A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

Chapter 387 - Golden Wish...

Anna\'s POV:

Rubeus uncle: First promise me that you will accept my last wish...

Anna: What?

Last wish?

Rubeus uncle: Yes, because I don\'t know how long I will survive, so before I die I want my last wish to be done, so promise me...

Anna: Uncle, please stop talking in such a way...

(After listening to me, he coughs heavily and his monitor started beeping. Mona immediately came close to him and check his pulse and injected some of the medicine into his hand. I feel worried by looking at him in such a critical condition, and my eyes filled with tears after looking at him breathlessly. I don\'t want him to lose in our life. We want him as our guidance guardian. Meanwhile, Mark came close to me and tap on my shoulder as okay. I nodded my head as ok and tried to control my emotions. After a few seconds, Rubeus uncle became normal, and he again looked at me and Mark. Now we both went close to him.)

Rubeus uncle: Please try to understand my situation, Anna, I will be the most happiest person in the world if my last wish comes true. So please make my last wish come true, my little girl…

Anna: Uncle, please don\'t say it again and again, it\'s really hurting...

Why are mentioning your wish as last wish?

(I said with my shivering tone.)

Rubeus uncle: Please try to understand, dear...

Anna: okay, I will try to understand but promise me it\'s not your last wish, then only I will try to make your wish come true...

(After listening to me, he again coughed a little, but this time it\'s not that serious than before, and in a few seconds he continued speaking to us.)

Rubeus uncle: Okay, then, as you say from now on, I don\'t say it\'s my last wish, but it\'s the golden wish of my life. So promise me, will you make my golden wish come true?

(I immediately nodded my head as yes, but Mark tightened his grip on my shoulder as a hint to think about it once again before giving confirmation to uncle. I looked at Mark and he is still looking at me with his sharp eyes and I can understand he is asking me to confirm first what is Rubeus uncle\'s wish, later I can give promise to him. But by looking at Rubeus uncle\'s condition I don\'t want him to wait for some more time and giving respect to his wish I should not ask about it prior to my promise and I am sure he will ask for the genuine wish which I can make it true...

So I nodded my head as yes by ignoring Mark\'s hint. Immediately Rubeus uncle showed his hand to confirm the promise. I looked at Mark once again he is still looking at me as no but I don\'t want to hurt Rubeus uncle\'s feelings. So I nodded my head as ok to Mark and he takes a long breath and looked at Rubeus uncle once again and nodded his head as ok as permission to accept Rubeus uncle promise.

I smile by looking at Mark\'s confirmation and immediately placed my palm on Rubeus uncle\'s hand as promise...

Anna: Promise uncle, tell me what is your wish...

(He takes a long breath and feel relieved after listening to me and smiled by looking at me and Mark.)

Rubeus uncle: Mark\'s marriage...


(Mark and I shouted suddenly out of shock and my mind was blank after listening to his wish...


Did he ask me to marry Mark?

Rubeus uncle is still looking into my eyes for the confirmation and didn\'t yet looked at Mark. )

Rubeus uncle: Please marry Mark...

(I immediately looked at Mark, Mark is still looking at Rubeus uncle with his narrowed eyes. I again turned to Rubeus uncle.)

Anna: Yes, uncle, I will marry Mark...


It may take some time...

Rubeus uncle: Time?

How long?

Anna: Uncle, please try to understand, first Ria\'s case should get solved, then...

Rubeus uncle: No...

(Before I finish my explanation, Rubeus uncle said a strong no and his face turned to a little serious. Suddenly Mark left my shoulder, I looked at him he didn\'t respond to me and walking out of the room with a serious note by leaving me in the room. I know Mark is not ready to marry me in the right instant even I am not ready to get marry before Ria\'s case gets solved. 

I don\'t know what to do and how to explain it to Rubeus uncle...

Immediately I got a flash of my saviour, Mona...

I immediately looked at her for a solution. She came close to me with a brief smile on her face...

Mona: Don\'t worry, Anna, Mark will be normal after a few minutes...

Anna: Yeah but...

Mona: See Anna, we should not pause our current living life for the sudden incidents taken place...

Anna: What do you mean, Mona?

Mona: See, Ria is no more and we all worried about her loss but that doesn\'t mean we should stop our priorities in our life...

(I understand Mona is trying to convincing me for the marriage.)

Anna: Mona...!!!

Mona: We should move on, Anna...

And particularly when it comes to destiny, we should grab the opportunity and carry on our life in a blissful way.

Anna: But Mona, Mark and I need some time to get out of the issues taken place in our lives.

Mona: Anna, just listen to me, both of you are engaged and soon both of you are getting married and as you said you and Mark faced many issues in your lives and both of you are interested to sort out the issues first, am I right?

(I nodded my head as yes.)

Mona: Do you think Mark will easily come out of the depression of Ria\'s loss this early?

(I strike my head as no.)

Mona: Do you think you can digest your best friend\'s loss in your life?

(I strike my head as no. Not only Ria\'s loss. I lost my entire family except Alex. My mom died and I don\'t know where my father is and God only knows where is my stupid brother is and I hope we should caught him soon.)

Mona: It\'s simple Anna, both of your true love heals your wounds of family loss...

So if both of you are married, you will get the strength to face any kind of situation in the future and both of you will support to each other.

(Inbetween my thoughts Mona came more close to me.)

Mona: Anna, you don\'t know how much Mark feel insecure when you left him and went to the orphanage. I know you did it for Mark\'s safety but I again saw Mark\'s with his depression face when he didn\'t find you in the hospital; I don\'t want him to be like this, Anna...

I want both of you are happy and support to each other in each and every second...

Anna: But Ria...

Mona: Ria was dead, and she is no more, Anna...

(Mona shouted at me suddenly. I don\'t know how to explain to her, it\'s a big decision in my life and I feel like I don\'t have anyone to care about my feelings. Tears filled into my eyes and stand still like a hopeless statue. After a few seconds Mona came close to me and hugged me to console.)

Mona: Ria is no more Anna, you are the only one left for Mark and both of you are in deep love to each other and both of you are engaged. So marriage is not a big deal after marriage both of your strength will increase more to face the incidents. 

And both of you will stand with each other...

(I nodded my head as ok but still hugged Mona because I am scared to make the decision I wish Mark should be with me but he left the room and I am still confused to take the decision without Mark\'s concern.)

Mona: Try to understand Rubeus uncle\'s condition, Anna. His health condition is not good, and he feels secured if Mark gets married to you before something bad happened to him.

Anna: Mona, he will be fine...

Please don\'t talk in such a way...

(I immediately loosen Mona\'s hug and looked at Rubeus uncle. He is looking at me with his teary eyes.)

Mona: Yes, but his health condition is deteriorating Anna, I am not sure about his health condition and he will be relieved if both of you got married and he may heal soon after looking at your marriage...

Anna: My mind is still blank Mona, I don\'t know what to say...

(By listening to me, Tom came close to me.)

Tom: it\'s very simple Anna, both of you are in love and both of you are engaged and soon both of you will get marry but why that soon can be within two days?

Anna: Two days?

Mona: We are not forcing you to get married to the person whom you don\'t like. 

Tom: Yeah, we are not forcing, both of you are in deep love and marriage is one step ahead to your love bond between both of you...

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