A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

Chapter 276 - Companies Anniversary

Anna\'s POV:

There is no limit to Mark\'s teasing, every time he grabs the opportunity and teases me, but I feel relieved when I looked at his laughing face...

He looks cute and handsome when he is laughing...

Meanwhile, Alex ran to me, and Mona welcomed me and hugged me...

Mona: wowww...


Welcome to my sweet home...

What a sudden surprise..!

Mark: Actually, you and Tom surprised us with your acts...

(Mona and I immediately looked at Mark with a serious note to stop the discussion because I feel embarrassed more than Mona when he talks openly about their intimate scene...

Later we all settled at the couch and me and Mona sit corner to the couch and started our chit-chat...

Mark holds Alex and speaking something to Tom and looking at us in between and his staring towards us distract our discussion...)

Mona: Why are you staring at us, Mark?

Mark: What important thing both of you are talking about?

Mona: We don\'t let you know and it\'s a Girl\'s secrets...

(Actually, we are discussing general topics but Mona doesn\'t want to tell the same thing to Mark.)

Mark: it\'s just been a day you both are apart, and yesterday you both talked personally for hours in Anna\'s bedroom and now again excited to chit-chat...

Mona: Mark, I already told you it\'s a girl\'s secrets, and we need to share so many topics. Please don\'t disturb us with your starring looks.

Mark: Don\'t you think it\'s too much?

Mona: You are jealous

Mark: What?

Mona: Yes, you are jealous because your girl is speaking to me more time than with you...

Mark: Why I feel jealous?

By the way, I know what she might have told you...

Mona: Really?

(He nods his head as yes...)

Mona: Then tell me...

What are we talking about?

Mark: Strawberry dessert...

Mona: Why we will talk about your favorite dessert?

Mark: Because Anna specially made it for me...

Mona: What?

Did Anna make Strawberry dessert for you?

(I just nod my head as yes by looking at Mona with my Blushed face, and she is so much happy by looking at me...)

Mona: Did you bring it for me?

(Before I say anything to her, Mark interrupted and their Tom and Jerry fight started again.)

Mark: Why will she bring it for you?

Mona: Why doesn\'t she?

Mark: Because she loves me and she personally brings it to my office...

Mona: What?

(Mona immediately looked at me and she understands its true and turned to Mark...)

Mona: So, you eat the entire dessert...

(Mark nodded his head very proudly.)

Mona: I am sure you don\'t even offer a spoon to Anna…

Am I right?

Mark: I offered her but not with spoon…

Mona: What?

(I immediately fake coughed to stop the discussion because Mark will shamelessly say our intimacy scene to Mona…)

Mark: It\'s really delicious and mouthwatering, Mona...

From now on, if you need any cooking tips, you should request Anna...

She will help you...

Mona: I no need to request her. She will tell me the moment I ask...

Mark: And I forgot to give it to you, Anna...

Take this...

(Mark immediately get up from the couch and handover me a card and I have looked at its front and back...

It has a bar code on it, and it has my name and my pic on it.)

Mona: What is this, Mark?

Mark: it\'s an access card for Anna to reach me in my office and that\'s my gift from my end for her delicious dessert.

Mona: Access card?

Mark: Yes, she never stopped by any of my employees if she holds this card...

Mona: Do you think she needs an access card to reach you?

She is your life partner, and she needs an access card to reach you?

Mark: You are thinking in a wrong way, Mona...

I just personalized this I\'d card for Anna to not to face any trouble further...)

Mona: Why she will face the trouble..?

You should announce to your employees and fire the employees who talk against to Anna...

Mark: Of course I will do that, but…

Mona: Ok, from now on...

If you want to meet Anna, you need an access card...

Mark: What?

Why should I need a card to meet my girl?

Mona: Exactly, I am asking the same...

Why Anna needs a card to reach you?

Mark: Use your brain, Mona…

My staff are enormous so I prepare this special card and no one dare to stop her, so she can easily reach me...

Tom: Guys...


Stop your fight...

(We all looked at Tom.)

Tom: Tell me first...

What are your tomorrow\'s plans...

How are you going to arrange the party...

Anna: Party..?

(I didn\'t understand what Tom is talking about, but Mark immediately interrupted Tom...)

Mark: I didn\'t tell Anna about it, Tom...

(And tom immediately cut off the topic now Mona interrupted again...)

Mona: Ok, tell her now about your office party...

Anna: Office party?

Mona: Yes, Anna...

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Mark\'s company, and he doesn\'t want to celebrate it for Ria\'s loss...

But Tom and I are insisting him to arrange the party because it\'s the company\'s tradition, Anna…

(I immediately looked at Mark because he didn\'t say it to me that tomorrow is his office anniversary.)

Anna: If it is a tradition, we should not stop it, Mark...

(He simply nodded his head as yes and looked at Tom with his narrowed eyes...

I don\'t understand why?)

Mona: ok, Mark...

Like usual, ask Genie to invite paparazzi and the important persons to the party...

Mark: Yeah, I will manage it...

Mona: And tell her about the dress code to the guests...

Mark: ok...

Anna: Dress code?

Mona: Yes, Anna...

I am sure you have that color dress, and we will discuss about it later...

(I nodded my head as yes and I am not sure I should attend that annual function because the party were surrounded by all paparazzi...)

Mona: And I will give catering, and the event manager will come to the location to decorate the place...

And tell me, Mark...

Where should we arrange it?

Mark: In my garden, I think it\'s enough space for the party...

Mona: ok, then...

I will forward your home address to the event manager...

(By finishing her discussion Mona immediately get up from the couch and hold my hand and pulled me towards her room, and Mark is staring at me...

I raised my head as to what?

But he strikes his head as nothing, and I passed him and lead to Mona\'s room...

Her room was really decorated like a feminine room, and there are stars hanging around the room...

Anna: wowww..!


Your room looks cool...

Do you like stars?

Mona: Yes, Anna...

Those are my best friends from my childhood, and I will share everything with the stars by looking into the sky...

But these hanging stars are gifted by Tom before he left me, and we have many memories with these stars...


(Mona\'s face turned to Blushed by looking at those stars and I am sure she had so many sweet memories with them...)

Anna: These stars really suit your bedroom, Mona...

Mona: Yeah...

Even Alex likes them most, and he always tries to catch them by jumping, but Tom some times help Alex to catch it by raising him up...

(We both laughed by visualizing how Alex tries with his little hands...)

Mona: so...

What\'s special, Anna...

You went to Mark\'s office for the first time by taking his favorite dish, which specially cooked by you...

Anything special?

Becoming more romantic day by day…

(I immediately laughed at Mona\'s statement.)

Anna: It\'s not what you are thinking, Mona...

Mark just called me, and he is a very low and a little bit depressed in the call, and he said Tom talked to him about Ria\'s case...

So, in order to make him to a normal mood, I went to him...

Mona: you are really taking good care of him, Anna...

And Yes...

Tom even told me the same, and I started Ria\'s procedure again...

Anna: Started again?

Mona: Yes, we don\'t have Ria\'s body to postmortem again...

So I am personally investigating all the doctors, junior doctors, and each and everyone involved in Ria\'s postmortem report about the 5th culprit details and I am sure we will sort it out soon...

Anna: You and Tom are really helping us alot to solve Ria\'s case...

Thank you so much, Mona...

And I know I am disturbing your personal life too...

Mona: You are keeping me in the distance by saying thanks to me, and why do you think you are disturbing my personal life?

Anna: I know Alex is killing your personal time together...

He may disturb you all the time...

Mona: No, Mona...

Alex is my Hero...

How you think he will disturb me...?

Maybe you may misappropriate by looking at our kiss when you are entering...

And I always kiss Tom when he is back to home from work to make him releaved from work stress...

And it\'s not like, Alex is distracting our privacy...

(I smile at her and I am sure she will really take good care of Alex than me...)

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