on her feet. 

She stooped down holding her arms together and panted rapidly as if she was lacking oxygen.The veins of her body started appearing vividly like zigzag lines. 

She remembered her previous lesson that she had gained from her brother which was they needed to calm down inwardly when their powers go out of their control. Even though she wasn\'t aware of her changes, she followed his guidance and tried to calm down. 

There was only one thing that could calm her state that was Ayra. Remembering her chirping face and laughter, the memories of their days together, her lips formed into a soft smile. One by one, she remembered all the happy memories that they had shared together. The way Ayra used to nag her calling mommy everytime that was enough to heal all the sufferings that she had endured for her. 

By the time, she came out from her sweet memories, unexpectedly everything of her body had returned to it\'s usual state. She looked down in her hands and tried to check it spontaneously. 

Looking around, she found a mirror hanging in the wall as she rushed towards it fast. She looked at her half drenched face through the mirror and scanned her hazel eyes. It really had no sign of flame that she sensed earlier. 

She murmured to herself drooping her eyes lowly, 

" What\'s happening to me?" 

Biting down her swallowed lips, she contemplated in her mind whether try to cast any spell or not. After bit struggling with her inner mind, she finally stretched out her fingers shakily. 

Distancing herself from the mirror ahead, she thought of scratching it through her power. With that intention, she closed her eyes stretching out her long fingers and waited for the outcome. 

Few moments had passed but still she heard no sound of breaking. Flashing open her eyes, her face scrunched up in pain as she retrieved her fingers helplessly. Exhaling a long gasp, her disappointed figure fell down on the wooden floor. A stream of hot tears started dripping down from her eyes along with the heavy rain outside as if they were remorsing for her too. 

She cried and cried hard from the core of her heart. She was never obsessed with achieving more extraordinary powers or status but being born and raised as fairy, it was in her instinct to cherish her own nature which was snatched by her for a long time. This pain of not having any nature of fairy was too painful for her which couldn\'t be forgotten by any other things easily. 

As the thunder buzzed loudly around the environment, she almost screamed and asked between her crying, 

" Mother.. when will you forgive me?? when?" 

She punched her fists on the floor madly and asked repeatedly, 

" Why.. why didn\'t you trust me? Why mother? Why?" 


Athena continued staring at the foul weather blankly. Her silhouette was turned tougher emitting an aura of powers that she had hidden inside herself. 

Soon after she spotted a vague shadow of bird descending down from the dark clouds. Her expression turned stiff as she opened the window more to make an entrance before shifting into a corner. 

As the bird came close to her vision, she scanned her scornfully. Her birdie transformation of Eagle still looked so dangerous and cold that could frighten a mere vampire too. Her eyes were emitting dark red flaming like the fire from hell which could burn anything. Her wide deep brown wings splashed against the winds as it made her path towards the window in a swift. 

Athena felt a gush of cold wind passing through her pale face as the bird flittered it\'s stretched wind among the heavy rain. It quickly entered the room through the space of the window and surprisingly her figure wasn\'t wet at all. 

Athena remained a calm face as she waited for her to come back to her original figure. The eagle glanced at her with a flash of shipping before started converting into human slowly. 

With a blink of eye, the frightened bird turned into an young woman kneeling on the ground. Her head was hanged down as she spoke with sincerity and worshipping tone, 

" My.. my lady.. you have finally summoned this poor soul after 7 years.." 

Athena sighed staring her kneeling figure and ordered, 

" Get up from the floor Siemus. You don\'t belong to this state. I don\'t deserve it." 

The lady lifted up her head and got up from the ground reluctantly. She seemed weird comparing to other usual vampires that had existed in their world. She had messy black hairs turning into a big bun at the top of her head. Her drawn eyes were smashed with black makeups and had a small skin art of waterdrops on her chin. Putting on a ripped black gown, she complied an aura of mysterious nature which couldn\'t be discovered by others. 

Siemus finally landed her eyes over Athena\'s face and spoke with concern, 

" No.. My lady, my life was given by you. As long as I live, I will be forever your servant under your feet. Why are you looking so sad, Lady? As soon as you summoned me, I couldn\'t wait to come and see you. In the past, I didn\'t had the courage to visit you on my own. I.. I thought that you blame me after that incident. "

Athena sighed before averting her pained face outside of the window viewing the perplexity of the weather, 

" I don\'t blame you, Siemus. I only blame myself. "

Siemus frowned in confusion and waited for her to continue. Perhaps sharing the unbearable pain of her heart could heal her a little more. But Athena changed the topic instantly and commanded facing her with a firm expression,

" I only give you an hour, Siemus. You have to find out everything. I heard from a maid that a group of Vampires had been ordered to kill a fairy named Ethan Chole. You first have to figure out that who have ordered them and where are they planning to attack him?"

She paused in her words and spoke with a trembling tone,

" And... have to figure out that Is.. Is Ethan Chole really the second Prince of DALASTIA WORLD? "

Siemus face turned sour as she muttered,

" Second.. Prince.. you.. you mean.. Prince.. Edward.."

Athena interrupted her words looking away panicking inwardly,

" We don\'t have much time left, Siemus. You should go and find out everything as soon as possible. "

Siemus looked at her face pitifully before accepting her command,

" Yes, my lady. I\'m on my way. "

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