Surviving as the Second Main Lead: Second Lead's POV

Chapter 73 71: Whispers Of Devil [Pt2]

\'If you want help, then shall I help you out? All you would need to do is to surrender to me. Once you do, I will come and save you.\'

Those were the whispers of the devil. Kevin knew about this phenomenon but he had never expected to be the one to be faced with this situation.

Devils were the ultimate bad in this world and the reason these dungeons started appearing. They were supernatural entities that caused humans to die and civilizations to burn down.

Rumors were - the devil\'s whisper was so enticing that no one could refute them. But not everyone could hear them, making defending against them even more impossible.

Until now, Kevin had not known what made these whispers so powerful that everyone who heard them fell victim to them. But now that he had heard one, he knew why no one had been able to refute such a tempting offer.

It was a life-and-death situation for him. If he did not take the devil\'s hand then he would die. Or worse, be thrown into the academy\'s prison and never be let out of the cold storage.

\'No, I cannot die. Hey devil, I am ready to take your offer. Give me your power so that I can get out of here.\'

In the end, Kevin was no exception to the rule of falling for the devil and ended up surrendering his body to the devil. The devil let out a cruel laugh and Kevin felt his insides burn.

\'Your soul is mine from this point onwards. I hope you live a long life, my dear contractor.\'

Kevin clenched his fists as he felt his power burn him from the insides. It hurt to use but it was his only option of getting out of there alive. He was even willing to throw Emma away if it meant he was free to go.

"Where are you going? You will not be able to run away from me."

Howard Spencer had found Kevin and his junior decided to charge at Kevin with his sword skills. It was a dangerous situation and Kevin would have frozen up under normal circumstances.

But his current condition was different.

Power was coursing through Kevin\'s body at an alarming rate. It was tough for him to control it outright so he was unable to make his explosion softer.

Howard Spencer was lucky that he had someone come and save him in time. Otherwise, he would have ended up dead before he could reach Kevin.

"Be careful Howard. This man in front of us is no longer human. Who knows what the devil can make him do?"

Kevin tilted his head toward the side, no longer able to think properly. The power of the devil was influencing his thoughts and his actions. It was also making him feel and think about things he had never done before.

And because Kevin had such power now, he also noticed things that other humans were incapable of.

Laughter bubbled up in his throat as soon as he looked at Horas and the aura he carried. What a contradicting human this person was.

"You are like me. Why do you reject your gift?"

Kevin asked but his voice did not come out clearly from his throat. It required too much concentration to speak and it hurt him as well. But Kevin still wanted to ask Horas this question.

He tried reaching out to his brethren, the ones marked with the scent of the devil but all Horas did was shoot back at him.

"Stay back and do not come closer. You will be taken in for questioning and then detained for your crimes of kidnapping and scheming with the devil."

Horas held Kevin at gunpoint and it stunned Kevin a lot. The man in front of him was the last person who could accuse Kevin of being with the devil when the presence and the scent of the devil were much stronger on Horas.

But despite the signs, there was no actual indication of Horas being a devil carrier in him. He was behaving like a normal human being.

\'Ah, I see. He is a marked human who does not know it yet. His devil has not come for him and the contract has not been sighed yet.\'

Kevin understood this all in a matter of minutes. He was able to avoid all the attacks with the help of his newfound powers and agility. He even used his new fire powers in combination with this scent to ignite the dungeon.

"Time for me to head back. Let us meet again, dear devil carrier."

Kevin called out to Horas, but his words went unnoticed once again. His opponent reached out toward him but Kevin allowed the dungeon to pull him into its depths.

With that, Kevin disappeared into the depths of the demon world he had once disliked with a passion. Now it would be his new home, the one place that would accept me.

Both Howard and Horas watched as Kevin ran away and out of their grasp.

"W-What do we do? Is there a way to catch Senior Kevin? What about Emma? Did he take Emma with him?"

Howard questioned with a scared expression on his face. Howard could feel the younger one panicking in front of him and he placed a calming hand on Howard\'s shoulder.

That did the trick and helped Howard calm down. But it was a temporary measure at any given time.

"Your friend should be around here since I doubt Kevin took her along to the demon world. We should look around for her now."

Howard finally looked distracted as he nodded and started to look around. Horas was less concerned about Emma now and more concerned about what happened back there. He was sure that Kevin had fallen to the devil\'s whispers.

And as soon as he had disappeared, the dungeon had become very fragile. It would break if Horas put too much pressure on it now. But why had such a dungeon been made in the first place?

Does this mean that artificial dungeons were possible to make for the villains as well? This was a new and unexpected development Horas had not seen coming.

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