Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP)

Chapter True Malice Is Found In Kindness. The Dawn Of A Lady And The Cold-Blooded Father (62/62) 1: Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 2 1

Vol 2: Chapter 1

—I knew from the beginning that we were being looked down on.

「I brought out the best underlings as you requested. Is there something wrong?」

Speaking of whether there was anything wrong, everything was wrong from the beginning.

The fat guy, with jaundice on his skin – perhaps due to failing internal organs – asserted that the “lowest rank” product was the “finest rank” product without even trying to hide the contempt on his face.

The man had a number of rings fitted on his caterpillar-looking, fat fingers, and a scarf embroidered with gold threads wrapped around his neck. Looking like a typical corrupt bastard.

I guess guys like these always exist no matter the world. People say “appearance makes 90% of a person”. I wore clothes made of the finest silk, and the finest hair ornaments on my blue-gray hair combed down with vegetable oil. Fitted in a classy dark suit – I was surprised to find a suit in this world – I would never be looked down by anyone.

…Except, of course, for my age.

But, I did grow quite a bit over the last four years and was now at 160 cm. To the point where my companion, cat-beastmen Zerry, said, “You grew like bamboo. Nahahaha…,” and laughed. And although not at the average height, I don’t think anyone would call me small.

However, if there was one thing that can be considered a problem, it’s my face.

My face was that of a 14 year old, equivalent to my age. These kinds of deals are judged by “appearance” – which includes “age appearance”.

“It’s just a brat, huh. But looks like a rich guy, let’s squeeze out some money” – must be what he’s thinking.

「In my eyes, it looks like there are only sick and injured people.」

As I stood behind her, a young lady – the young lady might be looked down even more than I, as she was still 12 – sitting on a luxurious chair, said, as she hit her folding fan on her palm.

The young lady’s dress was a similar scarlet as her eyes. The beautiful folds on her skirt were made by top-class craftsmen. Her beautiful, bright, blonde hair flowed down her lame dress like a golden stream of river. Her lame dress was disposable. That alone spoke to the amount of money the young lady possessed. And her coming to see a fat guy like this means she’s looking for a little spice in her boring routine – that’s how it would look to anyone. [1. TL Note: “Lame dress” is made from fabric embroidered with gold, silver, and other metallic threads. Also, expensive.]

That’s why she was looked down upon – thinking it would be easy to trick a young lady ignorant of the ways of the world.

Under the bangs flowing from right to left, the large scarlet eyes of the young lady now held a slight tinge of anger. I tried my best not to look at her eyes. Her eyes are magic eyes. Beautiful enough to enslave those who see it.

「Is that right? Well then, let’s talk about the underlings while having a meal together after this.」

Look at that. The fat bastard is digging a deeper grave for himself. At first he looked down on her, then tried to deceive, and now he’s thinking of having his way with a 12 year old girl. A lolicon. That is why there is no escape for him

However, that does not mean that the fat guy was an idiot. This was a normal reaction. Rather, the fat guy may have done his best to get to this position.

The place where I and the young lady were was one of the “Human Resource Centers” in Kruvanyu, the holy capital of the Kruvan Holy Kingdom.

They provide human resource services. It’s like a place which sends people to stores that lack workers and such.

However, the head of this place was the fat guy, and he was quite rich. The interior of the firm was decorated with a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a wine red carpet on the floor. Regardless of whether it’s just his taste or hobby – it costs money.

Can human resource services really make that kind of money?

The answer to that is – the men and women lined up on a slightly elevated platform near the wall.

Handcuffs cuffed their hands and chains were wrapped around the legs. They stood stark naked without a piece of cloth. As the young lady said, there were none in good health; some had missing limbs, some were clearly ill, and some had badly festered sore on their body. They should be in a hospital rather than standing naked in this place. But of course, it wouldn’t be that easy. “Life” in this world is almost cheap and trifling.

「Did you say that these people are the “underling”…?」the young lady frowned. Even while frowning, and with distress on her face, she was still ridiculously beautiful.

“Underling” – In the ordinary sense, a word that means “subordinate” or “follower”. However, when they are lined up stark naked like that, they cannot possibly be either of the two.

In short, it was a secret word for “slave”.

Since trading and possession of “slave” was illegal in the Kruvan Holy Kingdom, they were sold and bought with the term “underling” and bound with contract magic. What about any of this is different from “slave”?

「Well, it seems like this was a little too shocking for you, young lady. These guys are slaves, so to speak.」

The fat guy then snapped his finger.

The room door opened, and strong, muscular men stepped in. Fortunately, this time they were wearing armor instead of being naked. If it were a naked group, I would surely be scolded by the young lady’s papa for not protecting her innocence.

「Hmm. These people too…」

There were all sorts of races – humans, beastmen, fishmen, dwarves – but all of them had a look of confidence.

And on their left hand, a bangle-like tattoo traces.

I rubbed my left hand unconsciously.

「Of course, they are also slaves.」

「They’re all yours?」

「Obviously. Well, it’s too late to change your mind now.」

The fat guy looked at the young lady from top to bottom, as though undressing her with his eyes, while licking his lip.

With this many men, and trying to intimidate the young lady… I suppose he’s planning to rape her.

Well, the lady did claim to be from a nonexistent company called “Fair Harmony Company”, and if it is a name he has never heard before, that means it is not located in the holy capital – so he must have thought he could cover up information about her from getting out. There are no other attendants besides me either.

Moreover, the young lady is extremely beautiful. Considering the fat guy’s lolicon nature, I can kinda understand his feelings – just very slightly.

However, I think he should wait at least 5 more years.

「Yes… I will not change my mind.」The lady’s voice was cold, like a cold night in winter.「You are completely corrupt. What you are doing is a violation of Article 17 of the Kruvan Holy King’s Law, “Holy Kingdom Citizen Rights”.」


The fat guy was puzzled. And then his face suddenly turned red.

「You… I thought you were just a naive girl, but you are the lately rumored “Slave Business Crusher” huh!?」

Wow, people just nicknamed her “Slave Business Crusher” without putting in any creativity into the name.

「Hmm! What a letdown! The rumored “Slave Business Crusher” is such a brat, and the attendant is also another brat.」

Stop saying “brat”, fatty. Some 14-year-olds get hurt by it.

By the way, the 12-year-old in front of me should be enraged internally by now. She’s at that age where she hates being treated like a child more than anything.

「You guys probably have some ridiculous skills, but unfortunately for you, this room is cast with magic that disables the use of skills. If you wanna fight, then I’m not gonna hold back either. Oi, you guys! Capture the girl!」the fat guy ordered his slaves.


「Yes, my lady.」

「Protect me.」

At that moment, the men who were trying to surround us were blown away. Some crashed into the wall, and some were thrown against a shelf, destroying bottles of liquor lined on it. And some others, crashed through the heavy entrance door and flew all the way outside.

「What… just happened?」

The fat guy seemed unable to process what just happened.

「The number of slave traders we have crushed so far is 5.」I said, pointing out five fingers towards him, while fixing my forelocks, which were dishevelled by poor magic control, with my other hand.

「All of them used skill inhibition magic in the room. Why did you think it would end any differently for you?」

「No, uhh, wha…」

「You can use magic even without a skill. Everyone relies too much on skills… goodnight.」

I approached the fat guy, and held up my hand. I didn’t want to touch the greasy face, but I couldn’t activate the magic without direct contact, so I touched it.

I put the fat guy to sleep with【Dark Magic】, causing him to fall to the floor.


「Yes, it’s over.」

「Then, call the guards!」

「Yes, yes.」

I stuck my hand out of an open window and pointed my palm towards the sky. A fire bird appeared from my palm and flew over the twilight sky of the holy capital. Within a few minutes, it should reach the guard’s dormitory, and as before, the captain of the guards should rush to this location.

I wonder how the fat guy will try to plead when he wakes up…? Perhaps he would play the victim – as all the slave traders before have done – and claim that he was attacked by a girl and a boy.

But that is exactly when he will learn the true identity of the girl.

「Let’s go, Lady Eva. Your father, I mean, His Excellency the Earl should be waiting for you.」

I left the firm with the young lady, the daughter of Earl Sillys.

When I gave a slight nod to Zerry-san, who was watching the scene from the shadow of a building, she waved her hand and melted into the darkness.

Come to think of it, why… How did I end up doing something like this?

Oh, right. It all began when I saved the Earl’s life a year ago.

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