The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings

Chapter 55

‘It would have been more perfect if the place I was in right now was indoors.’

The girl stared straight ahead, voicing a lament that no one else could hear. She saw a woman cutting off flower stalks close by. She was a brilliantly gorgeous woman from head to toe, to the point where the sweat on the side of her face would be mistaken for a transparent jewel.

“Madam! Leave this to me!”

The girl turned her gaze to the source of the sound. A middle-aged man with a shaggy beard was running their way shouting. At that, the woman, who was concentrating on picking flowers, stopped working. The cheerful ring of her silvery voice resonated in the back garden.

“I’m done. I also want to do things like this.”

The woman, who was as sunny as the weather, stood up with a handful of flowers. The hem of her white dress reaching the ground, drew a semicircle around her. She turned around and looked at the girl, “Adora.”

…She was so beautiful that she almost took her breath away.

“You called, Madam,” the girl responded belatedly.

With her brilliant dew and splendid radiance, the woman approached the girl step by step. Her elegant movements gave the illusion that her white dress in the sun fluttering behind her appeared to be spreading out.

“Yes, how is it?” The woman known as the Duchess of Bernhardt asked with a smile. That is to say, to me.

Adora recalled why she was there and thought back to four days ago.

* * *

Biting her lips, Adora looked at Countess Zardea. If looks could kill, her chilly purple eyes wouldn’t hesitate to shoot her, if she were to try anything, but Adora barely toed the line.

At this time, Adora should’ve been in the dormitory of Lafern School of Theology. However, at the behest of her mother, Countess Zardea, she was coerced to come to the capital.

When Adora refused to obey, saying she wanted to be a theologian, the Countess took strong action by cutting off her tuition.

Lafern was generous to the commoners who had nothing but collected a certain amount of donations from the nobility. In the end, Adora had no choice but to kneel down and return to the capital.

“It’s all wrinkled up.”


“You should’ve at least considered the timing. My semester will be ruined now.”

At the end of this semester, Adora was to become a senior student. However, thanks to her mother, Countess Zardea, she was cut off in the middle, let alone finishing this semester.

“Sit straight.”

Regardless, Countess Zardea maintained a consistent attitude. Her mother, who was born and raised in the capital, was pointing out Adora’s posture even in this situation.

“It’s been a while since I wore a dress, so I’m uncomfortable in it. The carriage is shaking too much. Isn’t it too old?” Adora, who couldn’t be openly annoyed with her mother, turned her attention to something else.

“I was supposed to do my language interpretation homework,” she knew complaining wouldn’t work, but Adora tried. She was implying that she should feel guilty even if in this way.

The Countess, who had quietly listened to her daughter’s complaints, asked in a dissatisfied manner, “We’ve humored you enough. We allowed you to attend Lafern, which the nobles don’t acknowledge as a school, and even canceled your Coming-of-age ceremony because you didn’t want it. But that doesn’t mean you’re not an adult. When will you grow up?”


“Do you remember that you’re the sole heir of our family?”

Adora’s lips were stubbornly closed. There was nothing wrong with what her mother said. Her parents were generous and humored her a lot. That’s why every word of her mother caused a pang in her chest.

Adora quietly pondered over the words ‘sole heir’. She was her parents’ only child. Their love was enough, but Adora felt suffocated. If it weren’t for that, her parents wouldn’t be so obsessed with her.

When her daughter remained silent, the Countess eased her anger and called her, “Adora!”


“There aren’t any people in the world who can live doing what they want. Though, you mustn’t forget that you are lucky among them. Have you seen street orphans? They don’t have parents to look after them, so they’re always hungry and sleep on the cold floor. They don’t have the luxury of having a dream. How about you compared to that? Do you wish to have no parents, starve, and sleep on the ground? Unlike them, you can change several dresses, buy accessories, and enjoy luxury. And if you want to, you can get an education like this.”


“The only reason you’re able to throw a tantrum like this is that you have the privilege to do so. It’s the things you have that are spoiling you.”

Adora sat casually and straightened out the crumpled fabric, while Countess continued, “However, people who enjoy such privileges have responsibilities for as much as they enjoy. And your responsibility is fairly easy.”

Her mother’s touch was sincere, but Adora couldn’t help but be sarcastic, “And that responsibility is marriage


“Yes,” the Countess’s voice was incredibly warm. And she held Adora’s hand with as much tenderness.

If I persisted like this, I might stop Mother. Adora shook her head and pulled out her hand, “Mother, I don’t want to get married.”

“But you have to do it,” the Countess was resolute.

“You can adopt a son.”

“Why would we do that when we have you, our own child? Your father wants you to inherit the county. He loves you so much; it’s natural that he wants you to inherit what’s yours.”

“When I get married, my husband, not me, will inherit it. Or my child. Whether it’s a title, position, or property.”

“But your case is a little different. Unlike other women, you can hold the position of countess even if you change your husband. Whoever your husband will be, you’ll remain the Countess. All of Zardea is yours. We’ll ensure that as much property is transferred to your son as possible, so don’t worry about that.”

This might be the best consolation the Countess could offer Adora. But in actuality, that’s not what Adora wanted. Property, status, honor— she didn’t care about such secular things.


“Marquis Dartner’s Young Lord is a decent man. He has a mild temper. He meets the qualifications to be your husband. How fortunate is that!”

Adora’s mouth became bitter at ‘Marquis Dartner’s Young Lord’. She remembered the one-sided notification she received the other day.

[We have arranged your wedding with Marquis Dartner’s second son.]

The letter clearly stated that. At first, Adora doubted her eyes. No matter how frustrating I am, how can you arrange me with a man I don’t even know? Actually, it was a common occurrence, but Adora couldn’t believe that her parents did that.

“Even if he’s the second son, why would they marry into our humble family?”

“Don’t cross the line. How upset would your father be if he heard this?”

As her mother said, her father would obviously blame himself, saying it was all his fault for his inability. Adora gently lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry, I misspoke. But it’s true. Why would the Dartners try to marry a Zardea in the first place? No matter how your son may become a count, Dartners have several noble peerages above that, right? They won’t want me.”

“Don’t worry about that.”


“The Duchess of Bernhardt will take you as her lady-in-waiting.”

At that moment, she ran out of breath. Adora began coughing and barely opened her mouth, “What did you say?!”

“Duchess Bernhardt said she would take you as her lady-in-waiting.”

“…Heavens!” Adora’s soul seemed to be escaping her. “Why would she?”

“She probably pitied your situation.”

Adora was depressed by the word ‘situation’. She didn’t get along well with the young girls from high society, and she couldn’t do anything about the young lords molesting her. She was sick and tired of it all, so she enrolled in Lafern.

Frankly, she wasn’t brainy enough to get into Gracivan or Noello academy. Consequently, Adora was satisfied with that. Life in Lafern wasn’t bad, and she found herself enjoying studying theology. She even wanted to be a theologian if she could.

“She has never had a lady-in-waiting, but since you’ll become her first lady-in-waiting, you should thank her for her kindness.”

Becoming the lady-in-waiting of Duchess Bernhardt was already a huge deal, and to be the first lady-in-waiting? This was enough to remain grateful for life. With that tag on, Adora can marry the Dartners’ second son, even if her reputation is stained and she couldn’t completely blend into high society.

But was that really what she wanted? She wanted to live a leisurely life while learning theology…

“Why aren’t you answering? You can’t avoid it. It’s your duty.”

Adora looked at the Countess. Her tone was forceful, but not as much as her expression. Because of her, the Countess had to reveal such an ugly expression. Adora felt guilty about it. She was tired of her parents urging her to come back, so in a fit of anger and annoyance, she sent a letter saying she would sever her relationship with them.

“…I understand,” Adora nodded as if admitting defeat. She knew deep down that she couldn’t shirk it.

Adora, who was wandering inside the mansion, caught a passing servant.

“Excuse me…”

Fortunately, the maid recognized Adora, “You must be the Young Lady of Zardea, the new lady-in-waiting of Madam. How can I help you?”

“Where is Young Lord Bernhardt’s office?”

“Why are you looking for the Young Master’s office?”

“The Lady gave me a task to do.”

When the maid saw the flowers Adora was holding, she understood and stretched her arm, “Go this way and turn left. The third room you see is the Young Master’s office.”

“Thank you.”

“Call me if you need anything,” the maid answered politely and went her way. Adora sighed and resumed her steps. Today, her footsteps felt gloomy, probably due to the mood around.

Again and again.

The sound of her shoes was particularly distinct, as if the only vitality of the old-fashioned mansion was the sound of her footsteps. Turning the left corner, Adora had a thought. Everything is calm here— the mansion, the servants, the Duchess of Bernhardt, the Duke of Bernhardt, and—

“What’s the matter?”

That boy, too.


As soon as she opened the door, Adora’s train of thought was halted by the dark blue eyes looking at her.

“Y-you were in here?”

The boy’s elegant forehead distorted slightly. ‘You were in here?’ was a stupid thing to say, she admitted.

“This is my room.”

It was a simple and concise answer. But it was enough. Who would say anything about the owner of the room being in his own room? She was the one in fault for suddenly barging in, assuming the owner wasn’t inside.

“I didn’t know you were there and I made a mistake. I had heard that you were working hard to prepare for the knight exam, so I thought you were in the training grounds.”

“Even so, this is not a place Her Ladyship can enter without permission.”

His words were as hurtful as his face was harmful to the heart. To be exact, it wasn’t words that were hurtful, but the frosty tone saying them.

“I apologize, Young Lord. I’ll be careful next time. I hope you forgive me.”

Naturally, Vicente wasn’t saying anything wrong, which is why Adora immediately admitted her mistake. However, after a long while, there was no answer from the boy, indicating whether it was okay or not.

Adora lingered at the doorstep, unable to enter or leave the room due to the uncomfortable atmosphere. Suddenly, she heard a faint sigh.

“I’ll let it pass this time. What brings you here?”

Is that what nobility inherent by birth is like? How is his authoritative manner of speech so natural? Even though he wasn’t particularly demonstrating a sense of authority, the meaning behind his ‘I’ll let it pass’ was clear. In terms of status, even though I’m below him, coupled with this sense of authority, I’m still far below…

Feeling a little tired, Adora answered, “The Duchess sent these flowers.”

His blue eyes went cold. Adora missed her home.


She repeatedly called the Duchess in her heart, who didn’t appear no matter how much Adora called.

What’s the problem? Adora looked at the bouquet in her hands. In her eyes, there was nothing wrong with the flowers. They were very pretty yellow flowers. Then, what’s the problem?

Unlike the kind Duchess, her son was not kind at all. He didn’t necessarily have to be kind to her, but encountering him made her uncomfortable, so Adora found it exhausting.

Would it have been better for the maid named Lianne to come? She didn’t know if the relationship between the maid and the Young Lord was good or bad, but for some reason, she thought so.

Just then she heard a cold voice, “Why is Your Ladyship here?”

…As expected, the flowers were not the problem, but I. Adora had a bitter look on her face because she didn’t like being discriminated against. He may not have meant it, but he’s pretty mean.

“As the Young Lord knows, I’m Madam’s lady-in-waiting.”

Instead of sulking, Adora’s tone was very polite. Because her liver grew bolder1 only in front of her parents.

‘Please forgive this unworthy child, Father, Mother.’

Adora swallowed the tears stuck in her throat and smiled broadly like a fool, “That’s not what I…”



The esteemed Young Lord in front of her grimaced. Then his facial muscles moved subtly, drawing another expression.


Must be good to be that good-looking. Even if you frown like that, you can give off an air of contemplation. Adora admired inwardly. I’m sure nobody would get tired looking at that face. His parents are outstanding, so what of their child? She could only sigh in awe.

“Any problem?” Vicente asked because he was bothered, but then only shook his head. As the awkward atmosphere resumed, Adora hurriedly decided to convey the Duchess’ words.

“Madam said that she’s sorry she couldn’t bring it in person.”


“She’s welcoming a guest right now. She wasn’t sure when the guest would leave, so she sent me instead.”


“Yes. From the Visarides…”

“I see.” This time, again, Vicente cut off Adora’s words, ignoring everything else he didn’t like.

Adora lifted the flowers in a dull mood. “Then I’ll leave this in the vase.”

She waited for the permission to be granted, but Vicente did not reply. Once again, Adora glanced at Vicente to tell her what to do, however, she couldn’t read anything from his expressionless face. Wondering if it was tacit consent, Adora took a step into the room.

“Take it with you.”

“I’m sorry?”

“And you don’t have to come anymore.”

Adora’s face hardened. She didn’t know the details, but she could tell by the nuance. He’s saying that to the Duchess of Bernhardt, not her.

She thought of leaving, but the image of the Duchess picking flowers while sweating profusely under the bright sun since morning came to her mind. She felt bad about it, so Adora couldn’t let it go after all, “Pardon me, but the Duchess will be disappointed.”

“It’s none of your business.”

“She personally picked them thinking of you, without asking the gardener.”

“I told you not to care, Young Lady.”

The low voice was not a recommendation but an order.

“But still, she’s your—”


“Ah…” she let out a sigh when she noticed her mistake.

Not all mothers were the same.

Especially not for him.

She didn’t finish her words, but clearly, he understood. Adora was perplexed. She had forgotten what her mother, Countess Zardea, had told her before she came to the Duke’s mansion.

‘Care not to get entangled between the mother and son’s business. The Duchess seems to come to care about the Young Lord only as of recently, but we still don’t know what’s inside.’

‘I thought you said that the Duchess is a friendly person.’

‘Yes, she’s friendly to me. However, she is also someone who neglected her own son. She could be a ruthless person behind closed doors, who knows. I mean, how could you do that to a child born out of your own womb? I like her. However, even as a mother of a child, it’s true that I’m reluctant to step in. Understand? Don’t step in too deep in the meantime, just do what the Duchess tells you to do.’

She clearly said that.

Even if she was distant from high society, she, too, had heard anecdotes of the Duchess and the boy.

Adora looked at Vicente cautiously. Contrary to her fears, he was staring at Adora with calm eyes. It was a dry gaze as if telling her to say what you want to or leave if you don’t.

“I understand, Young Lord.”

Adora curtsied and closed the door. She had nothing to say.

* * *

The Zardeas always appearing in the opening and ending of a volume XD

I was so happy when I opened a new file for v3. I hope you enjoy it!

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